How to become a Tengu Demon?


Brown Belt
Nov 16, 2013
Reaction score
Rochester, MN
We've had so many threads here recently on "How To?" I thought perhaps we could get the collective wisdom of MT to discuss how to transform oneself into a Tengu Demon? (Satire implied and welcomed)

Also, who would win in a fight? An MMA artist, or a Tengu Demon?

Enquiring minds want to know.
I thought it was a genetic predespisition. And now that I think of it my ex certainly had oni /tengu demon moments.
I thought one could teach oneself using very bad videos and books?
Deprive me of caffeine after I've worked 3 straight night shifts in the ER...
It doesn't matter because tengu have never fought in MMA. BJJ will always beat a tengu.

I'm sorry :)
It was going to be said sooner or later.
Is it just me or does chuck's beard look like a Chia pet?
no no no....I believe tez meant bad as in really bad like evil... not bad as in horrible :D
I stand suitably chastised and corrected. Now where do I get some of these evil videos? I think I need to incorporate some of this **** into my training.
Wait, you mean if there isn't a youtube video of a Tengu defeating a Gracie, than it cannot happen??? I'm confoozled.
I stand suitably chastised and corrected. Now where do I get some of these evil videos? I think I need to incorporate some of this **** into my training.

Well let me think...oh yes now ai remember...first you must find the Gates of Hades and defeat Cerberus....then it is just a short walk to the first video store on the can get them there