Last Poster #7

My uncle use to have one of these

Bouvier des Flandres


NIcest dog, also incredibly strong, and very protective of those humans he felt belonged to him...but he was not good for snowshoes. Step on the back of mine once in deep snow and it actually cracked the snowshoe
Agreed! They must be petted!

And ah very cool, I don't know any bo forms, but went through some jo forms a couple of months ago, called the 'Patrol' kata. Fascinating. I'm not a weapons afficianado, but much respect for those who can actually wield a bo/jo!

Pateol kata? Neat form name. I wonder if theres a story behind it.

Never heard of a jo. Had to look it up. Neat.

Sadie is assertively friendly, and she's a lot of dog, so an errant paw can definitely leave a mark. :)

A lot of those big dogs are sneaky too! Look at that doggy sitting over there! You walk over and reach down to pet it, but it's a trap! Dog jumps on its hind legs almost instantaneously, and ready to lick your face.
I almost always drink my coffee black so I guess I just want a good, smooth flavored coffee. I always try to get a medium roast. Really like Gevalia and eight O'clock coffee company brands but I am not that picky.
I usually have to have dark roast. I like cream or milk, and need the coffee to be able to come through.
I usually have to have dark roast. I like cream or milk, and need the coffee to be able to come through.
Lighter roasts are more about the characteristics of the bean. As you roast darker, the roasting process itself becomes more prominent. I like darker roasted coffee, too.

Fun fact, roasting actually leeches caffeine out of the bean, so the darker the roast, the less caffeine that bean will have.
Lighter roasts are more about the characteristics of the bean. As you roast darker, the roasting process itself becomes more prominent. I like darker roasted coffee, too.

Fun fact, roasting actually leeches caffeine out of the bean, so the darker the roast, the less caffeine that bean will have.
Yep, one of the big fallacies out there. Folks think the “stronger” taste (I’d argue less subtle) = stronger caffeination. IIRC, dark roast is also usually a bit less acidic.
Yep, one of the big fallacies out there. Folks think the “stronger” taste (I’d argue less subtle) = stronger caffeination. IIRC, dark roast is also usually a bit less acidic.
Yes, though acidic can also be a function of how it's brewed, whether it's over or under extracted, etc.

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