Movie Remakes

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Jan 8, 2006
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North American Tectonic Plate
I was just reading about the Karate Kid remake that will be filmed, at least in part, in Beijing the home of many Martial arts and not one of them Karate ad I went looking for other abominations and I found a site that listed 5 that should be stopped that are in the works

Red Dawn
Weird Science
The Karate kid
Friday the 13th
Top Gun

But then I found this site

55 movie remakes currently in the works

Please tell me most of these are just jokes because otherwise Hollywood must still be in the writers strike or originality is dead :deadhorse


No reason for this icon other than I wanted to use it becuase it is from Dr Who and very cool:dalek:


I'd like to see a live-action Akira.

Red Dawn fascinated me as a child so I'd like to see a new spin on that; maybe a Chinese/Euro invasion of the US (Red Dawn: USA Foreclosure). Logan's Run would be wonderful, with all respect given to the original movies.

I don't think one should mess with My Fair Lady. The Standard American English vs. Ebonics thing is sooo 1998. Let sleeping dogs lie.

You can't make Flash Gordon any more campy than the original movie. So I think the remake would be a horrible replacement. A remake of that would call for a remake of Barbarella, and a 21st century remake would probably just be hardcore porn.

Footloose.... Seriously? There's going to be a remake of Footloose?? What's the world coming to??
What on earth do they want to remake films for? I can see the point of a more modern Fame, with new characters in, up to date music etc but really can't see why they'd want to redo the others. Another Karate Kid perhaps, they should chose new characters though not rehash the old fims. when Hollywood remakes French films they very definitely loose something in translation! Look at Cage Aux Folles! A brilliant film in the original French, a dire remake in Hollywood called Birdcage.
What on earth do they want to remake films for? ...when Hollywood remakes French films they very definitely loose something in translation! Look at Cage Aux Folles! A brilliant film in the original French, a dire remake in Hollywood called Birdcage.

Another one that was embarrassingly bad: Cousin, Cousine, a wonderfully low-key, quirky 1975 French sex/romantic comedy, catastrophically remade in 1989 with Ted Danson and, inexplicably, Isabella Rosselini (who normally bats 1.000 in her choice of productions). It was just ghastly—kind of like watching a fourth-rate ballet company trying to do an experimental version of The Nutcracker in a contemporary setting with a sleep disorder clinic as intended catchy gimmick. If that idea makes you cringe and feel like burying your face in your hands, you've gotten my point about Cousins perfectly.

And let's not even get started on what happened to La Femme Nikita en route to being gutted and sliced up en route to its sausage-factory Hollywood remake version as Point of No Return.

As to why they do it... terminal lack of imagination, I'd say. The Hollywood movie-idea production line hates anything involving risk, ambiguity or defiance of tried-and-true cliché premises. Only when they've seen that it works (i.e., someone has expended the ingenuity and enterprise to try the idea out) do they feel really happy. The number of BBC ripoffs on US TV (with 10% or less of their original value, as a rule) is a case in point. The Office. What Not to Wear.... But why go on? The list is endless.
You can't make Flash Gordon any more campy than the original movie. So I think the remake would be a horrible replacement. A remake of that would call for a remake of Barbarella, and a 21st century remake would probably just be hardcore porn.

I'm sure it's out there somewhere.

Of course Flesh Gordon has already been done...
Red Dawn
Weird Science
The Karate kid
Friday the 13th
Top Gun

Hmmmm...none of these call out for a remake, and Top Gun was good enough the first time around that it doesn't make sense.

From the list, I wouldn't mind seeing these:
They Live
Logan’s Run

Hollywood definitely needs a jump start on their brains when it comes to ideas for movies. Having to re-hash everything I'm sure the original film-makers and studio owners did NOT want.
Film was supposed to provide ongoing entertainment with new stories all the time. Many MANY films were great their first incarnations and yes many were better 2nd time around (Ocean's 11 comes to mind).
Eventually you're going to get some dunderhead thinking they can do BETTER than the original and remake some that are just blasphemous to true film lovers
My list of definite DO NOT TOUCH!

Citizen Kane
Ben Hur
10 Commandments
Jeremiah Johnson
High Noon
Sgt. York
Gone With The Wind (though they're already talking about that)
Godfather Trilogy (oh yeah they'd seriously would consider it)
Wizard Of Oz (the Wiz doesn't even count mmm'kay? )
anything by Kurosawa
The Good, The Bad, The Ugly (and the two films related to that -- Fistful of Dollars Yojimbo was a remake of that -- & For A Few Dollars More )
Films by John Houston
Forbidden Planet (how can ANYONE replace Leslie Neilsen in his most for real serious role??)
African Queen

Many are dated it's true and thus hard to translate into current times/themes but even going back to the day would just ruin the feel of the originals because they made statements that still ring through to today.

If they want to waste money remaking bad movies then okay... but even some of those should've been left alone.

anything by Kurosawa

To late, they already did that and called it the Magnificent 7 :D

But I do agree with your list and I will not joke about Casablanca again since the last time I made myself ill.

I have to admit that some of the movies on the link I put up I would not mind seeing a remake of but it still screams "We're out of ideas" or as previously mentioned "We're afraid to take chances anymore" as far as Hollywood goes.

To late, they already did that and called it the Magnificent 7 :D

The Bruce Willis film Last Man Standing as well as the original Star Wars were also based on Kurosawa films. Last Man Standing was OK, but I did like Yojimbo (much) more. I will give Lucas this, he took Hidden Fortress and translated parts of it rather wll into Space Opera. I remember the first time I saw Hidden Fortress when I was in high school and thought to myself, "Have I seen this before?"


The Thing
This one’s still in the script stages, where we hope it gets stuck. The original is a flat-out classic, but given how many John Carpenter movies are getting the remake treatment, we suspect it’ll get to the screen in the next three years.
I wonder if the author knows that the John Carpenter version wasn't the original?
I suspect that most of those remakes (if not all) are being done with one main motive, that being the profit motive. However The Karate Kid may be an exception here. It's a PERFECT story (yes, flaws and all) that needs no updating. IMO Will Smith is proud papa going overboard with his star influence and money to secure his son the best of everything, including roles, even though Jaden is far too young to play teenage Daniel. Shame on Mr. Smith for being an overindulgent "helicopter parent" and for spoiling his kid like that. Apparently it's okay for him to ruin a much-beloved classic if his son can be the new Karate Kid.
Last house on the left is a classic. However if someone is going to remake it I guess having Wes Craven who did the orginal is not a bad idea.

The Live Jetsons might be ok to do. They did Live Flintstones that was ok for the kids.

Akira live action might not be to bad and if Leo is producing it may be good if he has help from his pal Martin Scorsese.

Everything else I could do without like I don't need another Arthur or Romancing the stone or Child's play.
Apparently for all the billions of dollars we throw at them, there is not a single worthwhile new idea in Hollywood. The next strike ought to be held by US, the movie and TV viewers. We ought to boycott movies, TV shows and their sponsors until Hollywood starts putting out a product worth viewing.
Screw Hollywood! Read a book!
I didn't want to start a new thread on this, but last night my son and I went to see the remake of The Day The Earth Stood Still. I was so disappointed. There seemed to be an inordinate focus on a sub-plot revolving around Jaden Smith's character, which distracted the whole film. By the end of it, I honestly didn't care if the earth was saved.
Is that where Keanu reeves comes to destroy us?
Is that where Keanu reeves comes to destroy us?

Yep. His character Klaatu is on a mission to protect the planet by destroying the human race and its works. Jaden Smith's tears help him change his mind.

That's the movie.

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