Herman Cain: Black, Republican, RACIST?


El Oso de Dios!
Lifetime Supporting Member
Mar 5, 2005
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Where the hills have eyes.,and it's HOT!
Herman Cain has been commenting for some time that our Mexican border should be electrified, equipped with a moat with alligators, partolled by armed militia and signs saying that the consequences of attempting to cross would be fatal. Some view this as racially insensitive, or racist, pointing out (rightly) that the penalty for immigration violations would then be greater than that for rape or murder in some cases.Some will argue , as he has, that he's joking-though in some videos he doesn't appear to be joking at all.

No matter, the place where I find him to be racist is in his saying that black voters have been brainwashed to vote for liberals. I'm a "black voter"-I haven't been brainwashed-even by my parents, who pretty much did vote for liberals, back before it became a dirty word. I vote on issues and candidates, but my party affiliation is Republican, and I pretty much have voted that way (most of the time: I don't care for New Mexico's current governor, for example). HE says that the black community has been brainwashed into not being open minded-I'm not even sure what that means-brainwashed into not voting conservative, when, in fact, if one looks at some social issues, the "black community" is as conservative as it gets.

IMHO, viewing the "black community" as some sort of monolithic voting block-and expressing that viewpoint-is a major mistake in this election especially-it's tatamount to viewing those votes as a lock for Obama. The views expressed by Cain don't serve to win any votes away from that group, and only serve to sow further divisiveness into an already polarized political climate.

In Cain's case, they only prove what many here have pointed out: that blacks can be racist, and against their own race.


2nd Black Belt
Apr 29, 2011
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Cain is too country for me. I can't comment on him being racist so much. But he tends to degrade other black folk. I know where his revival rhetoric is coming from, and I know to whom and why he is doing it. As a candidate I would think that angle he is going for isn't going to get him far. Especially with the well-educated blacks who are more likely to be Rep. than Dem. The "black vote" (a term that is silly really, as voters really are divided by things like religion and money) Cain is trying to get, is an angle that is more likely going to backfire. I also feel he turns off other voters, for other reasons. One because he is black, sadly. Because he isn't speaking to all voters equally. And because he does seem to be racist against his own race, and could thereby due to his country mannerisms turn off voters. We all ready had 8 years of a country plain speaking bumpkin acting president. BTW, that is why Perry will not win too, besides he has been handed the office of Governor for several terms and really doen't know how to handle himself in a race.

Big Don

Sr. Grandmaster
Sep 2, 2007
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Sanger CA
Is actually keeping people from sneaking across our borders racist? Of course it isn't, while it would be a novel switch to decades of policy.
Is pointing out that the vast majority of black voters do, in fact, vote for democrats racist? I don't think so. Isn't the democratic party's pandering and race baiting more offensive, shouldn't it be?


El Oso de Dios!
Lifetime Supporting Member
Mar 5, 2005
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Where the hills have eyes.,and it's HOT!
Is actually keeping people from sneaking across our borders racist? Of course it isn't, while it would be a novel switch to decades of policy.

On the other hand, barbecuing transgressors and serving them up to alligators, or declaring open season on them for "heavily armed redneck yahoos," could easily be seen as racist-and a bit more than "keeping people from sneaking across our borders." :lol:

Is pointing out that the vast majority of black voters do, in fact, vote for democrats racist? I don't think so. Isn't the democratic party's pandering and race baiting more offensive, shouldn't it be?

It may not be racist, or even offensive-but it's not very smart.

Empty Hands

Senior Master
Feb 7, 2007
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Jupiter, FL
Is pointing out that the vast majority of black voters do, in fact, vote for democrats racist?

Pointing out that most blacks vote for Democrats? Not racist. Saying that they do so because they've all been brainwashed, accompanied by liberal (see what I did there?) use of slavery and plantation metaphors? Racist. See how easy that was?

Of course, there is a very good reason that blacks switched from overwhelmingly voting for Republicans to overwhelmingly voting for Democrats nearly 50 years ago. It didn't have anything to do with brainwashing or vote buying or whatever other offensive reason usually gets trotted out on this question. You refuse to admit why that is though. The only thing you can do is talk about racist Democrats from 60 or 100 years ago.

I would love to have the Black Republicans (white guys, no confusion) back from the depths of history. They were some badass, admirable dudes, and I would love to see today's Republican party return to that model.

Big Don

Sr. Grandmaster
Sep 2, 2007
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Sanger CA
I would love to have the Black Republicans (white guys, no confusion) back from the depths of history. They were some badass, admirable dudes, and I would love to see today's Republican party return to that model.
Yeah, and the way to get them is to deride every black republican that comes along onto the national scene...


Master Black Belt
Mar 10, 2009
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Sapporo, Japan
Personally I`ve just always considered these labels on big groups to be insulting and over simplified. The black voters, the women voters, the Christian voters,the Labor vote etc. As if everyone who falls into one of those groups thinks and feels exactly the same. If anyone claimed to represent me just because of the color of my skin, what`s in my pants, or where I goto church, I`d automatically assume they were an idiot.

Twin Fist

Mar 22, 2008
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Nacogdoches, Tx
i would say cain is exactly right, on both counts

the border DOES need to be closed and black HAVE been brainwashed into thinking that the dems are looking out for them, when a very strong case could be made the the opposite is true.

that the brainwashing doesnt always work is irrelevant


Mostly Harmless
Jul 9, 2008
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Covington, WA
I think Cain is awesome, and I would buy my pepperoni pizza from him. Because, pizza always comes, but only when you order it. And if you vote for Cain, he WILL deliver.

Papa Cain. We haven't had a fatherly President since Reagan. It will be so good to feel like Dad's in charge again.


2nd Black Belt
Apr 29, 2011
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Per Cain's rant on the boarder issue.

Firstly, small and medium business are largely Republican. You have a few Democrats sprinkled in who hire illegal immigrants, all of whom don't want the borders closed. Then there is all the people who can afford lawn services and maids, who hire illegal immigrants. That group, I say has a bit more Republicans than democrats who hire illegal immigrants- because the small and medium business owner need their lawn done and their house cleaned and hire illegal immigrants. Politically illegal immigrants do persuade and effect the democrat vote, i.e. their voting age kids, legal relatives, legal friends, and sympathizers. So the Democrats like the pro-immigrant Republican in Washington support things like NAFTA and GAFTA. And that is why both elected Republican officials and candidates like Perry and Cain pay lip service to doing something about closing the boarder. A boarder that hasn't been closed pr amy immigration control with any real teeth enacted, because Central and South America provides us with all we can want buffet of cheap non-organized labor. Yes, if you think Cain isn't paying lip service I have beach front land in Louisiana you can buy.

Now the issue of Cain sounding racist. That is a really complexed racial situation for sure. I simplified it earlier. One area I will get into is Cain by saying what he is saying is racially loaded and a huge trigger. He knows it. That is why he said it. And if he is resorting to these type of tactics to get the "black vote." Which targets in my view more of the lower economic black community, who are more likely democrat. He may sound like he is living in the Ghetto, but he sure isn't -to be taken as a metaphor for his speeches approach and context, i.e. as here being discussed and for his obvious lip-service to immigration and boarder control.

Cain is basically trying to manipulate the democratic "black voters" to swing their votes to Republican and using dated coded rhetoric. He is a moron. He and the other GOP candidates alike I would not vote for. Currently the GOP pool of candidates is pretty damn disappointing. Equal to that of the democrats at this time. It is a flea market of a presidential race.


Senior Master
Aug 7, 2010
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Kansas City MO
I don't really see McCain or most other Republicans as racist. I do see many as buying into the idea that poor or even middle class people are somehow lesser. I don't think it is a race issue as much as a class issue.

Twin Fist

Mar 22, 2008
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Nacogdoches, Tx
thats because most poor people are poor because they have made the decision to be poor. I think less of them too. I had NO MONEY, and i got myself into nursing school, and i will never be poor again.

ANYONE can do it.

some people just choose NOT to.

**** 'em

Twin Fist

Mar 22, 2008
Reaction score
Nacogdoches, Tx
maybe on the planet YOU live on, but here where I live, you couldnt be more wrong.

The future for many licensed vocational or practical nurses may not lie within the walls of a hospital. Instead, LVNs and LPNs may find their greatest job prospects elsewhere—in long-term care and assisted living facilities.....“Fewer and fewer hospitals will be using LVNs,” said Dorel Harms, RN, senior vice president for clinical services for the California Hospital Association.


the trend now is fewer LVN/LPN positions and MORE registered Nurse slots. The hospitals want as many RN's as they can get as thier malpractice insurance goes DOWN with higher RN numbers and it comes out cheaper in the long term
LVN slots are gradually becomming limited to dr offices, nursing homes, and clinics etc

so AGAIN< you dont have a friggin clue what you are talking about

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