Muay Thai Clinch Video Clips!

Brian R. VanCise

MT Moderator
Staff member
Sep 9, 2004
Reaction score
Las Vegas, Nevada
Variety of Clinch Videos.




Thanks for posting.
Just a couple of comments.

First video: I was taught not to put my head on the other guys shoulder. Rather puff your chest out pulling back with your neck to prevent getting pulled forward and down. Use arm control to stop the elbows.

Third video: some interesting escapes. Not sure how effective some of them would be against a good clincher. I'll have to try them out in training.
The double arm pin into a throw is particularly suspect. Great if I can pull it off though!
Trying to block knees with your forarms is definately not a good idea! Trying to do that is what gets inexperienced guys really hammered.