Munich, the movie


Senior Master
MTS Alumni
Jun 20, 2003
Reaction score
Cleveland, OH
Steven Spielburg is releasing a new movie staring Eric Bana about the aftermath of the massacre at the Munich olympics where a handful of Palistinian terrorists killed Isreali atheletes to bring attention to the plight of their people. The story is about how the Mussad sent multiple bands of assassins to track and eliminate all the people involved. The movie was edited multiple times to satify executives that mentioned that it was to sympathetic to the Isrealis. Do you think this is a movie that will effect the Islamic people's view of America or American cultures? Do you think that it will effect Isreali relations? Do you think it is right to alter an artists work to cater to political issues? Does this glorify the Mussad or vengance/violence of the Isrealis? Any other comments.
OULobo said:
Steven Spielburg is releasing a new movie staring Eric Bana about the aftermath of the massacre at the Munich olympics where a handful of Palistinian terrorists killed Isreali atheletes to bring attention to the plight of their people. The story is about how the Mussad sent multiple bands of assassins to track and eliminate all the people involved. The movie was edited multiple times to satify executives that mentioned that it was to sympathetic to the Isrealis. Do you think this is a movie that will effect the Islamic people's view of America or American cultures? Do you think that it will effect Isreali relations? Do you think it is right to alter an artists work to cater to political issues? Does this glorify the Mussad or vengance/violence of the Isrealis? Any other comments.
If anything, it will likely be another watered down hollywood treatment of a historical topic. The book that Munich is based on has been a controversial one, with others involved in the actual events of Mossad hunting down the terrorists that sponsored the kidnapping and killing of the Israeli Olympic team saying that author wasn't being entirely truthful, and had less involvement than he claimed.

I'll watch the movie and decide then what I think. Spielberg has made some entertaining movies over the years, this one will likely be no exception.
Well remember Speilberg bombed with his re-make of War of The Worlds (I personally thought it sucked).
But to answer the question if it will changed any anti-semetic views? Did Schindler's List change any ideals... maybe a little.
This event though over 30 years old doesn't quite get remembered as other horrific events do. It's mentioned however whenever one talks about terrorists/terrorism but other than that the subject has to be brought up before anyone thinks to talk about it.
But I agree... most likely it will get the hollywoodized treatment but then again with Speilberg being one of the most powerful men in Hollywood; he just might do the Schindler's List treatment with it.

He's also selling his Dreamworks company to Paramount for 1.6 Billion dollars.

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