Martial Arts Shoes?


Senior Master
Dec 20, 2004
Reaction score
Phoenix, Arizona
I typically wear sandals, and I like them because they are comfortable and easy to put on and off.

However, in thinking about kicking, I was trying a bit to kick some pads wearing the sandals to get my foot used to the extra weight, but the buckles on the sandals rub and I fear ruining the pads. Also, the sole of the sandal doesn't seem a good surface for a few kicks.

I was wondering if there were any shoes that were good for martial arts, good for kicking in, but would look at least decent enough for normal wear. Something I could wear out.

As a TKD practioner, I'm self-concious of the difference between kicking in the dojang and kicking on the street and I want to practice kicking wearing my normal street wear but maybe change my normal street wear to be more accomadating.
While I practice in bare feet, I teach in Adidas 2000's. Outside I were whatever and just practice in them on the asphalt. My friend wears his Adidas 2000's all over the place like sneekers.