Lawyers of Terrorist "Suspects" endorse Obama

Big Don

Sr. Grandmaster
Sep 2, 2007
Reaction score
Sanger CA
Miami Herald Story

In stories of crimes the euphemism "alleged" is used, no matter how sure or well known the guilt of the defendant. In stories about Gitmo, the euphemism is "Suspected".
Ugh, is there no low to which you won't stoop? No partisan hackery you won't engage in?
Sorry Don, I don't see your point?

The word 'suspected', as far as I could see, isn't even in the article you linked.

Could you lead me by the nose to where I'm supposed to be looking as I'm feeling somewhat dumb on this one :eek:.
sooo lawyers who do pro bono work support Obama.... hmm ok ... that must make him an evil doer too.
well, until the Gitmo detainees are actually charged with something and then brought to trial and proven guilty, they are no more than SUSPECTED. Most of these guys have been simply held without any legal proceedings. If they are so SURE they are guilty, well then, charge them, take them to trial, prove their guilt, and be done with it. Otherwise...
well, until the Gitmo detainees are actually charged with something and then brought to trial and proven guilty, they are no more than SUSPECTED.
I'm sure that many of those captured on the battlefield were just on their way to the bus stop or something like that.
Most of these guys have been simply held without any legal proceedings.

Isn't there another name for that .....Kidnapping? Right? When you take someone, and hold them in custody, without telling anyone. Isn't that wrong?
I'm sure that many of those captured on the battlefield were just on their way to the bus stop or something like that.

When a "battlefield" is a city neighborhood, it isn't difficult to imagine that bystanders or other innocent persons might get caught in the net.

Of course, some were not on any sort of battlefield at all...
I'm sure that many of those captured on the battlefield were just on their way to the bus stop or something like that.
Oh come on Ray! You must have heard the adage, talk sense to a fool and he will call you foolish, by now...
Ugh, is there no low to which you won't stoop? No partisan hackery you won't engage in?
Pointing out the attorneys, most of whom, by the way, haven't ever seen, let alone been hired by their "clients" endorse Obama is hackery? Really?
Pointing out the attorneys, most of whom, by the way, haven't ever seen, let alone been hired by their "clients" endorse Obama is hackery? Really?

Yes. It's not like your pattern of behavior on this forum is sneaky, you know. Your intent is clear. The skeeeery libruls must be stopped and attacked at every turn, no matter how irrelevant or twisted the point.

Make no mistake, the point you have raised here is both irrelevant and twisted. Irrelevant because a group of lawyers endorsing Obama says precisely nothing about Obama. Twisted, because you are implying some sort of moral defect or other negative characteristic to the defense lawyers of "terrorists." Well Donny my boy, everyone, even terrorists, deserves a defense lawyer. That is particularly poignant since many of the detainees have been prevented from seeing counsel. Defense lawyers are a necessary part of a fair justice system, and only a reactionary blowhard would hold it against them, no matter who their client is.
Oh come on Ray! You must have heard the adage, talk sense to a fool and he will call you foolish, by now...

Well then, you can add the US government to the list of the foolish along with poor Flying Crane. They released 420 of the prisoners as of late July, none of whom had ever faced trial by the US. Good thing we held on to all of those obviously guilty, dangerous, frightening, vicious terrorists! Only a fool (and the Bush Administration apparently) would think they were anything but guilty!
Oh come on Ray! You must have heard the adage, talk sense to a fool and he will call you foolish, by now...
I don't know about that....I did try to talk #3 son into naming my embrionic grand-daughter "Rachel Diversity" but he'd have none of it.
Yes. It's not like your pattern of behavior on this forum is sneaky, you know. Your intent is clear. The skeeeery libruls must be stopped and attacked at every turn, no matter how irrelevant or twisted the point.

Make no mistake, the point you have raised here is both irrelevant and twisted. Irrelevant because a group of lawyers endorsing Obama says precisely nothing about Obama.
Nope, you are, as everyone is, known by those you associate with, and those that associate themselves with you
Twisted, because you are implying some sort of moral defect or other negative characteristic to the defense lawyers of "terrorists."
Yeah. Exactly
Well Donny my boy, everyone, even terrorists, deserves a defense lawyer.
WRONG again. American citizens and those foreigners legally in the country are afforded rights, those who want to ****ing kill us, and have not been captured in US territory are not.
That is particularly poignant since many of the detainees have been prevented from seeing counsel. Defense lawyers are a necessary part of a fair justice system, and only a reactionary blowhard would hold it against them, no matter who their client is.
The US held thousands of German and Italian prisoners of war during WWII, they were held, without trial, until the cessation of hostilities. Those held at Gitmo are NOT prisoners of war according to the Geneva Conventions.
The Geneva Conventions specifically outline what a lawful combatant is: (I'm paraphrasing from memory, look it up) A member of a nation's military forces, in uniform/ Those combatants NOT in uniform or NOT members of a nation's military are unlawful combatants and may be, UNDER THE GENEVA CONVENTIONS summarily executed as saboteurs or spies.
I agree, not one person should be held at Gitmo. They should be shot where they are captured, it would save us a fortune.
I don't know about that....I did try to talk #3 son into naming my embrionic grand-daughter "Rachel Diversity" but he'd have none of it.
My little sister's pregnant, I'll see if she goes for it.
Nope, you are, as everyone is, known by those you associate with, and those that associate themselves with you.

Really, do you EVER think about the implications of what you write? The razors you use are always double edged. They cut you even as they cut your foe. For instance, which party is more likely to have KKK members voting for it (now Don, not in 1960)? Oh, and which party are YOU most closely associated with? Hmmmm....maybe that whole "guilt by association" thing isn't everything it's cracked up to be.

Yeah. Exactly WRONG again. American citizens and those foreigners legally in the country are afforded rights, those who want to ****ing kill us, and have not been captured in US territory are not.

The United States Supreme Court disagrees with you.

Those held at Gitmo are NOT prisoners of war according to the Geneva Conventions.

Once again, not according to our own Supreme Court. See above.

I agree, not one person should be held at Gitmo. They should be shot where they are captured, it would save us a fortune.

I don't find it in the least surprising that you advocate the slaughter of innocent people. Because, as you should know from my cites but are ignoring (or don't care), our own government admits that most of the detainees cannot be shown to be guilty of anything.

You are an excellent advocate for yourself, your political views, your religion and your country. You must be so proud.

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