guy b.

Master Black Belt
Sep 6, 2015
Reaction score
Please stop replying on threads I have started until you feel happy with me again. I have now apologised many times and I find your constant and persistent grievance in light of this to be a complete mystery. If you do not wish to talk to me as you say then please stop doing so; you are messing up many threads with the personal offence and need to respond that you are feeling.

Please take it somewhere else until you are in a better mood. Thanks,

You're kidding! Right? Each time I posted on those threads it was in response to something you asked or something you said. And you continued to ask me questions, even after I said I was done talking to you. Dude, you really are something! :rolleyes:
Ok Guy. I apologize for contributing to the negative turn things have taken here. We try to avoid that here in the MT Wing Chun forum and not be like that "other" forum. ;)

I think things have gotten a bit "disjointed" across several threads and maybe a bit confused. But I also think your theory deserves consideration. So here's what you can do.....start a new thread that gives a good explanation of your theory and why you believe it to be true. Assume no one has read any of those other threads. If you want me to comment and be part of the discussion, just ask. If you want me to stay out of it and see what others think, that's Ok as well. Hopefully everyone will attempt to keep it on-topic and with a positive tone.
You guys crack me up. Really you do. Or maybe I'm just having too good a time over the holidays? Normally, I have hardly anything to drink. Honestly! And my holidays have been going great until somebody plugged our sewer line at our Christmas party yesterday. Now we can't even flush or run a shower without unpleasant results. Hate to see that happen on this forum. Am I making any sense? If not, forget about it and belated Merry Christmas to all. :D
Ok Guy. I apologize for contributing to the negative turn things have taken here. We try to avoid that here in the MT Wing Chun forum and not be like that "other" forum. ;)

I think things have gotten a bit "disjointed" across several threads and maybe a bit confused. But I also think your theory deserves consideration. So here's what you can do.....start a new thread that gives a good explanation of your theory and why you believe it to be true. Assume no one has read any of those other threads. If you want me to comment and be part of the discussion, just ask. If you want me to stay out of it and see what others think, that's Ok as well. Hopefully everyone will attempt to keep it on-topic and with a positive tone.

Thanks for the positive note here.

I am not sure about creating yet another thread about the pole in wing chun because I think most people have already said what they wanted to say.
Thanks for the positive note here.

I am not sure about creating yet another thread about the pole in wing chun because I think most people have already said what they wanted to say.
Yeah, I think each of you has repeated all your points several times and not convinced the other. Perhaps if you were talking in person you could physically demonstrate what you are trying to communicate and get the idea across better. Otherwise, unless one of you can think of a whole new way of explaining your position, it might be time to just agree to disagree.

(I've actually enjoyed reading your various perspectives, but it's getting to the point where you're just going in circles.)
KPM, I feel you have some kind of problem with either myself of LFJ. Can you explain what the issue is please and whether there is anything I can do to defuse your obvious anger. I find the forum to be very uncomfortable when you carry these issues over days and different threads and I would like to get to the bottom of the problem and sort it out if at all possible.

I am prepared to work with you in any way that I can.


Loosen up! Don't be so damn sure you've got all the answers. When you post things as a definitive statement of truth, you just invite argument. Sure, I guess anything written should be understood to have the disclaimer "according to my opinion" or "in my experience" without being said. But when someone just essentially states "this is the way it is, regardless of what anyone else thinks"....that just kind of rubs me the wrong way. ;-) Also that "True Believer" thing doesn't sit well with me. We saw it WAY too often over on the "other" forum, not just with Phillip Bayer's students, but with William Cheung's students as well. LFJ was there. He knows what I'm talking about. Both of you were just sounding TOO much like those guys! ;-)

I got nothing personal against either of you. You can believe anything you want. I apologize for staying on you. Its not my job to be the "Wing Chun police." I should remember that! :)
As a disclaimer for future use please assume that everything I say is according to my own opinion only. Probably a good policy on any forum anyway.