It's a sad thing



I want to start this by saying that i have been in kenpo since 1965 and i have been a father for 25 years.
I have been though alot of things in life and there were ups and downs.
The other night 3-14-03 i was driving home from work it was about 10:15 pm,well my cell phone rings it was my wife telling me that there is a problem,you see my son keith opened up the dojo that night and taught while i was at my other job.
well after he closed the school him and his cousin(my nephew)
and his girlfriend went to a party in south philly,anyway she tells me that they are taking my nephew to the hospital because of a drug overdose i said WHAT?????
so i went to the hospital (i was the first one there) and went up to security and told them his name they took me to were he was.
so i walk into the room and he was there on the bed so i went over to talk to him, i said "MIKE WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?"
i went outside the room to talk to the doctor,i said look i'm this boys uncle whats going on? he said did you talk to him? i said yes
he said I'M SORRY HE'S DEAD i was talking to my dead nephew.
i will never forget his face as i looked at him. as for my son he's taking it HARD because he could do nothing to stop his cousin.
He is taking the blame for this,I don't know what to say to him.
but i know what to say here right now DRUGS KILL if any of the people reading this has kids or know someone who is doing drugs
talk to them PLEASE i don't have to tell you what the drug was but it went into his arm.

to my nephew, god bless you

it's a sad thing
Originally posted by lonekimono
I want to start this by saying that i have been in kenpo since 1965 and i have been a father for 25 years.
I have been though alot of things in life and there were ups and downs.
The other night 3-14-03 i was driving home from work it was about 10:15 pm,well my cell phone rings it was my wife telling me that there is a problem,you see my son keith opened up the dojo that night and taught while i was at my other job.
well after he closed the school him and his cousin(my nephew)
and his girlfriend went to a party in south philly,anyway she tells me that they are taking my nephew to the hospital because of a drug overdose i said WHAT?????
so i went to the hospital (i was the first one there) and went up to security and told them his name they took me to were he was.
so i walk into the room and he was there on the bed so i went over to talk to him, i said "MIKE WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?"
i went outside the room to talk to the doctor,i said look i'm this boys uncle whats going on? he said did you talk to him? i said yes
he said I'M SORRY HE'S DEAD i was talking to my dead nephew.
i will never forget his face as i looked at him. as for my son he's taking it HARD because he could do nothing to stop his cousin.
He is taking the blame for this,I don't know what to say to him.
but i know what to say here right now DRUGS KILL if any of the people reading this has kids or know someone who is doing drugs
talk to them PLEASE i don't have to tell you what the drug was but it went into his arm.

to my nephew, god bless you

it's a sad thing

I'm really sorry :( :asian:
My thoughts are with you and your family sir. Sorry to hear of
such a tragedy.
George. my deepest sympathy. It's the times we live in. I too am from the same era that you are from. I have seen our country change so drasticly over the past twenty years that it scares me to think were we are headed. To many young lives have been lost to the drug problem. Our War on Drugs is like all the so-called wars weve been in from Vietnam. All lip service and the job never gets finished. Give your son our best wishes and we will say a prayer for everybody. Stay strong.......
Sorry about your loss! :( My deepest condolonces.
That's a major blow to the family, and nobody can replace him. Do you know what drug(s) he OD'ed on?
i had a friend who didnt die but loss her memory, has permanent brain damage, and serious emotional problems due to extascy
I am terribly sorry to hear this. Please accept my deepest condolences.
Sir, I believe the title of this thread says it all.......

It truly is a sad thing, you and your family are in my prayers.

Also, my thoughts are with your son.

Condolences to all.

