Heart Attack!

get better from heart attacks because those you can't escape but u can escape a fight
Hey Terryl965. Let me know if you want to swap notes.I was recently diagnosed/ambulanced into hospital with heart trouble myself. ;)
Wwll another week gone and I'm still here doog news for and not so good to others Just Kidding. This past week i was able to workpout 75% ok I guess only lost 1lbs this week, fell of the wagon had Oreo's with a big glass of milk 3 time BAD TERRY i know:idunno:. I'll do better next week Promise.:partyon:
I think I heard on CNN, Dr. Gupta, that he said we should eat 1 cup of carrots a day. Not quite the same as Oreos but not bad with non-fat dip. Least carrots are crunchy too. Oreos, how can you stand Oreos? They are mostly lard and powdered sugar in the middle. That's to put you off of them! Veggies much better, Yoda says. Or broccoli, cauliflower and celery! :jedi1: TW
TigerWoman said:
I think I heard on CNN, Dr. Gupta, that he said we should eat 1 cup of carrots a day. Not quite the same as Oreos but not bad with non-fat dip. Least carrots are crunchy too. Oreos, how can you stand Oreos? They are mostly lard and powdered sugar in the middle. That's to put you off of them! Veggies much better, Yoda says. Or broccoli, cauliflower and celery! :jedi1: TW
*in best Homer Simpson voice* Mmmmm, lard & sugar.

Oreo = Vitamin O? Combine with Vitamin C (corona).

Gee, I wonder why my own arteries are occluding?
