Interview and Ideas for Self Defense

Hello, Great stuffs here...everyone can learn something here...very practical self-defense.

Thank you very much I try to get with like many schools and ask them about Self Defense and what they think about it and some teq ideas.

I want to help others and try to get good ideas from many people no matter what style.

Ty Hatfield
Thank you very much I try to get with like many schools and ask them about Self Defense and what they think about it and some teq ideas.

I want to help others and try to get good ideas from many people no matter what style.

Ty Hatfield

Hello, The best way to help help create effective laws that keeps the bad guys in prison or a free trip to the way.

Our present laws protects the guilty more than the innocents....70% of crimes comes from REPEAT OFFENDERS....FBI reports cards...

Aloha, OR...create a effective Verbal training school!
What im trying to do is make sure few things

1. that martial art dojos teach and have an ongoing self defense program
2. learn from other style and concepts on Ideas for good self defense
3. try to show everything I find on self defense to keep people safe and protected

I may not agree at times with people we talk to. I try to get a good point of view an then hope people with look it over and let me know how something is done better, and what we could work on always to improve.

I have studied Martail Arts for 28 years almost 29. I have to say in all the styles and information I have learned I have found out if you study enough concepts you find the truth in many places and styles.
these were interesting... but I did not get some of the techniques.. seemed awkward..

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