Louis Farrakhan Declares Obama the Messiah.

Bob Hubbard

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Aug 4, 2001
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"You are the instruments that God is gonna use to bring about universal change, and that is why Barack has captured the youth. And he has involved young people in a political process that they didn’t care anything about. That’s a sign. When the Messiah speaks, the youth will hear, and the Messiah is absolutely speaking."

See also: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/p-j-gl...ort-louis-farrakhan-declaration-obama-messiah

Now, I agree with the second link. Will anyone report that the Supreme Minister of the Nation of Islam, Louis Farrakhan, declared Barack Obama to be a messiah?

*cheep* *cheep* *cheep*

So much for the media.
I can't take seriously a man that claimed on national television that he was abducted by a UFO and told by aliens that the government was responsible for Katrina and that they blew up the levy's in order to kill all the people in New Orleans.

Farrakhan is a freakin' loon. It's disturbing that anyone would follow him.
I can't take seriously a man that claimed on national television that he was abducted by a UFO and told by aliens that the government was responsible for Katrina and that they blew up the levy's in order to kill all the people in New Orleans.

Farrakhan is a freakin' loon. It's disturbing that anyone would follow him.
Lots of people have followed loonier guys before and died for them ... Farrakhan shouldn't be an exception.
Most of the historical religious leaders have been loony ****ing toons. This one just got a bad rap for it.

I'm not agreeing that Obama is the messiah or anything, I'm just saying that this is just one more brick in the crazy wall.
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whatever. if the kkk spoke out on behalf of mccain it wouldn't matter to me either.

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This just makes my decision to vote third party all the sweeter...
I agree with the "whatever" sentiment.

Endorsements by maniacs and despots always have gotten big airplay.... its just that they are almost completely meaningless.
I agree with the "whatever" sentiment.

Endorsements by maniacs and despots always have gotten big airplay.... its just that they are almost completely meaningless.
That's the point of the second half of Bobs post, I think. It's not gettin' any airplay. ;)
I agree with the "whatever" sentiment.

Endorsements by maniacs and despots always have gotten big airplay.... its just that they are almost completely meaningless.

I don't know....it could say a lot about the person they're endorsing.
A public denouncement by Obama of this situation could only help his cause but I think it's unlikely to happen.

I'm just gonna warn you all in advance right now.

*I* was smart enough to vote 3rd party this election.

So when one of these jokers gets in--DON'T BLAME ME.
A public denouncement by Obama of this situation could only help his cause but I think it's unlikely to happen.

I'm just gonna warn you all in advance right now.

*I* was smart enough to vote 3rd party this election.

So when one of these jokers gets in--DON'T BLAME ME.
Hey, wait a minute! I'm going to be smart, too!

Farrakhan is a racist, plain and simple. The more characters of his ilk associate with Obama, the better. Though I recall Obama rejected his support, to his credit, some months ago.
Any political leader would like to have wide support. If a guy can touch the middle and the edges, then he'll have a better chance of winning the election. While people might make a big deal out of Farrakhan supporting Obama, it Farrakhan's right to support someone. I don't know if his org enjoys a non-profit status -- if it did, it might be in jeopardy of losing that status (and assuming it's a religious org).

I couldn't imagine a leader saying "I want to bring everyone together, oh, except for Farrakhan and ..."
For whatever reason, it doesn't seem to matter who Obama associates with anyhow. He can be a parishioner of a man who uses his sermons to denounce our country and no one seems to care.
A public denouncement by Obama of this situation could only help his cause but I think it's unlikely to happen.

He already did.

He denounced Farrakhan last February in his debate with Hillary Clinton. This is all very old news:


Look, Farrakhan is trying to curry favor with blacks--the sole population from which he recruits for the Nation of Islam. It would be safe to say far less than two percent of the nation's blacks are NOI members. Low end estimates of the size of the organization total about 10,000 members. Compare that with the population of where you live. That's roughly 200 members per state on average...of course we can safely assume that Montana and Alaska would not reflect the mean.

Farrakhan is an egocentric loudmouth with no political influence other than what the media grants him. They give him quite a bit because people tune in to watch him. He doesn't drive any narrative--he adds a flavor to it. He causes whites and jews to take quite justifiable umbrage, and it gives the media meat puppets plenty to talk about. It fills time on cable news. It outrages. It entertains. It drives ratings up.

If you want to use this to rationalize your collection of reasons for not voting for Obama, by all means, do so. However, finding notable wingnuts who come out for Obama forces you to cherry pick quite a bit...with the end result allowing you the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thinking. Intellectual honesty be damned.

Note the following endorsements for Obama that carry far more weight than that of Farrakhan's:

The Chicago Tribune, whose editorial board is one of the most conservative in the nation. It hasn't endorsed a Democrat since its founding in 1847.

Conservative Christopher Buckley. Buckley's father Bill was dean of the modern conservative movement and founder of the National Review.

Conservative talk show host Michael Smerconish, of Philadelphia's WPHT.

The San Joaquin Record, which hasn't endorsed a Democrat since 1936.

La Opinion, the nation's largest Spanish language newspaper, which originally supported McCain in the primaries.

The Stockton Record, which is endorsing a Democrat for the first time in 72 years.

Conservative Texan and magazine publisher Wick Allison.

Former Reagan policy adviser Larry Hunter.

Susan Eisenhower, a lifelong Republican and granddaughter of President Dwight Eisenhower.

Former Republican congressman Jim Leach, and Republican Jim Whitaker, a former Alaskan legislator and Fairbanks mayor who supported McCain in 2000.

Linwood Holton, former Republican governor of Virginia; former mayor of Los Angeles, Republican Richard Riordan; Bill Ruckelshaus, who served in he Nixon and Reagan Administrations; Julie Nixon Eisenhower, daughter of Richard Nixon; Douglas Kmiec, who was head of the Office of Legal Counsel to Reagan and George H.W. Bush; retired Air Force four star general Tony McPeak.

I'll stop there.



References below.













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For whatever reason, it doesn't seem to matter who Obama associates with anyhow. He can be a parishioner of a man who uses his sermons to denounce our country and no one seems to care.

Much like Sarah Palin and her with-hunting pastors and secessionist husband?
Because she's better looking than Joe the Senator.
Well-played by Sen. McCain, perhaps, who chose her on that basis. Someone who wouldn't choose a spouse based on looks chose a potential rpesident on that basis. :(

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