Muay Thai Vs Taekwondo

Marginal said:
A similar level of skill. That casts an interesting angle on the discussion. Usually MT guy vs TKD guy presumes that the MT guy's a professional fighter and the TKD guy's some weekend duffer, with no middle ground allowed...

You can't start as a professional. There is a school here in Vegas that has both MT and TKD. It was a traditional TKD school but got "taken over" by MT. (Weird soap-opera worthy story including being sat down with Bob Chaney to hear how the Dojo would be "taken back" and become part of Chaney Studios. Can you tell why I am not there now?) I attended there on a trial basis when I first moved here.

Anyway... there were beginner through advanced MAists in both MT and TKD. Often they would have some open sparring between classes. It was a neat dynamic. One thing I'll say about MT - it's one of the most grueling workouts I've ever watched.
Okay I'll throw my hands up!I messed up when i wrote the opening post,It is getting abit silly now I just wanted to compare both arts and maybe talk a little about what would happen if the two arts were put in combat opening post I agree was rubbish since it was baised thanks to my ignorant copy and pastewr techniques.....I am not offending anyones style,I'll be honest I raise to argument quickly so if soemone says something that is rude I always raise to lets all leave the personal stuff by the door and tray nad have a conversation..even if i was the one to start trouble.(")din
One thing I have found is the that tkd fights legs and shins arent as conditioned as mt for obvious reasons,must tkd kicks focus on the body and head while mt fighters continue to pelt that leg with kicks,when i started muay thai my Kru pelted my legs 8 times and made it almost impossible for me to walk let along let off another kick,what do you guys think of this point ....could a tkd fighter take the pain?or does tkd have similar techs??
Odin said:
One thing I have found is the that tkd fights legs and shins arent as conditioned as mt for obvious reasons,must tkd kicks focus on the body and head while mt fighters continue to pelt that leg with kicks,when i started muay thai my Kru pelted my legs 8 times and made it almost impossible for me to walk let along let off another kick,what do you guys think of this point ....could a tkd fighter take the pain?or does tkd have similar techs??

I would say most TKD school do not condition there shins but we do at are with wood. You know strech out the legs and pound the shins with the edge side of wood to develope the shins for kicking but in general I believe you to be right.
condition the shins are important, but conditionig the back of your legs are even more important!(IMO) You've got one great advantage when you force your opponent to switch to southpaw by chopping that leg. I went up against a guy that was about 83 lbs. over me. he was much more powerful (but much slower) I ran up, chopped his leg, and got the hell outta there before he grabbed me and tackled me down. CHOP CHOP CHOP, RUN RUN RUN, side step CHOP. he fell like a sack of potatoes!
I love sparring with TKD purests. since i have done TKD for most of my Martial arts career, I know what to expect, but since i have been crosstraining in MMA style fighting, i can assure you that the low-kick is one effective tool when fighting a TKD fighter.​
One thing I have found is the that tkd fights legs and shins arent as conditioned as mt for obvious reasons,must tkd kicks focus on the body and head while mt fighters continue to pelt that leg with kicks

Most tkd fighters don't condition the shins probably because mst tkd fighters don't use the shin as a weapon. The kick with the shin is not, as far as I know, part of tkd so using it in a kin is not really done. It's not the target selection but the weapon selection., really. When a TKD kick goes for a low kick it's going to be a sidekick or a roundhouse with the foot or something of that nature.
Odin said:
could a tkd fighter take the pain?or does tkd have similar techs??

1) Depends on the fighter.

2) TKD does have low line kicks, and it also has shin blocks etc which can deal with low line kicks. It's dependent on whether or not the techs are trained consistently that makes the real difference here. Generally, they are not. Doesn't mean they can't be.
terryl965 said:
I would say most TKD school do not condition there shins but we do at are with wood. You know strech out the legs and pound the shins with the edge side of wood to develope the shins for kicking but in general I believe you to be right.

Everyone should be very careful with this. There are some nightmare stories out there about improper shin conditioning and serious long-term effects. If you do a google search or even just a search on this site, you should find quite a bit on it. If anyone is interested, check out the the Muay Thai section here - there is a thread or two about shin conditioning.

Way off topic, I know. Apologies.

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