Hey Kirk


2nd Black Belt
Mar 16, 2002
Reaction score
Wright City, MO
I thought, since you are on a temporary hiatus, and can not respond that I would take this opportunity to say:


Oh my! The Evil and yet Right Reverend BoB has taken over the keyboard!


Now take the rest of the weekend off and do what Bosco the Cat does:


:lol: :lol: :lol:

That must be a Kenpo Cat!!! Look his paw is on his... well... uh... er... you know... (I'd say it, but I don't wanna get kicked off too...) and he's looking at girl kitties on t.v. like a true KENPOIST! Not to mention the beer...

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Kirk is a good cat, he wouldn't be caught dead on film doing something like that!
Originally posted by WilliamTLear

Kirk is a good cat, he wouldn't be caught dead on film doing something like that!

Yes he would I can get pics for you. :D
Okay, Mr Farmer ... I now believe all those bad stories about you
that William and Rob told me! :rofl:
Originally posted by Kirk

Okay, Mr Farmer ... I now believe all those bad stories about you
that William and Rob told me! :rofl:

I will say right now that I have never met Mr. Farmer nor have i ever said anything disparaging about him. At this rate Kirk will be re-suspended by midnight.
Originally posted by Rob_Broad

I will say right now that I have never met Mr. Farmer nor have i ever said anything disparaging about him. At this rate Kirk will be re-suspended by midnight.

I only give him till 5 o'clock should we start a bettting pool?