McCain nearly became a Democrat


Senator McCain is a blood red Republican. Always has been. Always will be. Senator McCain has a very conservative voting record. Senator McCain comes from a family with a long heritage of military service ... an indicator of Republicanism (although far from a perfect indicator).

The 'Establishment' Republicans, however, don't like Mr. McCain. Now, for the life of me, I can't imagine why. These powerbrokers, working behind the scenes in the Republican Party, wish to annoint Governor Romney with the chair from which they will transfer America's wealth to the few. Of course, their first choice probably would have been Jeb, but the track record of familia Bush makes that impossible. And the second choice, Senator Allen, put is foot in a Macacca, just before inserting it into his mouth. Alas, those who wish to drive the government which Congressman Paul politely describes as 'fascist-like', are left with a Massachusetts Flip-Flopper to carry their mantle. No doubt, they are regretting that nom-de-plume which they worked so hard to create just four years ago.

And it seems that the spokespersons for these 'Establishment' folks (Limbaugh, Coulter, Severin) just don't seem to be pulling their weight this time around. I wonder if Regeny will continue to stockpile their best-sellers in warehouses across the country.

It is almost sad to watch the swiftboats taking up this circular firing squad formation.

Senator McCain is a blood red Republican. Always has been. Always will be. Senator McCain has a very conservative voting record. Senator McCain comes from a family with a long heritage of military service ... an indicator of Republicanism (although far from a perfect indicator).
You wouldn't be claiming the democrats quoted in the article would LIE about a republican would you
Senator McCain is a blood red Republican. Always has been. Always will be. Senator McCain has a very conservative voting record. Senator McCain comes from a family with a long heritage of military service ... an indicator of Republicanism (although far from a perfect indicator).
I think McCain isn't as conservative as he should be on several items.
These powerbrokers, working behind the scenes in the Republican Party, wish to annoint Governor Romney with the chair from which they will transfer America's wealth to the few.
The majority of the wealth in America (and the world for that matter) is already in the hands of the few.
It is almost sad to watch the swiftboats taking up this circular firing squad formation.
Ah, yes, the swiftboaters and the people who said Kerry wasn't what he said he was. They were group of people who made themselves known and were stories were investigatable. As opposed to the imaginary people that were searched for, who probably didn't exist, who had proof that GWB wasn't serving his military time.
You wouldn't be claiming the democrats quoted in the article would LIE about a republican would you

If I were claiming something, it would be stated in the text I put in these posts.

Are you inferring something that wasn't said?

I have no doubt that meetings were held. However, Senator McCain denies participating in them. The Senator's staffers were, no doubt, involved in meetings. But, meetings and actually changing parties are two completely different things.

I wonder what might have happened in the preceeding months. .... Hey, wasn't there a nasty rumor about Senator McCain fathering an illegitimate black child in South Carolina ... fingerprints of Mr. Rove ... I imagine he was quite upset. And perhaps looking for ways to stick a dagger in the back of the President.

This story, resurfacing now ... as it was originally published some eight or nine months ago ... can serve one of two purposes.

Either the Romney campaign/Establishment Republican Party is attempting to strike at McCain in Tuesday's primary votes. (This is my guess)

Or, this is an attempt to make the very conservative McCain appear more paletable to the middle-of-the-road voters for the general election.

As to how conservative Senator McCain's record is ... the votes are on the table. He has always been much more conservative than he appears. There are two issues that the rabid right object to in his campaign : immigration & campaign finance.

As usual, the noise makers in the right consider these non-negotiable; somehow failing to see that government is the act of negotiation. Without the latter, you can't have the former. Evidence: the last seven years.

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