It's good to be Prince.

It is? I really ought to watch the news more closely :D.

Sadly, the 'smoke and mirrors' of news-as-entertainment means that I was not aware of this until you posted :(.

It does not surprise me other than the fact that those that were involved were so blase that they assumed that even public knowledge would not matter.

In what might seem a non-sequiter, that 'media blinding through showing' is why the next manufactured war, assuming that Iran has too much sense to be taken-in, with either Korea or China as target will 'work' too.
It is? I really ought to watch the news more closely :D.

Sadly, the 'smoke and mirrors' of news-as-entertainment means that I was not aware of this until you posted :(.

It does not surprise me other than the fact that those that were involved were so blase that they assumed that even public knowledge would not matter.

In what might seem a non-sequiter, that 'media blinding through showing' is why the next manufactured war, assuming that Iran has too much sense to be taken-in, with either Korea or China as target will 'work' too.

yeah, i guess i assumed the guardian was well-read by all-- it's not a small story by any means and there's a particular nasty connection between Bush's Buddy's wife directly sending money to two of the 9/11 terrorists.

this is the type of story that would bring down the mighty by a rightfully outraged citizenry -- but most likely will go down as biz as usual.

but check out kos's go at it.