Martial Arts TV Channel


Purple Belt
Mar 24, 2003
Reaction score
Fargo, ND
Has anyone ever tried to launch a Martial Arts 24hr TV channel??

I would think it could be a cool channel featuring all Martial Arts movies, TV series and competition.
With the millions of MA practitioners in the US alone, you wonder why that is such an untapped market. I think it would do very well.
Even a regular program on ESPN, or Discovery would be great. Didn't Discovery say they were going to have one? I can't seem to ever find it.
you know to me it really doesn't matter who contributes. as long as we have somewhere to spend time watching martial arts. buying dvds gets expensive.

i would actually pay for this channel...well as long as it was resonable...but still...if they can have a channel completly dedicated to video games they can have one dedicated to MA :whip:
A couple of years ago, there was talk of another martial arts channel (I think it was called Black Belt TV). They had a website and all that, but nothing more came of it. I hope this pans out, but I'll believe it when my system offers it.
Randy Strausbaugh said:
A couple of years ago, there was talk of another martial arts channel (I think it was called Black Belt TV). They had a website and all that, but nothing more came of it. I hope this pans out, but I'll believe it when my system offers it.
I think that they are still trying to get it off. A few years ago they did a tape of GM George Dillman, I have one of the copies. I do hope they get the show up and running as it would be good to get a variety of people doing different show on there
Scheduled to be relased in may of what year is it...i guess it was cancelled or post poned
I think this would be really good! Though, in all honesty, I'd much rather see shows more in the style of the Discovery channel or TLC (informative) rather than movies/series (entertainment). Get people's knowledge levels up instead of feeding them more "hollywood"
OUMoose said:
I think this would be really good! Though, in all honesty, I'd much rather see shows more in the style of the Discovery channel or TLC (informative) rather than movies/series (entertainment). Get people's knowledge levels up instead of feeding them more "hollywood"
I agree totally.
OUMoose said:
I think this would be really good! Though, in all honesty, I'd much rather see shows more in the style of the Discovery channel or TLC (informative) rather than movies/series (entertainment). Get people's knowledge levels up instead of feeding them more "hollywood"
I definately agree, although I must admit that some martial law and walker texas ranger reruns woulden't hurt.....:)
A 24-hour network would even have time to go "old school" and dig up episodes of The Green Hornet and a few Mr. Moto movies.
Blast it, now my hopes are up!
Heck, i'm even happy just looping Kung Pow on my dvd player all day. LOL