Martial Art Urban Legends...

You have to recognize the term martial arts as encompassing all forms of fighting arts not just a particular art such as Karate which is one form of Martial art and did not show up on the Japaneese Mainland till around the 1920's when it went through a lengthy process that lasted into the mid 1930's to be recognised by the Japaneese governing body and took on the name change to Karate-do to eliminate it's ties to China. Before that it was mainly Kendo and Jujitsu being practiced on the mainland. Okinawa was the birth place of Karate (originally called by various other indigoneous names) which was heavily influenced by Chineese Chaunfa.(Kung Fu).
Kenpodoc said:
Back on Topic (I love Urban Legends.)
1. Crushed testicles cause shock and death!
2. Size doesn't Matter.
3. Men are more violent than women

Actually I'd love to hear some stories that every one swerars happened toa friend of a friend.

I personally know of a sparring match that went very sour between two TKD guys. Both big men. One of them got hacked off for some incidental foul and he slammed his left shin into his sparring partners scrotum. The guy went down hard and went to the hospital that night. One of his testicles swelled to the size of a baseball and it had to be repeatedly drained while the doctors fought to keep him from going into full blown shock. If not for going to the hospital, he would have died from clotting, shock, etc. that night. Also, the receiver of the kick was wearing a cup! Imagine the results w/o that cup! This happened about 15 years ago.

I just received an announcement last week in the mail that the receiver and his wife adopted a little girl. Thats right, he tried everything known to science but he could not produce enough swimmers with partially crushed testicles. Ironically the kicker went on to own and operate a chain of M.A. schools that focused on a kids curriculum. The kicker also has a son.

Proof that life isn't always fair or a myth.
White belt
white belt said:
I personally know of a sparring match that went very sour between two TKD guys. Both big men. One of them got hacked off for some incidental foul and he slammed his left shin into his sparring partners scrotum. The guy went down hard and went to the hospital that night. One of his testicles swelled to the size of a baseball and it had to be repeatedly drained while the doctors fought to keep him from going into full blown shock. If not for going to the hospital, he would have died from clotting, shock, etc. that night. Also, the receiver of the kick was wearing a cup! Imagine the results w/o that cup! This happened about 15 years ago.

I just received an announcement last week in the mail that the receiver and his wife adopted a little girl. Thats right, he tried everything known to science but he could not produce enough swimmers with partially crushed testicles. Ironically the kicker went on to own and operate a chain of M.A. schools that focused on a kids curriculum. The kicker also has a son.

Proof that life isn't always fair or a myth.
White belt
Clearly we don't want to be kicked in the groin. Doctors, however, did not have to fight to keep him from going into shock. It is poossible that the doctors gave high doses of narcotics and nausea drugs due to the severity of the pain and then had to counteract the side effects of these drugs to maintain adequate blood pressure. Medicine is frequently a balancing act.Testicular injuries do not cause shock they do dcause intense pain, a deep visceral nausea and debilitation in most people.

Tulisan said:
Note: The scrot. could have gotten caught under the lip of the cup, multiplying the force...


Oh god, the image you just put in my head has me crossing my legs and wincing...

Imagine a grape being crushed in a vice, if you catch my drift...
47MartialMan said:
Yes, but that was with a rehearsed and trusted accomlice.
Missed this was with a trusted partner. But there is a difference between impossible and impractical.

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