Martial arts family tree


Master Black Belt
May 18, 2004
Reaction score
Rose Barracks Vilseck,Germany
have any of you done this I can only get so far back but then there seems to be a loss of who trained with whom any suggestions I have a long list lol
Are you looking up where your style came from, or your lingeage?
I would assume that your martial arts school would have your instructor lineage available somewhere. We have ours posted on the kamiza of our dojo, so you can always ask your instructor if you get lost. You can really only know who-taught-who going so far back. We have only been able to confirm back to Matsu Higa, and anything further is speculation.
I am doing lineage and have noticed a lot of people traineed with the same people but some of the people I get lost on for example is Wai Xin Xian and others just wasnt big enough names I guess