McDonalds Obesity Lawsuit Thrown Out!


Limey Scrapman

I wonder if anyone did use one in the shower and they had to start putting on that warning? I imagine a room full of people who look at every new product on the market and have to figure out what stupid things people could do with it.

OK we'd better warn folks that tipping hot coffee in their laps may result in painfull burning. (They put little signs on the coffee cups warning that it's hot! amazing)

I wonder if it has anything to do with us not taking responsibility for our actions, we are so looked after. A car can do 80 mph and we feel totaly safe, our every whim is catered for.

It's not my fault!! There was no sign saying I could'nt stick my face into the celing fan, I got a black eye in your dojo, I'm going to sue!

On the positive side the possibility of being sued for a squillion dollars has motivated may companies to impove safety, (Ford Pinto, water / air pollution or smoking)

It's an ill wind ...


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Jun 21, 2003
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Originally posted by liangzhicheng
I think it's good that the case was thrown out. Unless McDonalds and other fast food companies are putting an addictive substance into their foods, a Big Mac does not equal a cigarette. Time for the general public to stop blaming others and take personal responsibility for their health (and hopefully others things as well) :asian:

I agree. Blaming someone else for your short comings or faults has been something that people have done for years, and most likely will continue to do. I mean, I can't believe that those people are that stupid that they are not going to realize that eating fatty, greasy foods every day, ranther than something healthy would be good for you?? New studies come out all the time. Even way back when the first cig. was invented, they might not have known the effects of it, but as time went on, and people found out that smoking was bad for you, they could have stopped. But they will cry that its too hard to stop. Well, you know what---nothing is easy in life. Granted, everybody is different and one person might be able to stop doing something faster than another, but if you put your mind to it, and are really determined, then yes, you can do it!



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Jun 21, 2003
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Originally posted by Ender
I'm gonna sue Hustler magazine for carpel tunnel....

LOL! LOL!:rofl: :rofl:



MTS Alumni
Mar 17, 2002
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N.C. Ohio
Originally posted by Ender
I'm gonna sue Hustler magazine for carpel tunnel....

For some reason I don't think that Bob Guccione(sp?) is going to give you any monies.;) :p


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Jun 20, 2003
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Cleveland, OH
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
For some reason I don't think that Bob Guccione(sp?) is going to give you any monies.;) :p

Guccione does Penthouse, Larry Flynt does Hustler. I mean. . .ugh. . .not that I would know.:rolleyes:


MTS Alumni
Mar 17, 2002
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N.C. Ohio
Originally posted by OULobo
Guccione does Penthouse, Larry Flynt does Hustler. I mean. . .ugh. . .not that I would know.:rolleyes:

Damn :confused: ; I thought for a few minutes before i posted that too:shrug: . I had even asked my wife which guy did what as I got the stare (you know the one that means don't ask me stupid questions) and she replied "How in the hell do I know".:shrug:


Senior Master
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Jun 20, 2003
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Cleveland, OH
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
Damn :confused: ; I thought for a few minutes before i posted that too:shrug: . I had even asked my wife which guy did what as I got the stare (you know the one that means don't ask me stupid questions) and she replied "How in the hell do I know".:shrug:

She's bluffing. They know, they always know.



Purple Belt
Sep 11, 2002
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West Midlands, UK
A friend pointed out a label on a pack of peanuts a while back. It said:

"May contain trace nut"

Made me wonder what they use instead of peanuts in there...


MTS Alumni
Feb 11, 2003
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You know... I am gonna play Devil's advocate here...

(But first a word from Out legal Department: Technopunk Does not agree with the McDonalds lawsuit and he is glad it was thrown out. )

I do think, at some point, because there are a LOT of people who's lives are ruled by the media, that the EVIL, Satan Ruled, Heinous, scum sucking, dirtbag, lower than lawyers, Advertsing people SHOULD at some point be held accountable for the claims that they make and the things they say... McDonalds is a good example... You get a "Less than the Brightest Bulb in the Light Fixture" type person watching TV, they see the McDonalds ad that says "Eat here everyday!" (I forget the SPECIFIC solgan, but it was EVERYDAY) and they go... "Hmmm. Yeah, I can eat there everyday"

What makes it right for them to say "Do this thing that is bad for you daily"???

Afterall... if we are expected to KNOW thats a load of bullshtuff (Especially as children since thats their target audience... Ronald aint for you and me pal) and we could suffer serious health problems if we do it... Well, then, it works both ways... if we know its bad to do, THEY know its bad to do, they (SHOULD) have a responsibility not to tell us to do it.

Can you imagine if a Handgun manufaturer told us to look down the barrel and pull the trigger? Or if our Oven said "Leave the gas on with the pilot off for a good time!"

Ahem. Sorry for the rant. I hate avertising agency's and they vile loads of vomitous bile they spew at us daily to make some rich guy richer and part us with our hard earned dollars. Next week, Ill tell you all about how the RIAA rips off our kids... oh. AHEM.


MTS Alumni
Feb 11, 2003
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Originally posted by Aegis
A friend pointed out a label on a pack of peanuts a while back. It said:

"May contain trace nut"

Made me wonder what they use instead of peanuts in there...

And what the hell is a TRACE NUT???

is that some kind of synthetic, bug nut that tracks where the Penut is??? :rofl:


Originally posted by Technopunk
I do think, at some point, because there are a LOT of people who's lives are ruled by the media, that the EVIL, Satan Ruled, Heinous, scum sucking, dirtbag, lower than lawyers, Advertsing people SHOULD at some point be held accountable for the claims that they make and the things they say...

Don't hold back bro, tell us how you really feel! ;)

I agree that in some cases that is absolutely true. But also, unfortunately, the world seems to be gaining more and more people who don't want to take responsibility for anything they do. In their minds, if nobody else comes out and says it's bad, than it's not their fault, even if they knew the truth - it's everyone else's (government, society, industry, etc.) job to protect them.

Afterall... if we are expected to KNOW thats a load of bullshtuff (Especially as children since thats their target audience... Ronald aint for you and me pal)

That's a really good point - as adults we may know that we shouldn't eat the stuff, but by the time you are 15 or so, you've probably seen what, a million McDonald's ads? If you get the kids early enough, it almost becomes more auto suggestion and quasi-brainwashing than advertising.

I remember in a class in college reading about a study saying that children as young as 2 or 3 can already develop strong feelings of brand loyalty - even if they don't know what the product is. I wholly believe that. Whenever I ask my 3 year old son where he wants to eat, "McDonald's" is almost always what he says. Even if I say, "hey, let's go get a hamburger", he'll say, "no - let's go to McDonald's" -- almost like it's more than just food. Makes you wonder.

The really sad part is when you start taking people with a penchant for lack of self-responsibility and force-feed them auto-suggestive ads for questionable products. We're starting to see the results of that now, and it's only going to get worse.

Rich Parsons

A Student of Martial Arts
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Oct 13, 2001
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Originally posted by Technopunk
You know... I am gonna play Devil's advocate here...

(But first a word from Out legal Department: Technopunk Does not agree with the McDonalds lawsuit and he is glad it was thrown out. )

I do think, at some point, because there are a LOT of people who's lives are ruled by the media, that the EVIL, Satan Ruled, Heinous, scum sucking, dirtbag, lower than lawyers, Advertsing people SHOULD at some point be held accountable for the claims that they make and the things they say... McDonalds is a good example... You get a "Less than the Brightest Bulb in the Light Fixture" type person watching TV, they see the McDonalds ad that says "Eat here everyday!" (I forget the SPECIFIC solgan, but it was EVERYDAY) and they go... "Hmmm. Yeah, I can eat there everyday"

What makes it right for them to say "Do this thing that is bad for you daily"???

Afterall... if we are expected to KNOW thats a load of bullshtuff (Especially as children since thats their target audience... Ronald aint for you and me pal) and we could suffer serious health problems if we do it... Well, then, it works both ways... if we know its bad to do, THEY know its bad to do, they (SHOULD) have a responsibility not to tell us to do it.

Can you imagine if a Handgun manufaturer told us to look down the barrel and pull the trigger? Or if our Oven said "Leave the gas on with the pilot off for a good time!"

Ahem. Sorry for the rant. I hate avertising agency's and they vile loads of vomitous bile they spew at us daily to make some rich guy richer and part us with our hard earned dollars. Next week, Ill tell you all about how the RIAA rips off our kids... oh. AHEM.


I remember a cigarette commercial on TV. Well actually it was a comemrcial against Cigarettes, yet what it showed was a kid picking up his Dad's Cigarettes. It was designed to guilt the adults into stop smoking, but the images told the chldren to do what Dad was doing.

Today we have non-smoking sections. In some states no public building including Bars allow smoking. In Ontariao it is all public building except Bars. Society has determined that this is a problem and people are fighting against it. Yet, the Magazines all have the ads and target our youths. So, until society decides that it is good for them to have this problem addressed then it will remain.


Rich Parsons

A Student of Martial Arts
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Oct 13, 2001
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Originally posted by pknox
Don't hold back bro, tell us how you really feel! ;)

I agree that in some cases that is absolutely true. But also, unfortunately, the world seems to be gaining more and more people who don't want to take responsibility for anything they do. In their minds, if nobody else comes out and says it's bad, than it's not their fault, even if they knew the truth - it's everyone else's (government, society, industry, etc.) job to protect them.

That's a really good point - as adults we may know that we shouldn't eat the stuff, but by the time you are 15 or so, you've probably seen what, a million McDonald's ads? If you get the kids early enough, it almost becomes more auto suggestion and quasi-brainwashing than advertising.

I remember in a class in college reading about a study saying that children as young as 2 or 3 can already develop strong feelings of brand loyalty - even if they don't know what the product is. I wholly believe that. Whenever I ask my 3 year old son where he wants to eat, "McDonald's" is almost always what he says. Even if I say, "hey, let's go get a hamburger", he'll say, "no - let's go to McDonald's" -- almost like it's more than just food. Makes you wonder.

The really sad part is when you start taking people with a penchant for lack of self-responsibility and force-feed them auto-suggestive ads for questionable products. We're starting to see the results of that now, and it's only going to get worse.

Brand Loyalty is somethign all the major Mega-Corps pray for.

McDonalds uses bright Primary colors that children like and see much easier. This atttracts children. Also, the food taste's good to children, it has a high fat content. Young Children burn fat easy and enjoy the taste. Get them loyal early and they stay with you. right?

The big car companies promote Brand Loyalty.

The big deal about which truck is best and how it is tougher, the discunts to employees and suppliers to get them to only buy their product.

Is this wrong to market to your customers to get them to buy your products? In theory , the answer is NO. In practice there ahs to be some guidelines about honesty in advertising. Dove Soap that markets 99 and 44/100 % pure, has keep this because peopel are used to it. This was the old legal requirement for maximum marketing for pure soap. Today this number is not the same, yet this corporation has kept it for brand loyalty and brand identification.

Now, back to foods which effect our health. This is why they have some guidlines and rules about this and marketing. The cereals that say CAN help with a low fat and hi-fiber diet, etc., ..., .

So, as I can see in the capalistic and free market (* within reason *) society we have, would allow this. Yet, I also see regulations changing as society determines what is ethical and then decides to make or take action for laws or regulations.

In no way is the a defense of the big Mega-Corps!.

Limey Scrapman

I can remember seeing an advert for McDonnalds where he and a bunch of kids skip happly through fhe field gathering burgers which grow in the centre of flowers (kind of like sun flowers)

Just how good and wholesome is that image and how far from the truth.

All these big companies are out to make money, bottom line.

We shouldn't be supprised that they go after kids and stupid people because it will earn them money.

We let them do this to us instead of getting mad we should not buy their stuff.

Easier said then done :)


MTS Alumni
Jan 21, 2003
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79 Wistful Vista
It's amazing how we live in a society where people expect to get rich off of their own stupidity
Sadly, there is a reason that this expectation is growing. Don't you wish there was a judge somewhere who would leave the bench during one of these cases (i.e. the cat burglar who slipped), walk over to the plaintiff and slap him/her in the back of the head and say "Dumb@$$!" ((I know, I know. The judge would then be sued for mental anguish and the pain and suffering incurred by the dumb@$$ as he re-enacted the scene to all of his friends))


Originally posted by theletch1
Sadly, there is a reason that this expectation is growing. Don't you wish there was a judge somewhere who would leave the bench during one of these cases (i.e. the cat burglar who slipped), walk over to the plaintiff and slap him/her in the back of the head and say "Dumb@$$!" ((I know, I know. The judge would then be sued for mental anguish and the pain and suffering incurred by the dumb@$$ as he re-enacted the scene to all of his friends))

How true. It just seems that common sense is no longer as common as it used to be. I always thought that common sense was supposed to be the yardstick against which the law was to be measured - I guess that's not just true anymore.


MTS Alumni
Feb 11, 2003
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Originally posted by pknox
How true. It just seems that common sense is no longer as common as it used to be. I always thought that common sense was supposed to be the yardstick against which the law was to be measured - I guess that's not just true anymore.

Amen brother, Amen.

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