How can I receive a .tif file "in the field"?



OK, so here is the situation...

One of my business' primary accounts dispatches calls to us via fax. I receive these faxes as a email attachment in the .tif format. (see

My question is, how can I view these files "in the field" without spending a ZILLION dollars?

Does anyone know of a PDA, or other portable device, that has "always on" email AND would be capable of handling .tif files?

How about software that could process the files (ie. strip the service location, vehicle description, etc) and send them on to an assigned RIM device or pager?

They have the RIM technology; however, they are phasing it out, and will not issue RIM pagers to us. Even if we buy our own, they won't put us on their system. Supposedly, they are going to a Nextel-based two-way paging for dispatch; but, who knows when that will happen!

Any thoughts, People?

How about you, Renegade? You had the whole bluetooth, wireless headset, etc. thing happening at thw WMAA Winter Camp in DE, sir!:asian:
Ew. I don't know of any PDA setups off the top of my head that will support .tif files. Most seem to do .jpg or some other compressed format.

Palm used to sell the i705 which was a PalmOS-based PDA that was wireless, provided you signed up with their wireless service, which was around $40/month. Not sure if they still make it or if they have a replacement for it.

Lots of cellphone carriers offer plans where you can receive data over the cell network (Sprint Vision, et al.), but viewing a fax on a cellphone screen is a good way to go blind. Sprint cells a card that uses the Sprint PCS network for data only that you can use in a laptop. With probably some basic image viewing software, it'd be pretty easy to view .tif files from a laptop. I've heard of a few people who've used that successfully. In fact, I know of a couple who lives out in the boonies that used Sprint PCS for their phone and Internet service via the PCS phones and data card for their laptops. Other cell carriers may have something similar.


Thank you for your reply, sir! :asian:

I believe that, after a long day of scouring the web, I may have found the PERFECT SOLUTION!

Check out the T-Mobile Sidekick. There's a nice flash demo of the unit on the website.

A DATA ONLY package is only $29.99 a month. This includes email with attachments (INCLUDING .TIF!), AOL Instant Messenger, AND Internet!

I have a little more information to confirm; however, I hope to go online with it shortly. I'll make sure to keep any interested parties posted.

