John Cleese, the london his belief's created

I have to ask, are those to the left so easily put off. I mean, to complain about posts you don't have to read, and say that some won't post here because it is so right wing. Wow, it is not really an impressive stance I have to say. I sit here and take loads of, shall we say horse manure, about what I post, and I am still posting. I guess if you can't stand that others disagree with you, so much that you can't post here, well, what does that say in general about our friends on the left. They seek to shut down Fox news, they sling the race card if someone chooses to oppose their candidate, they resort to union thuggery rather than speech. Hmmmm, not impressive even one little bit.
I've taken to ignoring the posts and hoping they will go away. It works sometimes, but like it were a train wreck, I have to look sometimes. I took an introduction to criminal justice class, once, and I saw how easy it was for the teacher to get the class in an uproar. I've employed a few of his techniques myself on this site, but it gets boring after a few times for me. I guess, like everyone, I am hoping for a few more dimensions in character. I know they are there.:mst:
Right or left wing isn't a problem when they can have a balanced debate. There is no debate going on, it's mere posting up quoted articles designed to cause offence to someone somewhere. No one can be expected to ignore or pass ildly by when one's country is attacked. Nor can we pass by when misinformation is given, it's not just for those who read regularly but if we leave unchallenged so called infomation it can become what passes for truth.
I've noticed recently that the amount of posts from non Americans is becoming less and less, it was one of the things I loved about here was that international aspect, of being able to swap views with other nationalities. Now we have threads attacking countries for their non American values we are losing that aspect, if they don't post, not just in the Study, but in the martial arts parts too we lose a very special dimension that other martial arts forums don't have.
The ignore argument doesn't work I'm afraid, it's the equivilant to appeasement. The assumption that if you aren't right you are left doesn't work either, ignorance of how other countries political systems work isn't a good idea if you are going to post up such widesweeping comments about other countries. Thinking Maggie Thatcher was a socialist show a breathtaking lack of political savvy as does thinking comments by John Cleese mean anything, he comes from an extremely privilaged background, went to Public School ( makes him upper class for those that don't know) then Cambridge University, he's never been in the 'real' world I'm afraid.

It's old fashioned debate we need, not attacks on other countries or endless quotes from media types.
Yes, old fashioned debate would be nice. It'd be nice of the 'opposing viewpoints' would stick around, engage in it, and use solid facts to back their positions up.

Instead of the "well piss on em, I'll just go play somewhere else and then come back and complain that no ones posting what I want to read."

Be the change you wish to see.

As to "ignore = appeasement", bollocks.
Yes, old fashioned debate would be nice. It'd be nice of the 'opposing viewpoints' would stick around, engage in it, and use solid facts to back their positions up.

Instead of the "well piss on em, I'll just go play somewhere else and then come back and complain that no ones posting what I want to read."

Be the change you wish to see.

As to "ignore = appeasement", bollocks.

I love it when you use that word, my own little contibution lol!

I've had five long weeks in bed (two in hospital) with a pulmonary infection to think about all sorts of things, I've had two weeks after that by the Cornish sea recovering to think even more, mostly I've missed training, I start back this week, slowly at first but at least I'm not wheezing anymore and it's a hell of a way to lose weight. So yes while I was annoyed and didn't post for a bit because of the stupidities of some posts it was also because I have been ill since February and simply not able to tolerate things which upset me so I avoided them.
Which is a good thing. Good to hear you're feeling better. I did notice your absence and was beginning to get concerned.

I had a different weight loss was my sons mother. She broke my heart and I lost 50 lbs. Sadly, that was over 15 years ago, and I've since found them again, and they brought friends. lol :)
I love it when you use that word, my own little contibution lol!

I've had five long weeks in bed (two in hospital) with a pulmonary infection to think about all sorts of things, I've had two weeks after that by the Cornish sea recovering to think even more, mostly I've missed training, I start back this week, slowly at first but at least I'm not wheezing anymore and it's a hell of a way to lose weight. So yes while I was annoyed and didn't post for a bit because of the stupidities of some posts it was also because I have been ill since February and simply not able to tolerate things which upset me so I avoided them.
I think that word has been the bane of Polish people everywhere since bullock and Polack are so similar in rhyme. I sense this is where all the jokes come from. :mst:
Yes, old fashioned debate would be nice. It'd be nice of the 'opposing viewpoints' would stick around, engage in it, and use solid facts to back their positions up.

Some posters conveniently ignore facts, like the date of the"firstThanksgiving," even when presented with them.....

.......makes them look so much like idiots that calling them that is a complete waste of time.

Glad you're back and feeling better, Irene;you were missed.
I did indeed choose to leave as I felt in no condition to put up with the constant stream of right wing 'infomercials' nor with some others agendas. It truly spoils what was here.

So back to the OP, taking the word of John Cheese ( that is indeed his name) on London is like watching Gossip Girl and taking it that is how all Americans live and behave. Bath would indeed be a place he would be comfortable in, he went to Public School near there., Bath is quite an insular place in fact little changed from the days of Jane Austen. Cleese is a consummate snob of course.
Monty Python was never the first anarchic comedy programme here, there is a tradition of such comedy dating back to the music hall. Programmes such as the Goons, ITMA, Round the Horne, the Goodies etc are in the same vein many older than Monty Python so saying that John Cleese and crew are responsible for the so called change in the country is in itself laughable. London is always as it has been, Cleese however has grown into an old fart sadly reduced to performing in silly TV ads to pay for the alimony for his last wife.
I've had five long weeks in bed (two in hospital) with a pulmonary infection to think about all sorts of things, I've had two weeks after that by the Cornish sea recovering to think even more, mostly I've missed training, I start back this week, slowly at first but at least I'm not wheezing anymore and it's a hell of a way to lose weight.

That's why you're in such a bad mood. Don't worry Irene, you're forgiven. I love the post about the Study being Sooooooo right wing, especially when all the leftys thanked you for it. I found that rather ironic.

As for me being cowardly for not staying in England and somehow changing things. I found that rather humourous.....sorry, humorous too. What would you have me do, turned the Golden Mile in Blackpool into Newport Coast? Make the women turn from fours (on a good day) to nines/tens with the wave of a hand? How could I possibly turn Nature's thermostat up a few degrees in the winter? How could I change the tides of Filey to allow constant waves suitable for surfing?

I get the best of Healthcare here. If I get polyps in my decending colon, I'll be in the Hoag within the weeks and the things will be removed. I'll have a private room with cable tv and a menu I can order from whenever. What would happen in Blighty. I'd get a ward bed infested with staph, with the smell of stale poop and disinfectant in the air. i'd get the help of over worked Doctors and nurses that are exhausted. But before all that I'd be put on a waiting list while the polyps matasticized into stage three colon cancer. Gotta love Blighty.

Irene, it's the weather that probably gave you your chest infection. Come over here for a week. You can stay at my place. I know you'll just love the wife's cooking. We eat alot more than beans on toast over here you know! Your chest'll feel a whole lot better and you won't want to go home.
Yorkshirelad, my mom walked into an emergency room ten years to today, this very day, with difficulty breathing, and a cough that would not go away. I thought that she needed to get out in the sun more because she seemed so pale as well. We get into the emergency room, the doctor walks in and asks her if she is always that pale, she jokes, well I'm irish, and the doctor said he married irish and she isn't that pale. Turns out my mom had stage 4 colon cancer. The hemoglobin count that she had was 4.7 when it should have been 12-14. Her body wasn't getting enough oxygen and the coughing was a response to get the oxygen.

The American medical system came through and 10 years, and a trial drug later, she is still around. I agree with what you say about American medicine, can't speak to the British system. Let's fix it for those in need, and keep the good parts.
That's why you're in such a bad mood. Don't worry Irene, you're forgiven. I love the post about the Study being Sooooooo right wing, especially when all the leftys thanked you for it. I found that rather ironic.

As for me being cowardly for not staying in England and somehow changing things. I found that rather humourous.....sorry, humorous too. What would you have me do, turned the Golden Mile in Blackpool into Newport Coast? Make the women turn from fours (on a good day) to nines/tens with the wave of a hand? How could I possibly turn Nature's thermostat up a few degrees in the winter? How could I change the tides of Filey to allow constant waves suitable for surfing?

I get the best of Healthcare here. If I get polyps in my decending colon, I'll be in the Hoag within the weeks and the things will be removed. I'll have a private room with cable tv and a menu I can order from whenever. What would happen in Blighty. I'd get a ward bed infested with staph, with the smell of stale poop and disinfectant in the air. i'd get the help of over worked Doctors and nurses that are exhausted. But before all that I'd be put on a waiting list while the polyps matasticized into stage three colon cancer. Gotta love Blighty.

Irene, it's the weather that probably gave you your chest infection. Come over here for a week. You can stay at my place. I know you'll just love the wife's cooking. We eat alot more than beans on toast over here you know! Your chest'll feel a whole lot better and you won't want to go home.

I have an appallingly bad immune system due to MS, nothing to do with the weather. I receive first class treatment in hospital, NHS of course, it helped me make a quicker recovery, no fears about dirty wards, unhelpful nurses or tired doctors and it didn't cost me a penny. You shouldn't believe all you read or hear you know.

I'm not in a bad mood at all, just truly fed up with people running down my country as I hope you would be if someone ran down the USA constantly. Both countries have their faults and things that should be changed but why Brits are supposed to be so badly off I don't know. I spent two glorious weeks on Cornish beaches in surroundings that beat the South of France any day ( yes been there as well, been round most of Europe), it may surprise you to know that in North Yorkshire it has also been hot enough for the Med, sat out in the garden today, and will again tomorrow.

I find your running down the UK amusing, you left claiming it untolerable to live here yet can't resist running the UK down, why? It has nothing to do with you anymore, we are nothing to you. You aren't even correct about the circumstances here. To leave something and then complain many times about it is coardly, leave the country physically and leave it mentally too, change your usename, you are no longer a Yorkshire lad. You are an American and should behave as such, Americans who come here, whatever they think of this place, have at least not been rude about it.

As for food, I'd have to politely decline your wife's cooking which I'm sure is good, I eat kosher.
You know, tho' I have said that I would never live in America even if you paid me, YL's description does not paint an off-putting picture :D. At least for those that don't 'fall between the cracks' by becoming long-term sick or unemployed.

On the lasses front tho', I must take exception; of course it might just be that our tastes don't run the same. Catherine Zeta Jones or Jennifer Anniston? Catherine for me. Kim Cattrall or Pamela Anderson? Kim for me.
You know, tho' I have said that I would never live in America even if you paid me, YL's description does not paint an off-putting picture :D. At least for those that don't 'fall between the cracks' by becoming long-term sick or unemployed.

On the lasses front tho', I must take exception; of course it might just be that our tastes don't run the same. Catherine Zeta Jones or Jennifer Anniston? Catherine for me. Kim Cattrall or Pamela Anderson? Kim for me.
I have always been Camp Jennifer.:ultracool
To leave something and then complain many times about it is coardly, .
How is it cowardly? I compalined about the place enough while I ws there and most people agreed with me. You're funny Irene! Cheer up and stop being a humpy head
. Then again, you live in England, so understand why you're a little grumpy.
I can understand that the beauty that is Catherine can make a lesser soul feel unworthy, which is why someone might embrace the one called Aniston, but fear not, with enough devotion to catherine, one can finally be at peace with their unworthiness.
You know, tho' I have said that I would never live in America even if you paid me, YL's description does not paint an off-putting picture :D. At least for those that don't 'fall between the cracks' by becoming long-term sick or unemployed.

On the lasses front tho', I must take exception; of course it might just be that our tastes don't run the same. Catherine Zeta Jones or Jennifer Anniston? Catherine for me. Kim Cattrall or Pamela Anderson? Kim for me.

Depends where you live, I live in a village in the Dales, I'd actually prefer to live in Cornwall but where I live is beautiful I'd just prefer to live in the south being a southerner plus I love being by the sea. We have little crime, air ambulances to whip you off to good hospitals, good pubs, good schools and friendly people. We have two great breweries, cheese makers (a nice bit of Wensleydale, Gromit!) good fishing, a Georgian theatre, good sports facilities and believe it or not the weather isn't bad.

The ladies have little interest for me, however I am surrounded by thousands of brave young soldiers!

London however is a city, as all cities are it can be overwhelming and inhuman, populated by people of diverse cultures struggling under the pressures of inner city living, it shouldn't be taken as being typical of the UK it's typical of a big city.

This is where I live.





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