Last Poster #6

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Had to coach a 18 year old going through benzo/alc withdrawal. He came to the hospital thinking he was having a psychotic break. Worked out in the end though, he's safe, successfully detoxing, and understands what happened.
Good. Hopefully another life saved and turned around.
Try drawing shapes that look oddly like letters, and combining them. Eventually it will turn into a great novel translation. If 50 monkeys with a typewriter can do it, so can you
The monkeys with typewriters don't have to think in two languages simultaneously. :p
Gee, thanks. :hurting:

When I was in my 30s I was going to the doctor for aches and pains and referring to them as injuries from my youth coming back to haunt that I am closing in on 60 I realize how much of an idiot I was in my 30s..... I had NO idea what the heck I was talking about....but I do now......

There...I hope that made you feel a little better :D
Is that the 2 in 1?
indeed it is. with 16gig....I need to get used to it and the pen.
but damn! it comes in a really nice box, but not a shred of instructions on how to set it up, and where to put the 3 batteries! It's not quite that intuitive! (you have to dismantle part of the pen to put the two tiny button cells in)
After I downloaded my must-haves (Libre office, chrome, and firefox, because one browser is never enough), got inkscape to try out....and I have not opened it since.
Watchband hinge, but it's the 920, not the 730 I had looked at, it's a little bigger, but hubby bought it, so I am not saying a thing.
Man, getting old. Used to be exciting to get a new machine, now it's just exhausting.
My wife and I spent yesterday at the beach.

First a sea turtle pulled up beside us....


Then a mermaid...

Except now the mermaid pic won't load. Too bad, it's a corker.
A friend of mine told me there is a small island in Scotland where there are more sheep than people, and you can rent a yurt to stay in, and the walls of the yurt are lined with books and whiskey. Road trip? Anyone?
Sign me up! Not a whiskey drinker but always wanted to go to Scotland.
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