Holocaust denier running for office in USA on Democratic ticket!

Don Roley

Senior Master
MTS Alumni
Sep 25, 2002
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It is not all that disturbing that the democratic party refuses to denounce and supports this guy. They do have people in a wide enough range to include both ex-KKK member Robert Byrd and Jesse Jackson. They say they support free speach in their candidates and they seem to be standing by this by keeping him as a member.

But look at the poll numbers for him!:xtrmshock

but garnered 12 percent support in the June 6 primary in a poll of 400 registered voters last month.

It is one thing to endure someone in your party because you believe in free speech. It is another to say you would vote from someone like this. Twelve percent???? That is about 12 percent too much in my opinion. These guys usually run on small party tickets that no one knows or cares about. Are people voting for him just because he is a Democrat and they want to support the party?
Both parties have, at one time or another, fielded racist jerks and former, unrepentent Klansman who, while not winning, garnered a large enough percentage of the vote for a sane person to question whether that percentage of the electorate voting for them was too lazy and ignorant to look into a candidates positions before checking their box along party lines - or downright racist themselves.
Jonathan Randall said:
to question whether that percentage of the electorate voting for them was too lazy and ignorant to look into a candidates positions before checking their box along party lines

This is what scares the heck out of me. Do people spend so little time before they vote to not look into something even as obvious as someone trying to claim that the Nazis never ran exetermination camps?

I push for the idea that the goverment's role is to merely stop one person from actively harming another- not to force one to do the right thing. And I think that the right of people to do what they want among willing participants without the goverment interfering is paramount because of things like this that make me fear the collective wisdom of the mob.
There are people who believe all sorts of things - the Flat Earth Society is alive and well, for example - and there are people who believe along with them. While I find belief that that Holocaust was made up to be proof of a cognitive problem, a person cannot be judged solely based on belief, or disbelief, in a single topic. My concern would be why this person holds this belief, and, more importantly, how it would affect legislation should be elected - not the belief itself.

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