Movies Not Seen Completely.

Is there any move that you have not seen completely?

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Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Jul 16, 2004
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Yesterday on AMC was the umpteen showing of "The Natural"..I like that movie but have NEVER seen it in it's entirety..I always come in the middle of it...I was wondering is there any movie out there that some of you have NEVER seen from start to finish...
Yesterday on AMC was the umpteen showing of "The Natural"..I like that movie but have NEVER seen it in it's entirety..I always come in the middle of it...I was wondering is there any movie out there that some of you have NEVER seen from start to finish...
All the time :) as a matter of fact, I don't know if I've ever seen a movie in its entirety


seriously though, there are tons of moveis I've watched in pieces... hard to always find ~2 hours to sit down still and watch something, unless you take the time to go to the theatre.
If I tell you how long it took me to see Star Wars you would laugh..
Eyes Wide Shut. After an hour of Cruise nearly doing several things, I just left.
Eyes Wide Shut. After an hour of Cruise nearly doing several things, I just left.

I should have added movies that you LIKE...LOL
oh...ummm...movies I like I watch all the way through. I can't think of any.
The Three Musketeers, the relatively recent version with Kiefer Sutherland, Tim Curry, Charlie Sheen and the rest of the lads... love that movie (it almost seems like a send-up, but not quite) but have never actually sat down and watched it from start to finish—always seen bits and pieces while everyone else was watching one or another TiVO recording of it and then they erase it before I get a chance to watch... one of these days I'll just have to get the DVD out and watch it...
For the longest time I always caught the old sean penn bad boys movie like halfway through and loved it, i swear every few weeks for like a year I would be flipping through channels at night and find it at almost the same part.

I finally just broke down and found the DVD a few months ago.
Last of the Mohicans. Seen bit and pieces but never the whole thing.
Yesterday on AMC was the umpteen showing of "The Natural"..I like that movie but have NEVER seen it in it's entirety..I always come in the middle of it...I was wondering is there any movie out there that some of you have NEVER seen from start to finish...

It's funny that you say that because for years i never seemed to see that movie from start to finish either! I finally bought it! I like it. A good movie.
The Natural is great, and I understand that the recently released director's cut is even better!

I'm too compulsive to not finish a movie or book...I can't quit them!
Okay, granted it was a long time ago but it's always been a secret shame. Yes, I do take some comfort in the fact that I walked out 10 minutes into the movie but I've never forgiven myself for walking in in the first place.........PeeWee's Big Adventure.

SOB, I'm so ashamed! :vu:
i sat down and turned on the tv in time to watch the second half of saw 2.
and that was before i saw "saw" (dang i feel so stupid when i say "saw saw") which didnt really ruin it, but id prefer to have seen them in order of release.

im certain that there are others, however saw 2 was recent enough for me to remember.
I've never managed to see "The 13th Warrior" all the way through. I have it on DVD but whenever I try to watch it someone always calls round (or it's so late that I fall asleep).
Star Wars was released in 1977..I didn't see it in it's entirety until the early 80's..
Waterworld. Always fall asleep.

Good movie, from a very good book. Grim, grim, grim, but also very evocative... it's definitely worth seeing from start to finish if you can stay awake.
I am a movie nut and usually watch anything all the way through, even if it is crap but two movies I haven't are Boogie Nights and On Deadly Ground. My wife and I were just not getting into Boogie Nights and had to stop when the character's movie careers went down the crapper and On Deadly Ground was just horrible.

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