Holding my Breath

The systema guys practise breathing in an interesting way. They train with short breath and deeper breath but whether breathing in or out, there is very little holding of breath.
An interesting way to parse the concept. I like it.

An important part that they stress is that if the breathing is relaxed you can absorb much harder strikes to the torso than if you hold your breath.
Also an interesting point. Will have to try it out.
I've been dabbling with Systema with a buddy of mine. There's 0% holding of breath at all. All motion is initiated with a breath so you constantly breathe. Holding your breath creates tension & they just love that.
Do a google search for The science of breath. Great book on breathing properly.

Hey Letch,
I did a quick search on google and Amazon and came up with a couple different books, by several authors (amazon link here). The most mentioned is a book by Yogi Ramacharaka on the science of yogic breath. Is this the one you are referencing? There's apparently a link to much of the book here. Just checking, as this is an area I have some issues with as well, and I'm looking for some good resources for the mental side to support my physical practice. Thanks!

In class we've been talking about breathing shallow and constant, so that your belly is like a partially inflated balloon. You aren't breathing shallow as in sipping air, as much as quick deep breathes in constant motion. I think one of our coaches reference marine drown proof techniques. The concept is that this type of breathing is less wearing and a strike will be less damagint. A fully inflated ballon pops, and a deflated balloon remains deflated and has no room to fill up. I'm still wrapping my mind around this concept, but I thought I would offer it up to folks here for consideration.
Yes, that's the one I'm referencing. It's a very good resource for truly understanding the importance of breathing properly with a complete breath instead of shallow breaths that most of us use. It can be a bit of a dry read at times but is well worth the time.

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