I used nunchuka in home defense...


Nov 14, 2013
Reaction score
I was practicing with my nunchuka in my condo, and I saw a home invader of the 8-legged variety lowering itself from my ceiling like Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible. Took a nice swipe at the critter, and it disappeared. I don't know if it lived or not, but I couldn't find it, so I'm just going to assume I hit it so hard it vaporized.
Or hiding out in your hair waiting for the opportunity to attack a softer target.
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Or getting a really little pair of chucks....
It cant be in my hair. It's shorter than most soldiers.
spiders have 8 legs so it would go and get 8 pairs of little nunchuks ;) now that's gotta hurt ;)

question :- why did you try hurting the poor defenceless little spider in the first place ????? surely that's cruelty to animals ;)
The way I see it, it's a home invader with 2 deadly weapons (poisonous fangs).
If he had 8 pairs of little nunchucks then he wouldn't have a leg to stand on.:)
Did you hear about the spider who went in for surgery to have one of its legs amputated? He woke up to find them all gone. "I'm going to sue!", the spider exclaimed. They said, "I'm sorry. You signed a waiver. I am afraid you don't have a leg to stand on."
^^^LoL^^^ :)

you don't realise that the surgery the spider had to it's legs was to replace them with nunchuks -- 8 legs to stand on and 8 swinging nunchucks to boot ;)

right royal result ;)