Kenpo search in Amazon



I stumble upon these results when putting up my associated Amazon store in my site.

If you search for Kenpo in the All Products category the first results that show are: Van Helsing DVD and White Christmas by Bing Crosby, then another Van Helsing, and only in the fourth place we find the Infinite Insights.

Curious, ain't it? Does anybody knows if there is any relation between Van Helsing and/or White Christmas and kenpo?
The interesting thing about the search engine at Amazon is that it will take whatever you enter as your search word and do it's search against titles and description and if your search string is part of any word or words there, it will hit.
By the way, for MT members using, don't forget to scroll to the bottom of any of the forum pages and use the Amazon link to get there. A portion of any purchase you make will be given back to MT,as a referral fee, at no cost to you. If you are going to spend the money anyway, let MT get a part of it.
Next time I buy anything from amazon (probably text books if i cant find them anywhere else) I will definately go through the link. I wish I had know about this earlier. Thanks Seig.