MA Origin

Brian S

Purple Belt
Oct 9, 2007
Reaction score
Rogers, AR.
Many people seem to equate older with being better which is why others want to legitimize their art by caliming it's the oldest(TSD,TKD).

In fact, I think what people practice today to be the most effective ma ever availiable.


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Founding Member
MTS Alumni
Aug 29, 2001
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Athol, Ma. USA
I am just going to skip over all the posts and say

The oldest style would be some type of hand fighting or club (stick) fighting. It came about when OOOG hit MOOG to get his food back before history was recorded. It continued over the ages and was observed and copied by others down through the ages with revisions being made till we get to today.


MT Mentor
Oct 20, 2007
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ
Back when Ug and Thongor had the world's first fight...

...Ug was known for his contributions to the arts; the Pointy Stick, the Curved Stick With A String To Make Smaller Pointy Sticks Go Far, and the tactical strategy of "Groups Of Friends Who Protect Ug"...

While I appreciate Mr. Moynihan's contribution, I'm afraid his information is less than accurate. I speak with some authority on this matter as a sworn disciple of the Great-Grandmaster, Th' Ug, the 1,021st generation inheritor of the sustem of Th' Uggery founded by our most-exalted Great Originator, "Ug the Unbeatable". I must point out that the lies of the Thongorites have long been disproven, if you will only reference the petroglyphic and pictographic records at Altamira, Lasceaux and elsewhere. Despite the oft quoted Thogorite motto, "You cant go wrong with a Thong", it is clear that Ug easily defeated Thongor, Gruk, Hgruf, B'dass and all other challengers until his untimely death resulting from injuries sustained in his well known Pointy-Stick duel with a 9 foot tall Cave Bear. It is a matter of some pride among us practicianers of the art of Th'Uggery that the bear died first, prompting Ug's oft quoted final words "Hgrak frak, blech shong p'tooey!" which can be loosely translated as "See you in Hell you bloody bastard!".

I really hope this clears up which lineage is the one, true authentic original, oldest and best martial art ever devised. And as the top certified and only duly ordained US representative of the Grand Inheritor of the system, please direct all inquiries about lessons, ranking, certification, dvd's, on-line training programs, souveniers, autographed photographs, and official th'uggery memorabilia to me at my website. Thank you in advance for your inerest.

Andy Moynihan

Senior Master
MT Mentor
Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
People's Banana Republic of Massachusettstan, Disu
While I appreciate Mr. Moynihan's contribution, I'm afraid his information is less than accurate. I speak with some authority on this matter as a sworn disciple of the Great-Grandmaster, Th' Ug, the 1,021st generation inheritor of the sustem of Th' Uggery founded by our most-exalted Great Originator, "Ug the Unbeatable". I must point out that the lies of the Thongorites have long been disproven, if you will only reference the petroglyphic and pictographic records at Altamira, Lasceaux and elsewhere. Despite the oft quoted Thogorite motto, "You cant go wrong with a Thong", it is clear that Ug easily defeated Thongor, Gruk, Hgruf, B'dass and all other challengers until his untimely death resulting from injuries sustained in his well known Pointy-Stick duel with a 9 foot tall Cave Bear. It is a matter of some pride among us practicianers of the art of Th'Uggery that the bear died first, prompting Ug's oft quoted final words "Hgrak frak, blech shong p'tooey!" which can be loosely translated as "See you in Hell you bloody bastard!".

I really hope this clears up which lineage is the one, true authentic original, oldest and best martial art ever devised. And as the top certified and only duly ordained US representative of the Grand Inheritor of the system, please direct all inquiries about lessons, ranking, certification, dvd's, on-line training programs, souveniers, autographed photographs, and official th'uggery memorabilia to me at my website. Thank you in advance for your inerest.

Not a bad article. In fact even largely correct.

Except for the tiny, and, I'm sure, totally accidental omission of the fact that on the day of the fight, Th'Ug rigged the match by sending 39 cavewomen to Thongor's dressing cave, and though he satisfied them all, entered the ring with his stamina markedly depleted. :D

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