McCain & Party... Don't Do It!!


Sr. Grandmaster
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Aug 21, 2003
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Chattanooga, TN
Huckabee Says Demonizing Obama `Fatal Mistake' for Republicans

Stuart Biggs Wed Jun 18, 3:57 AM ET
June 18 (Bloomberg) -- Former Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee warned members of his party that any attempt to undermine presumptive Democratic nominee Barack Obama by ``demonizing'' him would backfire.
``The Republicans will make a fundamental, if not fatal mistake, if they seek to win the election by demonizing Barrack Obama,'' Huckabee told reporters in Tokyo. ``Don't underestimate the extraordinary, substantive moment that Barack Obama's nomination represents in our country.''

I happen to agree with the man. Putting down opponents seems to be the norm for most elections. Finding whatever DIRT they can to make their opponent look bad in front of the voters and try to sway voters NOT to vote for the "other guy"...
To me it's NOT what politics are all about. It's listening and complying with the voice of the people, the nation's needs and trying to improve on conditions left by the last administration whether they were good or bad.
It's about making your country a better place.


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My problem with either cannadate or party is neither is giving any kind of hard data or ideas to fix the economy. All I hear is rhetoric and one liners with no substance. As far as I am concerned any more neither party represents my views or beliefs anymore. I think this is becoming true for more and more of main stream america.
My problem with either cannadate or party is neither is giving any kind of hard data or ideas to fix the economy. All I hear is rhetoric and one liners with no substance. As far as I am concerned any more neither party represents my views or beliefs anymore. I think this is becoming true for more and more of main stream america.
Been having this discussion with a local friend over lunch lately. I don't ever recall hearing a politician espouse my beliefs 100%. Not even close.

More often than not, I find myself simply voting against the one I view as the worst candidate. The local elections keep me inspired enough to return to the polls.I wish I could simply cast a negative vote. Instead of for one candidate, just against the other...

This might be the year for me to vote for a third party, if there are any reasonable options.
SIGH... Where's Ross Perot when you need him?

If anything... to throw a wrench into the works. :uhyeah:
This might be the year for me to vote for a third party, if there are any reasonable options.

About this comment: (I gotta spam the net every now and then with my political views). To those that go here, actually check out the Parties Platform, it's on the left side under 'About Us'.


Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 5:06!

Look at this cartoon for more on this viewpoint.
As far as I am concerned any more neither party represents my views or beliefs anymore. I think this is becoming true for more and more of main stream america.

Sadly this is a universal truth with all the supposedly democratic nations. We are always saddled with voting for the least-worst option, as we see it.
Aye, but who will stand up at the polls and vote for None Of The Above?

It worked in Brewster's Millions... :D

But seriously, as political parties are being paid more and more under the table to serve self interest big whigs rather than the needs of John Q Public many more people are beginning to realize that... but again, it's in their hands by the rights of the constitution of the U.S. to put whomever they want in office and not whomever THEY want.
The smaller parties get voted out because they don't have the millions to run a "successful campaign" so what to do?
It's at the Polls is where it's supposed to count and matter... but will it?
First Past the Post voting systems are simple enough to be practical but they trend towards bi-polarism. For example, we have three major parties over here:

The Left = Labour
The Centre = Liberal (& Democrat Alliance)
The Right = Conservative

I'm glossing over a lot of shifts and changes but that's how it's supposed to roughly break down.

In local elections, the Liberals have traditionally done very well (as I've said before, most British people tend to be Liberal by nature) but, because they are no longer seen as a 'national' force, when it comes to General Elections the Lib-Dems get side-lined by the Left and the Right (or the Right and the Farther Right as they should be called these days).

So the ballot box just carooms us from one extreme to the other, with whoever gets into government spending most of the first term either enacting the previous governements legislation or trying their utmost to undo what their predecessors managed to accidentaly achieve.
The problem is, any criticism of Obama is labeled as racist, bigoted, etc.
That isn't exactly honest either...
Here's a little tip for the majority of the board ... in almost every case, the person elected to be the President of the United States of America was ... drum roll ... the tallest candidate.

It seems that policies, backhanders, vote rigging and the squandering of millions that could've been put to a useful purpose are all for naught.

Buy a tape measure and declare the winner - easy :D.
Here's a little tip for the majority of the board ... in almost every case, the person elected to be the President of the United States of America was ... drum roll ... the tallest candidate.
Maybe I should run then! hehe

I think Bush was not the tallest in either election. I heard that media outlets were working very hard to make them appear the same height in the debates, so perhaps that worked for his favor?
Maybe I should run then! hehe
I'd vote for ya!

I think Bush was not the tallest in either election. I heard that media outlets were working very hard to make them appear the same height in the debates, so perhaps that worked for his favor?
Bush WAS the tallest... he was standing on a pile of his daddy's and his friends' money!
I'd vote for ya!
I've thought of politics, but I'd be horrible at it. I'd not tell people what they want to hear, and I have this horrible curse. I actually am honest :p. I also am not a big fan of speeches. Mine would probably wind up being less than 5 minutes. The press would hate me LOL
I've thought of politics, but I'd be horrible at it. I'd not tell people what they want to hear, and I have this horrible curse. I actually am honest :p. I also am not a big fan of speeches. Mine would probably wind up being less than 5 minutes. The press would hate me LOL
Better to say nothing and do a lot than to say a lot and do nothing.
Better to say nothing and do a lot than to say a lot and do nothing.
Thats one of the things that bugs me. Less talk, more action. Don't talk for 2 hours if you can say it in 10 minutes. State your points, then shut up.
Bush WAS the tallest... he was standing on a pile of his daddy's and his friends' money!

Plus, there is quite a bit of reason to believe that he didn't actually win. There is the famous vote-rigging of course and the fact that more people didn't vote for him than did.

I've heard that this time the old fashioned ballot methods are being used given the e-vote fiasco of last time out?
I truely believe a viable third party is needed but of course the system is set up to keep the current two parties in power as much as possible. I am not talking about a parlamentary system like England or Japans style either. But our current system with a emphasis on allowing a strong third party in our current system. What ever third party that has been in the forefront recently has been based on one person (Nader as an example) or a single group dynamic or ideal (green party, example). This is why the third parties currently where really a spoiler party and not a viable strong option for our nation.

I personaly have leanings torward the Libertarian Party, but I would concider myself a very moderate version of it. We cant go so far as no government but I do believe in as small a government as possible and I truely believe that local government should be where most laws that affect how we live in this nation should come from.

I really get upset and scared with the current rhetoric of the democrats where the government is going to take care of you and be controlling many of the things we need in life (health care is a good example) I think health care needs to be exessable to everyone, but I really dont think that the government are the right people to provide it to us. And the democrats ideas of higher taxes with solve our problems really scares me. I also consider the republicans eroding away our personal, individual, and civil rights as very very scary. the idea of Mr Bush listening to my phone calls or having access to my personal information just because they want it is a step down a path of that ends with no personal rights at all.

But to me the only way to get the current Democrats and Republicans to work together for the good of the nation and more importantly the good of the american public is to have a party that sits somewhere in the middle of the two extremes and forces compromise that has the personal good of the american public as its main focus, its first and main platform.

Call it the American Public party a mix of libertarian, republican, and democratic ideals that focus on the good of the people and the long term good of the nation and not special interest groups or the parties leaderships propaganda, or the longevity concerns of the party cannidates.

Ahh well who knows maybe if enough of us start talking and take enough action it might even be possible. I would like to think so at least.