Liddell = LHW Champion

The moon landing was faked too. It was done on a soundstage in Hollywood. The aluminum foil helps to keep the control beams out, man. My favorite part was how they faked the shockwave going through Randy's head. Now that's impressive. Or the fake way that Randy's head bounced off of the canvas when Chuck hammered it with a right after he was "pretending" to be unconcious.
oh thanks, I needed a good hard laugh to brighten my day. Thanks.

Are you kidding? Did you even watch the fight?

If your calling that marketing, I'd sure like to study some of it. Randy over-committed himself and gave Chuck the opening for a right cross. Chuck landed a huge one, and lights out.

There is no way the UFC would fix a fight when they are on the cusp of breaking into the mainstream. If the public found out it would destroy the sport here in the U.S.
relytjj, that is exactly why the fight would not be a fix. And you won't see a fix in major MMA events for a long time to come. Unless it is a work by an individual fighter. The organizations have way too much money to lose if they were to get caught fixing a fight, and a championship match on top of it. Also, come on, you can fake a knock down, you can even fake being able to get up. But the glassy eyes, and look of confusion when he opened his eyes could not have been faked. If so, it was so convincing, Randy should be nominated for an Oscar. Anyone who has been KO'd or KO'd someone else, will never forget that look. It can't be faked.

I loved that Liddell won the fight, he deserved the belt for quite some time. But as happy as I was, I have to agree the fight of the night was the Matt Hughes and Frank Trigg fight. We were all on our feet at my house. That was incredible.
good points my man. I think you are wrong about the worked fights though, Pride is still not above doing them as well as the other smaller japenese shows that mix pro wrestling and MMa. Hughes trigg #2 fight of 2005.
chuck lidell is awesome ive liked this guy ever since he knocked out that big guy kevin randallman in the first round in like 20 secodns with a round kick

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