Hunter Dispute Turns Deadly...Argument for Gun Control?

Adept said:
I'm not real flash on my gun calibre conversions, but isn't the 7.62 the same as a 30.06? The 30.06 is a very popular calibre for deer hunting in Australia, but then I suppose a Sambar is quite a bit bigger than a Whitetail.
Deer rifles, in calibers, will vary from .22 (too small for my blood) to 30.06 and I have even heard/met hunters that work with .50 cal pistols.....YIKES!

We are limited to shotguns around here in Western NY but I know guys who hunt in the 'dacks areas and use .223 cal(5.56mm) all the way up to .308 cal(7.62 mm - the SKS is similar to that.).

These are valid deer rifle caliber rounds for open country, but a military style rifle isn't all that common for hunting. The majority of outdoors/sportsman that hunt with rifles favor either levers/bolt actions/sport autos. Just look in the Field and Stream mags or some other hunting mag for examples of the norm.
loki09789 said:
Deer rifles, in calibers, will vary from .22
Good lord, what on earth would you hunt with a .22? Even Hog Deer are too big for that!

These are valid deer rifle caliber rounds for open country, but a military style rifle isn't all that common for hunting. The majority of outdoors/sportsman that hunt with rifles favor either levers/bolt actions/sport autos. Just look in the Field and Stream mags or some other hunting mag for examples of the norm.
Yeah, I havent been out in a while but when I go I use a .270 bolt action for the deer, or a 30.30 lever action on the pigs/goats.

I dont know if the rifle in question is military style. The first article just says semi-auto, while the second article just says assault rifle, which could mean anything.
I'm not a fan of trophy hunting either...I used to hunt but because of lack of time I don't anymore. Whatever we shot we ate. The bones went to the dogs for food and the dear skins went to a tannery(given to the tannery, we never really wanted them back.) Every now and then the horns are cut off or a head is mounted but it is not for the trophy in this is for the hunt.

I sometimes wonder what this world is coming to when people can kill each other of such stupid differences. A tree stand is nothing to fret over. I don't even use one. I walk....and walk somemore...or pick a spot and sit on a fallen tree or something.

What is this world coming too?
I don't use an assult rifle by the way when I hunt. I use a 243 most of the time. More reason for an assult weapons is not taking hunting rifles away but the weapons that have proven to kill more poeple in hate crimes than other rifles.
BlueDragon1981 said:
I don't use an assult rifle by the way when I hunt. I use a 243 most of the time. More reason for an assult weapons is not taking hunting rifles away but the weapons that have proven to kill more poeple in hate crimes than other rifles.

Yea, but I don't think the second ammendment was put in so we could all be hunters and sportsmen.

Weapons at the time of the Constitution could be used for hunting, but were also for keeping the peace, if you will. (Assault weapons, whatever those are).

Banning weapons will never stop hate crimes, whatever those are.
Nalia said:
This is a small caliber rifle if I am not mistaken. It is not common to use these in Canada but I am not sure about the states. Could someone please tell me if they are? I will have to check but here in Canada they could be considered a restricted weapon depending on the size of the clip.

As for "was he there to Deer hunt?" Who knows, from what I understand they don't even know who shot at who first. Gues we will have to wait and see.

The weapon used was a Chinese made SKS. It's got a 7.62 mm barrel. The perp was using a 20 round clip. I'm not sure if this is legal or illegal now that the "assault weapon" ban expired. The old rule was that you could hunt with four rounds and one in the chamber.

I personally hunt with a 7mm mag bolt action. It's a nice peice and I don't need more then one shot. I've heard of people using SKS's before, but I can't see why someone would need something like that.
And this weapon differs from an "innocent" looking 30.06 semi-auto hunting rifle how?

The guys advantage was being up in a tree stand where he gets a better angle for a shot, its easier to get around any cover the victims could try to use, and he was probably tougher to spot if he was in camo. and in the woods. He should have been a sitting duck up in that tree, Im betting he had concealment on his side. Sometimes I cant even find my own tree stand when I was the one who put it up.

He probably could have had the same results with about any weapon.
Tgace said:
The guys advantage was being up in a tree stand where he gets a better angle for a shot, its easier to get around any cover the victims could try to use, and he was probably tougher to spot if he was in camo. and in the woods. He should have been a sitting duck up in that tree, Im betting he had concealment on his side.

Soemone ought to check the PeTA website. These guys sound like they're getting serious!
Adept said:
I'm not real flash on my gun calibre conversions, but isn't the 7.62 the same as a 30.06? The 30.06 is a very popular calibre for deer hunting in Australia, but then I suppose a Sambar is quite a bit bigger than a Whitetail.
Yes in fact a 300, 30 odd 6, and 308 all use 7.62.


Pop quiz kids.

Which is the Assult Rifle, and which is the Sporting Target Rifle?



Answer? The Rifle on the Top is an SKS "assault rilfe" And the Rifle on the Bottom is a Ruger 10/22LR Target Rifle with a muzzleite stock.

I would hardly call that SKS an "Assult Rifle"... especially since the Kalashnikov line was developed to be the Soviet assult rifle because the SKS they were replacing failed to perform up to the military standards of an Assault Rifle in Russia durring the war... Its just a Cool catch phrase for the Media to use whenever a gun is used in a shooting.

Ironically, perhaps, the first weapon chambered for the M43 cartridge
was not a selective-fire assault rifle but a self-loading carbine, the
Simonov-designed Samozaridnya Karabina Simonova Obrazets 1945g, or
Note that the SKS is DESIGNATED a SELF LOADING CARBINE, not an ASSAULT RILFE. (Source: Sources: Jane's Infantry Weapons, 1975, Small Arms of the World, 1983)

Thank you for that pictorial quiz. It will help clear up the misconceptions many people have about rifles. My husband owns a beautiful (and fun) SKS. I wish we could have made these two pictures into billboards to educate the people with your question at the top and the answer on the bottom.

- Ceicei
Tgace said:
The guys advantage was being up in a tree stand where he gets a better angle for a shot, its easier to get around any cover the victims could try to use, and he was probably tougher to spot if he was in camo. and in the woods. He should have been a sitting duck up in that tree, Im betting he had concealment on his side. Sometimes I cant even find my own tree stand when I was the one who put it up.

I was thinking the same thing. That guy should have been a sitting duck...I can imagine the confusion though. The lack of communication might have facilitated a situation where people kept coming in and getting picked off. Reports are circulating, though, that the guy was chasing after the hunters and killing them at close range. Many of the victims were hit several times. This would seem to corroborate this story. I suppose if its true, then an "assault weapon" might have made this process easier.
Thank you, Techno. That answers my questions very well.

The top picture there is what I picture as a hunting rifle, and I don't feel upset that a hunter was carrying it. I'll make a point not to over-react when I hear reports of "assault rifles" - which conjures up images like the second picture you posted. Again, thank you.
Almost any weapon the hunters had could have been as lethal as the shooters. Im betting this was due to ambush rather than any kind of "weapon superiority".
About 20 shots were fired but it was unclear if any of the hunters had fired at the suspect or who might have shot first, Dep. Zeigle said. There was just one gun among the eight people killed or wounded, he said.

Theres the real weapons discrepancy. WTF? 1 gun among 8 deer hunters?
Tgace said:
Theres the real weapons discrepancy. WTF? 1 gun among 8 deer hunters?
Maybe family members of hunters? At least here in Utah, hunters sometimes bring their families along and they (those who don't hunt) usually stay at the campsites. News articles do not usually provide the full story anyway.

- Ceicei
Ceicei said:

Thank you for that pictorial quiz. It will help clear up the misconceptions many people have about rifles. My husband owns a beautiful (and fun) SKS. I wish we could have made these two pictures into billboards to educate the people with your question at the top and the answer on the bottom.

- Ceicei

Yes...although with my 15 round banana clip, it looks alot less like a hunting rifle.

I agree...there are a lot of misconceptions regarding "assult rifles," even by me, an owner of one, who wouldn't think of using such a large caliber bullet to hunt deer; but I stand corrected...people do hunt deer with SKS's and AK-47's.