Multiple ITF World champion Pierre Gunette vs Andy Hug,does not last long


Black Belt
Aug 30, 2021
Reaction score
Shouldn't a multiple World champion in General Chois proof tested system last longer than this?


    • Médaille d'or
      2 fois Champion Mondial TaekwondoITF(1987 et 1992).
    • Médaille d'argent
      3 fois Médaille d'Argent Championnat mondial Taekwondo ITF(1988,1990,1996)
    • Médaille de bronze
      1 fois Médaille de Bronze Championnat mondial Taekwondo ITF(1999)
    • Médaille d'or
      8 fois Champion canadien - ITF (1987-88-89-90-92-94-99) WTF (2003)

Got any footage of one of your fights, see if you can do any better?

How can you compare Aldo running into a punch with this guy getting mauled and exhibiting no strength whatsoever
Again, what's your point? What are you trying to discuss?
@Earl Weiss claims that General Chois system has been proven to work before I was born.

Elite ITfer Gunette was like a bugg to a K1 fighter.

Andy hugg is a pretty good example of a k1 fighter though.

You have set a high bar.

Alternatively you could ask Earl Weiss to show the proof he is claiming or discount his claim without having to put more effort in to it.

Because that is how a claim of proof works. Burden is on the person making the claim and all that.

(And then watch the thread spiral in to this magic fantasy land of personal anecdotes and urban myths)
@Earl Weiss claims that General Chois system has been proven to work before I was born.

Elite ITfer Gunette was like a bugg to a K1 fighter.

Otherwise if it is proven before you were born. It is still irrelevant if nobody living can replicate that.

And you would still discount the claim.
In the second fight, he is gassed out after 30 seconds, or drunk.

This is a two time WC.
Gunette would run circles on me in point sparring. Full contact he gets completely shell shocked however.
O'Malley said:
Got any footage of one of your fights, see if you can do any better?

Gunette would run circles on me in point sparring. Full contact he gets completely shell shocked however.

You could always see if he will fight you full contact. Shouldn't be an issue for you since you believe " His strikes were feathers" (Post #3)
Gunette would run circles on me in point sparring. Full contact he gets completely shell shocked however.

You could always see if he will fight you full contact. Shouldn't be an issue for you since you believe " His strikes were feathers" (Post #3)

What did you think of his performance?
What did you think of his performance?
I think it is a good example of someone who trains for a certain "game" and then compete in a different game without the intense and lengthy preparation required for the new parameters.