Kukkiwon certification


Yellow Belt
Jun 30, 2021
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My student and I tested for and passed for our Kukkiwon rank on March 10th, 2021. According to the site we went through it could take up to several weeks.

It is Now June 30th. I have heard nothing about it since we tested. Now, I am a 30 year veteran of the arts. I tested for my 3rd Dan. He tested for his 1st Dan. We both hold other ranks through other styles of TKD. I also hold rank in other styles of martial arts..

My 1st and 2nd Dan test/promotion was, from start to finish, about 4 to 6 week, at most.

Definitely not over 2 months.

Are there others with the same issue. I even did a follow up email with the person I had been going through on March 21st and still have heard nothing back. My student did some research himself and said that through some organizations of Kukkiwon that getting the promotion finalized can take up to 3 months. I told him that neither I nor anyone I know in TKD has had to wait that long, EVER.

So is there something going on in the Kukkiwon world that they aren't just saying.

It also doesn't help me since I have never been a fan of organizations. Known too many people to be duped by them.

Thanks for any feedback.
@andyjeffries I feel like you may have some insight here...
Well, whats throwing me off is my 1st and 2nd Dan went through another individual. Both tests were done, sent approved ans certification received in hand in about a month if not a month and a half. The last time I tested was about 3/4 years ago.

My student talked me into doing an organization type thing. Took him a few weeks, due to my previous experiences with several organizations in the past. I know that not all organizations are bad. So I may be thinking too much into this. But when my 1st and 2nd Dan went through that quick. And this time, I haven't heard a reply back of any type since March 21st I think it was. And for the fact that my student and I already paid for it..
My student did some research himself and said that through some organizations of Kukkiwon that getting the promotion finalized can take up to 3 months. I told him that neither I nor anyone I know in TKD has had to wait that long, EVER.

So is there something going on in the Kukkiwon world that they aren't just saying.
There are a number of points here.

1. In the past decade (I can't speak for further back, but I believe it to be the same) I have never known an electronically applied for Kukkiwon promotion to take longer than 8 weeks to be received back (normally 4-6 is normal, up to 8 in Covid times to allow for slower post)
2. There's nothing going in at the Kukkiwon regarding promotion speed. They meet regularly, the same as before, and are now sharing photos on the Kukkiwon KMS Facebook page to show it's happening.
3. I don't know what the research is that shows it can take up to 3 months, I'd be interested in the links though. If that's from Kukkiwon or someone I know I'll speak to them, but it may be more anecdotal evidence from others experiencing slow processing via their recommenders.

I would say if it's taken longer than 8 weeks, ask the organisation for the "Approval code from KMS" (it should be ON and then 6 numbers/letters) and the "Submit date", as you'd like to chase directly with Kukkiwon. If you get those and it's over 8 weeks old, I'll happily speak to Kukkiwon on your behalf and find out what's happening.

However... I've thrown this offer out a bunch of times over the past few years and I'd imagine you won't get them from the recommender. There'll be some excuse, but they won't give you that information. The most likely reason is because it will likely show a late application from them (or worse, they still haven't done it).
Well, whats throwing me off is my 1st and 2nd Dan went through another individual. Both tests were done, sent approved ans certification received in hand in about a month if not a month and a half. The last time I tested was about 3/4 years ago.

My student talked me into doing an organization type thing. Took him a few weeks, due to my previous experiences with several organizations in the past. I know that not all organizations are bad. So I may be thinking too much into this. But when my 1st and 2nd Dan went through that quick. And this time, I haven't heard a reply back of any type since March 21st I think it was. And for the fact that my student and I already paid for it..
This former is as it should be. The Kukkiwon used to meet twice per month to agree promotions. This was on the 5th and 20th of each month, so up until about 2014? all non-Korea Kukkiwon certificates were dated the 5th or 20th of each month. They then changed to doing it more frequently - from what I can see about weekly on the 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th of each month.

Pre-covid times, it then takes about 10-16 days from the "Judge date" (approval) to the "Issue Date" (when the certificate is made), it's then generally packaged for dispatch within a week and then about a week from there for delivery.

So if you get it in and worst case you should have to wait 7 days for Judge, then 16 days for Issue, then a week for dispatch and up to a week for delivery - that works out to about 5 weeks.

It seems to be a little slower now, but not crazy. I applied for one on the 28th of January and it had an Issue date of 11th of March (so about 6 weeks from apply to issue, then about 2 weeks after for dispatch/delivery)
This former is as it should be. The Kukkiwon used to meet twice per month to agree promotions. This was on the 5th and 20th of each month, so up until about 2014? all non-Korea Kukkiwon certificates were dated the 5th or 20th of each month. They then changed to doing it more frequently - from what I can see about weekly on the 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th of each month.

Pre-covid times, it then takes about 10-16 days from the "Judge date" (approval) to the "Issue Date" (when the certificate is made), it's then generally packaged for dispatch within a week and then about a week from there for delivery.

So if you get it in and worst case you should have to wait 7 days for Judge, then 16 days for Issue, then a week for dispatch and up to a week for delivery - that works out to about 5 weeks.

It seems to be a little slower now, but not crazy. I applied for one on the 28th of January and it had an Issue date of 11th of March (so about 6 weeks from apply to issue, then about 2 weeks after for dispatch/delivery)
Thank you. This helps me tremendously. Like I said, the 1st 2 promotions were done through an individual and I had the certification in hand in about 4 to 6 weeks. But when the online application was submitted on March 8th I think ans the payment made on March 10. Then I sent a follow up email on the 21st. The last I heard from them was around March 15th or so. Something was seeming off to me. And with my normal Job. I am a Lead for a 3rd shift shipping company. Communication is vital. And it drives me nuts when someone doesn't at the very least with respond with a 2 minute email stating that things are going OK or something of that nature.

Especially when I had my wife check their FB page ans it shows they are very active on it.

I was trying to avoid doing so, for I dont want it to come across as finger pointing or accusing someone of something, when there may be no accusations to be had. But I can share where I applied through and the site I paid through.
Ok, my apologies, I work 3 and don't sleep much. I was right on Dates. I looked at my phone wrong. It was May, not March. So this week 8/9 weeks. Still seems as though I should have heard something by now. Seeing as there is nothing to slow down the certification process.
Thank you. This helps me tremendously. Like I said, the 1st 2 promotions were done through an individual and I had the certification in hand in about 4 to 6 weeks. But when the online application was submitted on March 8th I think ans the payment made on March 10. Then I sent a follow up email on the 21st. The last I heard from them was around March 15th or so. Something was seeming off to me. And with my normal Job. I am a Lead for a 3rd shift shipping company. Communication is vital. And it drives me nuts when someone doesn't at the very least with respond with a 2 minute email stating that things are going OK or something of that nature.

Especially when I had my wife check their FB page ans it shows they are very active on it.

I was trying to avoid doing so, for I dont want it to come across as finger pointing or accusing someone of something, when there may be no accusations to be had. But I can share where I applied through and the site I paid through.
If it helps any. My name is Daniel C. Wittler. Kukkiwon ID is 05498262
If it helps any. My name is Daniel C. Wittler. Kukkiwon ID is 05498262
I'd need the Approval Code for the application to chase it with Kukkiwon. They get that as soon as the application is created and paid for.

You can check your own entry on the Kukkiwon database, it should be updated there after the issue date. K.M.S Unifying the world with Taekwondo We are the KUKKIWON family You need to type your name exactly as it appears on your Kukkiwon certificate, and use all capital letters.
I'd need the Approval Code for the application to chase it with Kukkiwon. They get that as soon as the application is created and paid for.

You can check your own entry on the Kukkiwon database, it should be updated there after the issue date. K.M.S Unifying the world with Taekwondo We are the KUKKIWON family You need to type your name exactly as it appears on your Kukkiwon certificate, and use all capital letters.
Ok, would the Approval code be on the receipt from paying for it? I have kept the payment receipt and the emails from this guy in my inbox since day 1. I have tried looking it up using the link you provided and I must not be doing something right. I dont know. And I apologize for being such a bother. Just something doesn't seem right. Even when my student said he had researched other organizations and said that it could take up to 3 months. I told him I have never heard of that and I have been a part of Kukkiwon since I tested for my 1st Dan in 2014. I was originally a 3rd Dan in ITF. It was an independent style school that I received my 1st Dan in 1999. And in 2013 I decided I wanted to hold rank in both major sanctions of TKD. So I got myself trained in Kukkiwon. And recieved my 1st Dan in 2014.
I'd need the Approval Code for the application to chase it with Kukkiwon. They get that as soon as the application is created and paid for.

You can check your own entry on the Kukkiwon database, it should be updated there after the issue date. K.M.S Unifying the world with Taekwondo We are the KUKKIWON family You need to type your name exactly as it appears on your Kukkiwon certificate, and use all capital letters.
And I am not sure if you ever heard of them, but the organization is called US KUKKIWON Association
Ok, would the Approval code be on the receipt from paying for it? I have kept the payment receipt and the emails from this guy in my inbox since day 1. I have tried looking it up using the link you provided and I must not be doing something right. I dont know. And I apologize for being such a bother. Just something doesn't seem right. Even when my student said he had researched other organizations and said that it could take up to 3 months. I told him I have never heard of that and I have been a part of Kukkiwon since I tested for my 1st Dan in 2014. I was originally a 3rd Dan in ITF. It was an independent style school that I received my 1st Dan in 1999. And in 2013 I decided I wanted to hold rank in both major sanctions of TKD. So I got myself trained in Kukkiwon. And recieved my 1st Dan in 2014.
Sorry, I'll try to be clearer, it's my fault.

When the person applying for the Kukkiwon rank applies, THEY will get an Approval code. They may or may not give to you (likely they won't by default).

If they're claiming Kukkiwon is delaying things and are slow, the only way to chase the application with Kukkiwon is with the Approval code. So by asking the recommender for it:

a) They may crumble and admit that they haven't applied yet or applied later than they said they would (or fob you off with excuses why they can't give it to you)


b) They give it to you, everything is legit and you or I could contact Kukkiwon with those details to find out what the hold up is.

I've offered to help at least 10 times, and never had b) ;-)
Sorry, I'll try to be clearer, it's my fault.

When the person applying for the Kukkiwon rank applies, THEY will get an Approval code. They may or may not give to you (likely they won't by default).

If they're claiming Kukkiwon is delaying things and are slow, the only way to chase the application with Kukkiwon is with the Approval code. So by asking the recommender for it:

a) They may crumble and admit that they haven't applied yet or applied later than they said they would (or fob you off with excuses why they can't give it to you)


b) They give it to you, everything is legit and you or I could contact Kukkiwon with those details to find out what the hold up is.

I've offered to help at least 10 times, and never had b) ;-)
Oh, dont worry, IF I can get the approval code/number, I will have no issue giving that information to you. You have been a massive help. 30 years in training. Holding 4 separate Black Belts in TKD, a 1st Degree in American Kenpo. And ha ing promoted and having sat on many Black Belt tests, I have never seen this.

So if I can get this information I wont hesitate to pass it along to you.
Ok, my apologies, I work 3 and don't sleep much. I was right on Dates. I looked at my phone wrong. It was May, not March. So this week 8/9 weeks. Still seems as though I should have heard something by now. Seeing as there is nothing to slow down the certification process.

Okay, so March would have been "you got ripped off". But May could well be "Kukkiwon and the mail system are being slow because Covid".

On May 7th, I submitted dan test results to Kukkiwon directly using their electronic Kukkiwon Membership System, and we haven't gotten those certs in yet either. Kukkiwon took a month to approve and send them, on June 14th. With covid shipping delays, I bet it'll be another week before we get them, maybe more.

In past years, I think we were getting the certs 4-6 weeks after we submitted them. So things are just slow right now.
Okay, so March would have been "you got ripped off". But May could well be "Kukkiwon and the mail system are being slow because Covid".

On May 7th, I submitted dan test results to Kukkiwon directly using their electronic Kukkiwon Membership System, and we haven't gotten those certs in yet either. Kukkiwon took a month to approve and send them, on June 14th. With covid shipping delays, I bet it'll be another week before we get them, maybe more.

In past years, I think we were getting the certs 4-6 weeks after we submitted them. So things are just slow right now.
Ok, thank you for letting me know that. It actually makes me feel a lot better knowing someone who did it just before us, still hasn't gotten theirs. If uou would please. Keep me updated on when you get yours. Curious if ours will show up around the same time.
Oh, dont worry, IF I can get the approval code/number, I will have no issue giving that information to you. You have been a massive help. 30 years in training. Holding 4 separate Black Belts in TKD, a 1st Degree in American Kenpo. And ha ing promoted and having sat on many Black Belt tests, I have never seen this.

So if I can get this information I wont hesitate to pass it along to you.
Ok,I finally emailed the guy through the site itself. Reminding him of who I am my student are. That we did our testing on May 8th and paid for it on May 10th. His response was that 'Updates are usually seen on Fridays'.

So my question is this. Is that common? For the updates to be only done on Fridays. If so, that is ok. I guess I am just used to the other guy I went through. He kept me updated on a weekly basis. Which is why I told my student that next time I test, I am likely to go through my original contact for it. My original contact lives in North Carolina, his name is Mr. Petrotta. This other organization and Mr. Duke, their communication, is well, lacking. Something I dont care for, especially in the line of work I am in. With my job, communication is vital.
Ok,I finally emailed the guy through the site itself. Reminding him of who I am my student are. That we did our testing on May 8th and paid for it on May 10th. His response was that 'Updates are usually seen on Fridays'.

So my question is this. Is that common? For the updates to be only done on Fridays. If so, that is ok. I guess I am just used to the other guy I went through. He kept me updated on a weekly basis. Which is why I told my student that next time I test, I am likely to go through my original contact for it. My original contact lives in North Carolina, his name is Mr. Petrotta. This other organization and Mr. Duke, their communication, is well, lacking. Something I dont care for, especially in the line of work I am in. With my job, communication is vital.
Sounds like the guy who responded doesn't work Fridays and didn't want to deal with finding out what happened. Just send them another email (or even better call) tomorrow, as it's friday, to ask for an status update.
Sounds like the guy who responded doesn't work Fridays and didn't want to deal with finding out what happened. Just send them another email (or even better call) tomorrow, as it's friday, to ask for an status update.
Yeah, I sent that message this morning while at work and got the response when I got up. If I dont get or see anything by the time I get up tomorrow, I will recontact them. Likely by phone. I understand things getting delayed. And I'm ok with that, to a point. I just like staying informed. Maybe I am just weird.