Im Fighting In San Shou

Well congratulations, getting your first fight out of the way is a big step!

Congratulations, Jay. It sounds like you went in, did your best, and walked away with some insight.

Down the road that's better than a win. Good job.

You stepped up to the plate, injuries and all, and did what you'd trained to do. I bet the next fight will see you achieve more than you might think.

Train hard til then and use the mental benefits you've gained. I look forward to hearing for the next round goes.
J I'm glad things went well for you, remember to take care of those ribs before the next fight and train hard. If you can give me a date I'll be in cleveland in March of next year maybe it is a round the same time frame I can come watch.

Terry Lee Stoker
Congrats on getting the first one out of the way. Sounds like you've learned alot just from those 2 rounds. Best of luck in healing and training.
DeLamar.J said:
Well, its over with and Im glad, the anticipation was killing me. Things didnt go very well. I have not been training for a while because I was trying to let my rib heal up, so Im warming up before the fight, and I feel it pinching, after the warm up Im already out of breath from not being able to breath properly. First round I just hang in there throwing a few punches, landed one good one and thats it, he hit me a few good ones. Half way through the 2nd round I start feeling dizzy from lack of air, and I told the ref I was done. This morning I have a black eye, but besides that and my rib Im ok.
On the positive side, I got my first fight out of the way, I know what the ring feels like on my feet, I know what its like to have a crowd watching, and much more. I will be competing again in 6 moths in cleveland. Alot of people didnt want me in the ring because I wasnt able to properly train but I am so glad I did anyway because it was a great experience, and its not like I have any permanent damage or anything. I wish I could post the vid, but my cam dont have any way of hooking into a pc. Basicly I look sluggish and out of breath from the start, and have to call it quits in the middle of the second round, thats about it.
Hi Folks!
Although most people know me for my kenpo knowledge, I am also a kung fu practitioner and instructor as well with the Wu Tang lineage and I also filmed most of the event for master yang, as well as participating in the "masters demonstration" at the beginning of the event [I did the praying mantis form "bum bu" ] & judged throughout the day. If you are interested, I might have your fight on video! Please contact me and tell me when you were fighting. Even, if the camera was not on you directly, I still had the camera placed so that the san shou was in the background and can easily be seen. Let me know what you were wearing and when you fought and i'll look through the footage!
I hope that I was of some service,

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