HUGE Marines

YES I DO! And very proud of it! In fact, you know when I'm the MOST proud of it??? When I'm sleeping in my nice Air Force air conditioned trailer, on my nice comfy Air Force bed, working in my nice air conditioned Air Force office, and eating at my wonderfully maintained Air Force chow halls.

It's the deployed Marine bases....I always slept in a tent and ate MREs......
Marines fight better when we're pissed off. Can you think of a better way of doing that?
Yep. The MEN'S department. :lfao:

The difference is that the Corps IS the gung-ho unit. Maybe it has something to do with the concept that every Marine is a rifleman first and a specialist in their field second.

Tez, I had the chance to work with some British Marines when stationed at Camp LeJeune many years ago. Those guys were abso-freakin-lutely crazy... they fit right in. Really enjoyed my time with them and gained a great deal of respect for our British counterparts.

It's a bad week I'm afraid we lost four Bootnecks this week in Afghanistan.

Thought you might enjoy this.
Yep. The MEN'S department. :lfao:
Ugh, old joke. Funny how many of those macho men screamed for Doc when things went south...even a little bit. Course the sailors did too, but they didn't make these derogatory claims. In the end, it comes down to the individual. I've met more than a fair share of great marines, and some not. And the same with squids. :D

HG1 said:
No. Without a doubt the marines are a well trained but they are not the only ones
No. Without a doubt the marines are a well trained but they are not the only ones.
My point was that, at least as far as US services go , the Corps is the only one that has that mentality that each and every person wearing the uniform is, first and foremost, a combat infantryman and a specialist in their field second. Other services in the US add in infantry training as a small part of overall training while the Marine Corps sees it as the base of all other training. Years ago I had a book that listed all elite forces in the world and all known terrorist groups in the world...late 1980s I think. The Corps was listed as a whole, Force Recon wasn't singled out, SRIG wasn't singled out... it was the USMC that was listed as an elite unit. Gung ho, by the was is a phrase that entered the USMC lexicon during the battle for Guadalcanal during WWII. One of the Marine commanders (Carlson of the 2nd Raider Battalion) had served time with the chinese rebels before being transferred to the Solomons and carried the phrase with him. It means something along the lines of working together.

yeah you want to see my Little Dragons class!
Under your tutelage, Irene, I can well imagine a tiny infantry battalion snapping to attention! ;)
My point was that, at least as far as US services go , the Corps is the only one that has that mentality that each and every person wearing the uniform is, first and foremost, a combat infantryman and a specialist in their field second. Other services in the US add in infantry training as a small part of overall training while the Marine Corps sees it as the base of all other training. Years ago I had a book that listed all elite forces in the world and all known terrorist groups in the world...late 1980s I think. The Corps was listed as a whole, Force Recon wasn't singled out, SRIG wasn't singled out... it was the USMC that was listed as an elite unit. Gung ho, by the was is a phrase that entered the USMC lexicon during the battle for Guadalcanal during WWII. One of the Marine commanders (Carlson of the 2nd Raider Battalion) had served time with the chinese rebels before being transferred to the Solomons and carried the phrase with him. It means something along the lines of working together.

Wasn't that the whole idea in creating the corps? Basically a big special forces unit? Or the Navy's original special forces that kind of grew into its own service.
theletch1;1090005Under your tutelage said:
Thank you lol! the funny thing is I do like them to be disciplined! Believe or not we have more fun that way and children feel safe when they know the boundaries and rules.

Thats the thing about service people though isn't it, the self discipline, the sense of humour and the slang! It's a whole different culture.

I've always suspected that the spec forces people weren't totally on the same planet as the rest of us, the enjoyment they get out of doing things that terrify the bejasus out of the rest of us along with the sheer disregard for normal rules of what is possible amazes me. Not long ago some Royal Marines in Afghan strapped themselves to the outside of an Apache helicopter to fly to the rescue of another marine, sadly he was dead before they got there but the sheer 'we can do it' attitude blows your mind.
Ugh, old joke. Funny how many of those macho men screamed for Doc when things went south...even a little bit. Course the sailors did too, but they didn't make these derogatory claims. In the end, it comes down to the individual. I've met more than a fair share of great marines, and some not. And the same with squids. :D

The Corpsmen of Marines was a special breed of sailor. The list of these men that won the Medal of Honor is long and too many of the awards were posthumous. I'll tell ya, once a corpsmen was assigned to our unit he became one of us. As for the derogatory remarks... it's a family thing. We wouldn't pick at ya'll if we didn't love ya. :) And just to show it... here's a link to a list of US Navy personnel who've been awarded the MoH.
Being in the military would be BORING if we couldn't pick on other services!
I know that we have a lot of Jarheads around here....So I thought you might be amused by this.

So I was on a TDY for the last two days to Quantico. And I have an observation. I'm about 5'7 or so...and I seriously felt like a munchkin. Are they are short Marines? Or small Marines? I think I saw one guy the whole time that was less than 6' and he was built like a refrigerator....a very large, muscular refrigerator. And I don't think that a single one of them smiled at me. Of course, I'm this short little Air Force dude greeting these massive mean looking Marines and probably looked like an idiot. I was just in shock! Its almost like they hid all the little guys to try to scare me or something. you really need to build bases in the middle of forests? It was like, 6 miles through a very dark, foggy forest to get to the cantonement area. I almost expected Marines to run out of the woods with guns.

It seems to me that Marines work VERY HARD at ensuring that everyone thinks that they are the meanest toughest dudes in the world!!!

It helps to keep them alive, at the right time. They need that attitude.
All I've got to say is, any of our Marines due for any shots? Need any sutures? :mst: I'm available, just to show the love goes both ways. ;) :D
:lfao: If ya'll are still using the damn air guns to administer shots I'll pass! I hated those guns in boot camp. The corpsman that gave me one of mine was a little nervous (new, I guess) and his hand was shaking when he hit me with it. Ripped my arm open a little. Man, did I ever get my *** chewed for bleeding on the DIs deck.

Just before I left Gitmo I punched a set of closet doors... long story... had to go to the BAS/ER to get the bones in my hand set and get a cast. The corpsman asked if I wanted a local while he set the bones. I, being the bone head, er, I mean jarhead, said no. He put the back of my hand against his chest and popped the bones back into place. I gripped the stool with my free hand, turned pale and gritted my teeth but made it through the pain. He just shook his head and said "Every damned one of you jarheads are crazier'n hell." Gotta love the Docs.
:lfao: If ya'll are still using the damn air guns to administer shots I'll pass! I hated those guns in boot camp. The corpsman that gave me one of mine was a little nervous (new, I guess) and his hand was shaking when he hit me with it.

Ripped my arm open a little. Man, did I ever get my *** chewed for bleeding on the DIs deck.
Ah, the good old days. :D

Just before I left Gitmo I punched a set of closet doors... long story... had to go to the BAS/ER to get the bones in my hand set and get a cast. The corpsman asked if I wanted a local while he set the bones. I, being the bone head, er, I mean jarhead, said no. He put the back of my hand against his chest and popped the bones back into place. I gripped the stool with my free hand, turned pale and gritted my teeth but made it through the pain. He just shook his head and said "Every damned one of you jarheads are crazier'n hell." Gotta love the Docs.

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