Muay Thai Vs Taekwondo

Odin said:
the links....i HAVE ALREADY EXPLAINED...listen you seem very protective of your martial art,i understand sorry if I offend you.I'll leave it as that with everyone else....

Odin just so you know I wrote mine the same time so I did not see your answer about the comment on the bottom.

My apology if it was upsetting to you, also I notice one other aspect to your posting if it is against Muay Tai then they are wrong and if its for Muay Tai than they are right, hold true to your Art and train hard.

Remember both type of fighting have set rules in the ring, one must follows rule or never win, secondly the street is a whole different ballgame not saying TKD is better in the street but the actual person will determine the outcome in that stituation not the Art.

I hope I have not induce you at all but maybe help you see the other side of people perspective in the Arts.

FYI I also train in Okinawa Karate with my father Master Drill Instructor W.R. Stoker Sr.USMC so TKD is my secondary Art.
Odin said:
I had this convo in a bar one night with a friend that’s brother is a black belt in the sport,me being a Thai fighter said that muay thai is the best all-round stand up discipline that you can practice...he then sent me the first thread of a Thai fighter been beaten by a teakwondo fighter....I thought that fight was fixed so I found another video (watch at a and see!) but what do you guys think of the films?or that argument in general.
Is teakwondo just full of flashy kicks that are impractical in a fight or is muay thai simply over rated??

check the links---->
The shroud of fakeness

The truth

Odin...could you beat say...the olympic gold medalist for TKD? How about a young Mike tyson?How about Bruce Lee? How about Chuck Norris?

I see that you are only trying to validate your self with the MT vs TKD argument...honestly i think that traditional TKD is not very different from MT..but it prefers to be in the kicking range....true the olympic styles have watered it down and i feel that on the day the better fighter will win be it TKD or vote neither is very street effective...but that is not all that makes up a MA..dont get me wrong TKDers and MTers can kick ***...but they lack the techs to grapple...ground fight...MT has no joint locking or ground fighting that I am aware of...TKD doesnt grapple as far as I know so neither art IMHO is more complete than the other...they ar as incomplete as the other...the most well rounded arts are combat hapkido (but of course I would say that), aikido and JJJ! They teach to fight in all ranges!
Now I know that what I said is going to piss alot of people off, but it is my view and I do not mean to offend..I respect anyone who puts in the time to try to master an art..I think TKD is awesome as well as MT and i have trained in both but in my journey i have found other arts to be more effective and complete!
Odin said:
The videos have circulated through the TKD forum already.

1st vid: The general conclusion was that the MT fighter wasn't very good, and the TKD fighter despite knocking the MT guy around wasn't really doing much that hurt the guy. He was just displacing him. Looked kinda cool, but he wasn't really getting anywhere.

2nd vid: Selective footage as supplied by a MT club. (Both vids are extremely edited.) It's interesting to actually visit the website of that tournament it's an open competition, and the tournament history has more than one TKD guy taking the top spot.

Try this video for fun.
The MMA kid! said:
is it your secondary art because it is your second art, or are you more knowledgable in Okinawan Karate?[/quote

Okinawa was what I learn first, then I started TKD tor the last 25 years

Odin said:
I had this convo in a bar one night with a friend that’s brother is a black belt in the sport,me being a Thai fighter said that muay thai is the best all-round stand up discipline that you can practice...he then sent me the first thread of a Thai fighter been beaten by a teakwondo fighter....I thought that fight was fixed so I found another video (watch at a and see!) but what do you guys think of the films?or that argument in general.
Is teakwondo just full of flashy kicks that are impractical in a fight or is muay thai simply over rated??

check the links---->
The shroud of fakeness

The truth

Debates like this usually tend to rage on and on with no solid conclusion. That being said, it is hard to judge what art is best by watching a video, considering that we may not know the rules of the fight. We also need to consider that what may or may not be able to be done in the tourny. may not apply if the two fighters met on the street.

In the end, all styles have their strong and weak points. We can have 10 fights and get 10 different results. How each person gears his/her training will also play a big part.

I could be wrong here, but it seems that Muay Thai translates better into NHB events than TKD.
Ahh well. Not a fair match with the videos, in the first video the Tkdoist was an expert, the muay thai guy apparently was a beginner, you can tell if you know anything about muay thai, he wasn't keeping his arms in elboe position, nor was his leg sweeps anywhere near effective. And the second video the muay thai guy you can tell has some experience in it, the tkd guy...well he sucked basically lol. And as everyone else has already said, it's not the art, it's the way the person trains in the art. Someone in muay thai could just simply go to class, and that's it, me for example a tkdoist i train at my school but also i train alot at home.

Odin said:
I had this convo in a bar one night with a friend that’s brother is a black belt in the sport,me being a Thai fighter said that muay thai is the best all-round stand up discipline that you can practice...he then sent me the first thread of a Thai fighter been beaten by a teakwondo fighter....I thought that fight was fixed so I found another video (watch at a and see!) but what do you guys think of the films?or that argument in general.
Is teakwondo just full of flashy kicks that are impractical in a fight or is muay thai simply over rated??

check the links---->
The shroud of fakeness

The truth

What the heck is that, shroud of fakeness? truth? They're the same freaking videos jsut switched sides, in one tkd guy is experienced, in the other the muay thai guy is more experienced. Why do you bash TKD when you apparently know nothing about it except the rumour of *flashy* kicks. Some schools are more showy, some schools are more street defense, some schools are more competition. I've seen muay thai guys get totally murdered out on the street, but i've also seen tkd guys get creamed. It depends on the person, NOT i repeat NOT the art.

Laborn said:
Odin said:
I had this convo in a bar one night with a friend that’s brother is a black belt in the sport,me being a Thai fighter said that muay thai is the best all-round stand up discipline that you can practice...he then sent me the first thread of a Thai fighter been beaten by a teakwondo fighter....I thought that fight was fixed so I found another video (watch at a and see!) but what do you guys think of the films?or that argument in general.
Is teakwondo just full of flashy kicks that are impractical in a fight or is muay thai simply over rated??

check the links---->
The shroud of fakeness

The truth

What the heck is that, shroud of fakeness? truth? They're the same freaking videos jsut switched sides, in one tkd guy is experienced, in the other the muay thai guy is more experienced. Why do you bash TKD when you apparently know nothing about it except the rumour of *flashy* kicks. Some schools are more showy, some schools are more street defense, some schools are more competition. I've seen muay thai guys get totally murdered out on the street, but i've also seen tkd guys get creamed. It depends on the person, NOT i repeat NOT the art.


Yep...I feel Odin is in need of a boost...that he has little faith in his art that is why he questions it...bu in reality he should be questioning himself...can HE beat a TKDer!
Savage said:
Yep...I feel Odin is in need of a boost...that he has little faith in his art that is why he questions it...bu in reality he should be questioning himself...can HE beat a TKDer!
In defense of Odin, I don't he should be singled out. Uncertainty in the effectiveness of one's style is really the essence and the root of these endless "style vs. style" debates. These people are searching for reassurance, and in all honesty, if we've learned anything at all from the myriad threads of this nature and from the countless hours of training, I think there's little need for it.

I tried to think of a simple analogy to illustrate the futility of the question. It's like asking which is the better style of boxing, using reach and jabbing to keep the fight controlled and at a comfortable range, or getting inside of an opponent's jabbing range and throwing more power shots. And we obviously know that there is no clear-cut answer to this question. It depends on everything - on your size, on your opponent's size, on your respective skills in footwork, on your respective levels of endurance, strength, quickness, defense, etc.... You could go on and on, but the point is that we have seen champion boxers that employ each of these strategies, meaning that they can both be utterly dominant. And you would be hard pressed to convince boxing fans that chance had much to do with the dominance that some of the all-time boxing legends displayed. So the answer, like it or not, is that it depends (i.e. there is no answer).

By the way, I'm a big fan of analogies :), so if anyone can put together a better one, I would love it!
Laborn said:
Odin said:
I had this convo in a bar one night with a friend that’s brother is a black belt in the sport,me being a Thai fighter said that muay thai is the best all-round stand up discipline that you can practice...he then sent me the first thread of a Thai fighter been beaten by a teakwondo fighter....I thought that fight was fixed so I found another video (watch at a and see!) but what do you guys think of the films?or that argument in general.
Is teakwondo just full of flashy kicks that are impractical in a fight or is muay thai simply over rated??

check the links---->
The shroud of fakeness

The truth

What the heck is that, shroud of fakeness? truth? They're the same freaking videos jsut switched sides, in one tkd guy is experienced, in the other the muay thai guy is more experienced. Why do you bash TKD when you apparently know nothing about it except the rumour of *flashy* kicks. Some schools are more showy, some schools are more street defense, some schools are more competition. I've seen muay thai guys get totally murdered out on the street, but i've also seen tkd guys get creamed. It depends on the person, NOT i repeat NOT the art.


........I explain the shroud on one of my replies to terry i think...well as for flashy kicks I simply wrote it because its a general mi conseption that i have heard in my mt class,i wrote as a reference.
true I thought it would be an idea to compare the practices of both arts obviously not by the replies never mind,I think its my bad my opening post wasnt the greatest.
SAVAGE said:
Laborn said:
Yep...I feel Odin is in need of a boost...that he has little faith in his art that is why he questions it...bu in reality he should be questioning himself...can HE beat a TKDer!

ummmmm what little faith??where did you get that from??i have little faith in your reading Could you beat a Thai boxer???would the answer not be what tkder???what rules???
Odin said:
SAVAGE said:
ummmmm what little faith??where did you get that from??i have little faith in your reading Could you beat a Thai boxer???would the answer not be what tkder???what rules???

Odin the question could you bet a Thai fighter is againa generization and if you truely expect some one to say YES it will probaly not happen without the peramitors se. Are we talking under what rules and what type of fighter they are, if they have a glass jaw or if they are able to take a punch or what happens if they go to the ground can he defend himself in that senario.

Odin you have to be put in the right place, as I stated in the other thread I know so many guys with little MA training that can beat alot of people with there fighting abilitys, all they do is fight every night in a bar or in some one barn just for fun.

Know here is a question for you and let see how you answer, can a Thai fighter take a hit to the head witha crow bar or a baseball bat or maybe even takt a stomp from a guy with steel toes shoes and wieghs in at 350 lbs plus?
Are they able to go to the ground with a grappler and be able to defend all those locks and joint manuvers/

My guess would be who knows how good are the other fighters, that is all people are trying to say here, no one knows for sure how a outcome would be.
Your Friend in the Arts
I feel that this thread is losing its focus. For example, I don't see what taking a blow to the head from a baseball bat proves when comparing Muay Thai and TKD. And can we avoid the personal "challenges" please?
Jagermeister said:
I feel that this thread is losing its focus. For example, I don't see what taking a blow to the head from a baseball bat proves when comparing Muay Thai and TKD. And can we avoid the personal "challenges" please?

Jaggermeister what a great name by the way, the baseball bat is just putting different senerio's involved to prove a point it is not about which Art is better equiped, if you are talking street defense this things may come up in a real life stituation,(my cooments as been about the individual fighter not the Art they practice if it came down to a street incounter).
I do not know where you are from did not look but in NY or California these weapons could be used by certain people.

I do not make personal challenges toward anybody I hope not my way, just trying to justify it is about the person not the Art.

Odin said:
SAVAGE said:
ummmmm what little faith??where did you get that from??i have little faith in your reading Could you beat a Thai boxer???would the answer not be what tkder???what rules???

Listen have a argument about myart is better with a dude in a bar..then you come here and try to justify it...could I beat a thai boxer....maybe...maybe not...but I would give him the best run for his mopney that I could...and if I lost Muay Thai would not be proved more efecctive.....the guy was just better than me!

What you are doing is having the classic...."My dad can beat your Dad up!" need us to justify and fight...I get people with no training or TKDers and Muay Thai Fighters come up and brag about how good the art is and because they learn it they are obviouslly superior to My Judo,Goju,HKD,Boxing,TKD,Yau kung Mun...I just smile and agree...because they are free top test me., the end of the day it is how I feel about my ability and my art that counts...and these vs thread dont tell alot for your belief in your abilities!
I studied WTF Tae Kwon Do. Our school/style was very big on kicks. Punchung was secondary. I spared with MT guys a few time of similar leval and skill. If I has them at legs length I could do very well against them. If they got in real close on me I found it diffucult unless I could sweep or hip throw them to the ground.

I agree with what has been said... it's not the art, it's how well you can use the strengths of your particular discipline.
A similar level of skill. That casts an interesting angle on the discussion. Usually MT guy vs TKD guy presumes that the MT guy's a professional fighter and the TKD guy's some weekend duffer, with no middle ground allowed...

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