Jai Harman clip

drop bear

Sr. Grandmaster
Feb 23, 2014
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He needs to fight someone good. I mean if he is going to put his brand out there then he should be legitimate about it.


Senior Master
Jul 6, 2014
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Good video! Anybody that includes footage of themselves training their 7 year old daughter is Ok in my book! ;-) I don't understand your comment drop bear. There are plenty of good legitimate martial arts instructors out there that have never "fought someone good" to make their "brand" legitimate.

guy b.

Master Black Belt
Sep 6, 2015
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Bit of chi sau footage of Harman here from about 7.45


MT Mentor
Oct 20, 2007
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Phoenix, AZ
To follow up on KPM's comment, I don't see that he's "putting his brand out there" as Drop Bear asserted. Rather, he's continuing the lineage of his teacher, Wang Zhi-peng.

@ Drop Bear: He does spar and test his stuff, but does he have to be an MMA pro to "legitimately" pass on the art he's trained if his sifu has approved for him to do so? Heck, if that's the criteria, I better quit teaching right now.
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yak sao

Senior Master
Aug 18, 2008
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@ Drop Bear: He does spar and test his stuff, but does he have to be an MMA pro to "legitimately" pass on the art he's trained if his sifu has approved for him to do so? Heck, if that's the criteria, I better quit teaching right now.

Yep...consider this my letter of resignation.

drop bear

Sr. Grandmaster
Feb 23, 2014
Reaction score
To follow up on KPM's comment, I don't see that he's "putting his brand out there" as Drop Bear asserted. Rather, he's continuing the lineage of his teacher, Wang Zhi-peng.

@ Drop Bear: He does spar and test his stuff, but does he have to be an MMA pro to "legitimately" pass on the art he's trained if his sifu has approved for him to do so? Heck, if that's the criteria, I better quit teaching right now.

You got a heap of vs threads out there? Do you rack up your reputation with beginners you have bashed?


guy b.

Master Black Belt
Sep 6, 2015
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Do you find something offensive about these videos?

drop bear

Sr. Grandmaster
Feb 23, 2014
Reaction score
Do you find something offensive about these videos?

I am not offended. He is pretty good for a beginner.

I am not sure why he settled for being a beginner though. With some work he could potentially be good.
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guy b.

Master Black Belt
Sep 6, 2015
Reaction score
I'm guessing that he prefers to do what he does, rather than what you want him to do.

I am not offended

You are talking about what he should do if he wants to put his "brand" out there. You mention how you perceive his legitimacy, as if there existed some kind of global martial arts regulations he must adhere to. Sounds like what he is doing irritates you in some way. Why?

drop bear

Sr. Grandmaster
Feb 23, 2014
Reaction score
I'm guessing that he prefers to do what he does, rather than what you want him to do.

You are talking about what he should do if he wants to put his "brand" out there. You mention how you perceive his legitimacy, as if there existed some kind of global martial arts regulations he must adhere to. Sounds like what he is doing irritates you in some way. Why?

He competes against beginners.if that is his thing. Fair enough I suppose. If you say that is the level he has supposed to reach then fabulous.

I would like to see him get good one day.

Look mabye i am the only one who thinks if i am teaching a style. I dont test against beginners of other styles and then you tube the results.
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Senior Master
Jul 6, 2014
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I agree that his opponents didn't look that great. But the fact is, each of the videos you posted took place in a ring with an audience. The person he was fighting chose to step into the ring with him. Most rank beginners probably aren't going to step into a ring with lots of people watching and try to fight someone as big as Jai Harmon unless they think they are going to be able to hang with him. It isn't like he was beating up on his own junior students. People were sitting on the sidelines specifically to watch a match. Do you do that with beginners?

guy b.

Master Black Belt
Sep 6, 2015
Reaction score
He competes against beginners.

Look mabye i am the only one who thinks if i am teaching a style. I dont test against beginners of other styles and then you tube the results.

Ok so you are saying he is too good to be fighting these guys and that he shouldn't be doing it?

I would like to see him get good one day.

So he's not actually good? Great! Ok, got it. Should be ok for him to fight these guys then, yes?

He is pretty good for a beginner.

I'm confused now..what are you even saying?

guy b.

Master Black Belt
Sep 6, 2015
Reaction score
I agree that his opponents didn't look that great. But the fact is, each of the videos you posted took place in a ring with an audience. The person he was fighting chose to step into the ring with him. Most rank beginners probably aren't going to step into a ring with lots of people watching and try to fight someone as big as Jai Harmon unless they think they are going to be able to hang with him. It isn't like he was beating up on his own junior students. People were sitting on the sidelines specifically to watch a match. Do you do that with beginners?

As far as I can tell from the clips it was a martial arts event with open competitions in boxing, MT and grappling. He entered all to see how he would do and filmed it, seems fair enough to me. I don't think he is responsible for whether his opponents are good enough to please drop bear, or why drop bear cares so much about relatively good beginner (think I got that right) Jai Harman?

drop bear

Sr. Grandmaster
Feb 23, 2014
Reaction score
I agree that his opponents didn't look that great. But the fact is, each of the videos you posted took place in a ring with an audience. The person he was fighting chose to step into the ring with him. Most rank beginners probably aren't going to step into a ring with lots of people watching and try to fight someone as big as Jai Harmon unless they think they are going to be able to hang with him. It isn't like he was beating up on his own junior students. People were sitting on the sidelines specifically to watch a match. Do you do that with beginners?

that is how you start of your first time fighters.
Aftershock is our most famous promotion.

Jai as the teacher of his style beat the beginners of other styles.

If I went out and mmaed a whole bunch of tma white belts. Then nobody would consider that a test of my abilities. If I YouTubed them all it would be resume padding or ego stroking.

If jai wants to be a fighter then he should fight someone good. That is the point of being a fighter. Not to pick and choose your oponants so you can say you are a fighter.

I have said this before it will say it again. To test yourself you need to court loss. Fight someone good and learn to be humble.

The potentially first time fighters who stood their ground with jai exhibited those qualities. And managed to stand and bang with an expert in his field.

guy b.

Master Black Belt
Sep 6, 2015
Reaction score
Jai as the teacher of his style beat the beginners of other styles.

If I went out and mmaed a whole bunch of tma white belts. Then nobody would consider that a test of my abilities. If I YouTubed them all it would be resume padding or ego stroking.

If jai wants to be a fighter then he should fight someone good. That is the point of being a fighter. Not to pick and choose your oponants so you can say you are a fighter.

I have said this before it will say it again. To test yourself you need to court loss. Fight someone good and learn to be humble.

The potentially first time fighters who stood their ground with jai exhibited those qualities. And managed to stand and bang with an expert in his field.

If he is "a beginner" and not yet good then what is the problem with him appearing in low level bouts? Isn't this exactly what he should be doing? It would make no sense from his point of view to appear at a level that is above him. He would lose and look bad, and it wouldn't do his advertising much good. I think it is pretty obvious what he is doing, and it isn't training for serious MMA comps.

It seems as if you want to see him get beaten up or taught a lesson for some reason? He is selling wing chun FFS, I think he is probably aware that he isn't going to be the next MMA world champ.

Similarly I can't see any problem with Harman using video footage of amateur fights and sparring to promote his wing chun teaching. There is no secrecy about what the bouts are. He isn't lying about anything, beyond the obvious piss take titles of the clips which are probably intended only to wind up humourless bores like those at Bullshido

He is doing exactly the same thing as Alan Orr, only in a much more risky (and some might say much less sleazy) way, since he is actually risking his own neck and the possibility of embarrassing video footage, rather than someone else's.

It makes no sense that this bothers anyone. Lol at "if Jai wants to be a fighter". I can't believe how literally people take things.
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