Martial Arts Thanksgiving...


Black Belt
Oct 31, 2004
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Seeing how Thanksgiving is comming up, what is the #1 thing about your martial arts past are you most thankfull for???
I'm thankful that I was able to study martial arts at all. I've been blessed with excellent (and patient) instructors, who taught excellent systems. When I read some of the horror stories on the net, I thank my lucky stars and pat my wallet at the same time.
I am thankful for the support of my family in pursuing martial arts. I am also greatful for my instructors who have shown me a path of self-expression through martial arts.

I am thankfull for all the martial arts "poineers" who brought all the different styles and beliefs here to America and across the world.
That I found the right school immediately. I knew nothing about what made a good school, and was fortunate to find the organization I have been with for 20 years. Yes, considering the horror stories I have read, I have truly fortunate.
I'm thankful that I discovered martial arts so early in my life. It has made such a tremendous impact on me so far, I can't think where I'd be without it.
I would be most thankful for my father without him my training would not have happened and for my family ( wife and 3 kids who keeps me active with it evryday. Last but not least everyone on this broad for all the valueable input Happy Holidays

Terry Lee Stoker
Twin Dragons MAS
I am thankful for my teacher and the people who have worked with me with patience and understanding, for the guidance God gave me in making my decision to move where I did, for all the lessons I have learned and for the progress I have made.
Satt said:
Seeing how Thanksgiving is comming up, what is the #1 thing about your martial arts past are you most thankfull for???
Coming into contact with Ryu Kyu Kempo Karate and Kobudo (Oyata Lineage):)
I am truly grateful for the amazing people who have come into my life through MA......I’m blessed to be able to call so many wonderful people my friends :)
I am thankful for my teachers past and present. I am also thankful for my past and present students.
For my instructors, who have been excellent.

And for the friends I have made through MA. I've met some of the best people imaginable.
I am thankful for my instructor and the many wonderful friends I've made while studying in his school. He's the best and has become a true friend! One of my friends was promoted to black this past weekend and he spoke of the sense of community in our school - it is really something to be thankful for. I am thankful for all of the awesome contacts and friends I've made here on Martial Talk. It is fun to learn here and very enlightening! I am also thankful for the sacrifices my family makes for me to be able to pursue my studies. :)
I'm thankful for all the semiars that I attend and all the wonderful people I've met there...
First, I am thankful to God that I don't have any physical limitations that might restrict me from doing martial arts to the best of my ability. I am thankful that I had parents who didn't mind me pursuing my interests in martial arts back when there were not very many females in the arts. Also for their financial contribution up until I was out of the nest- they've funded the majority of my studies. I am thankful for all my past instructors and classmates who taught me things- tips, etc. Finally, I am thankful for my knee surgery doctor who made it possible for me to go back to what I love after blowing out my knee doing what I love!!

Good thread- thanks!! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!! :)
mj-hi-yah said:
I am thankful for all of the awesome contacts and friends I've made here on Martial Talk. It is fun to learn here and very enlightening! I am also thankful for the sacrifices my family makes for me to be able to pursue my studies. :)
What she said. :wavey:
I am thankful for my husband who supports and encourages my passion with martial arts. I am thankful for my sons who share the same passion. I am thankful for my instructors who have the patience, the love of their arts, and enthusiasm to share with me when they teach. I am thankful for friends who train with me and we all get better together.

- Ceicei
I'm thankful for the past training I've received from various masters and enthusiasts that have helped me protect myself from real-world fights.
Thankful for the experiences and self-awareness that MA has given, and continues to give to me.
Thankful for the honors I've received through my MA associations that I've met several GM of various arts. The things I've learned from them and the pleasure of their company for the few moments I've been fortunate enough to have with them.
Thankful for the friends I've made and the friends I've made through them.
Thankful for the creation of MARTIAL TALK where all of us can get to know one another better and share our knowledge, strength, experiences and hopes together.

I have been blessed with two sifus from heaven. Two of the most skilled martial artists I have ever seen just came into my life by chance, and they took me under thier wing as a student.