My friend just made red belt black stripe



Hi all. Just wanted to share the good news from across the "pond". My friend Linda from England received her red belt w/ black stripe in TKD tonite. She had to perform 8 patterns as well as sparring and other requirements. A killer exam to say the least. This is an accomplishment it itself but the fact that she's hearing impaired is even more awesome. Next up is the black belt, possibly next May or June. I have no doubt that she will make it. All the best, Steve
OUTSTANDING!!! My best of luck for her continued sucess in TKD..
karatekid1975 said:
Congrads :) I'm testing for the same in July. I can't wait, but yet I'm nervous LOL
That's natural. Heck I was almost at the point of bafting out a lung at my last exam. Im sure you don't need me to tell you this but I'll tell you what I told my friend: Just do your best, relax and concentrate. All the practice will pay off. Good luck and keep us posted! All the best, Steve
karatekid1975 said:
Congrads :) I'm testing for the same in July. I can't wait, but yet I'm nervous LOL
Nervous, it is a common response. but, for belt tests, I have nevered been nervous. heck, i wasn't even nervous on wedding day.

I was nervous upon the birth of my daughter...or was that also excitement? Hmmnnn....

My spouse does tell me often that I am to calm about many things.
Please pass along our congratulations to your friend from "across the pond."

Good luck Laurie.

Miles said:
Please pass along our congratulations to your friend from "across the pond."

Good luck Laurie.

Will certainly do and thanks.
Congratulations to your friend, Steve! :partyon: That's a great accomplishment, especially for someone physically challenged. At my old school there was a blind guy who made it to Green Belt & who could spar (you had to whistle so he'd know where you were, & then he would hit you--HARD! :lol: ). Anyway, it always inspires me to hear about disabled/physically challenged athletes--thanks for sharing it with us. :asian:

And Good Luck to you, Laurie! :ultracool
I've been scouring the web looking for a short video showing the Sign Language version of Congratulations, but the only thing I found was a series of animated GIF's that wouldn't translate when I tried to save them. SO....we'll have to settle for this...



That is fantastic. Wish her well.
Yeti said:
I've been scouring the web looking for a short video showing the Sign Language version of Congratulations, but the only thing I found was a series of animated GIF's that wouldn't translate when I tried to save them. SO....we'll have to settle for this...



That is fantastic. Wish her well.
Thank you anyway sir. Even if you were able to find the video, more than likely I wouldn't be able to play on here. I have webtv and it's very limited with it's capabilities. But I'll pass on yours and everyone else's congratulations......Gin, Im happy to share the good news. I've always told her how proud I was of her accomplishments. That nothing, not even being hearing impaired, stopped her from enjoying TKD. Now it's wait and see if or when she'll go for her black belt. But that's a long way off. Stay tuned......Steve
Kempogeek said:
Hi all. Just wanted to share the good news from across the "pond". My friend Linda from England received her red belt w/ black stripe in TKD tonite. She had to perform 8 patterns as well as sparring and other requirements. A killer exam to say the least. This is an accomplishment it itself but the fact that she's hearing impaired is even more awesome. Next up is the black belt, possibly next May or June. I have no doubt that she will make it. All the best, Steve

I've personally always had more respect for the average Joe or Jane who achieves success in the martial arts due to self-discipline and perseverance than the "naturals" who excel, at least at the student level, with much, much less effort. I double that respect for someone who's impaired in any way. Tell her the U.S.A. sends it's congrats.

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