Happy Birthday

Thank you guys !

I had fun, and now I am off to watch the game :D
Better late than never:

Happy Birthday Rich.

Hope to see you sometimes again.


DoxN4cer said:
A belated Happy Birthday, Rich.

I knew there was something I liked about you... you're a Virgo... me too.

Tim Kashino


Even I get lucky every now and again, aka being a Virgo ;)

Thank you everyone
Dan Anderson said:

HB!!! How many years? Are you old buzzard status yet?


heh heh...I got him a cake and we all sang happy B-day...right before the Lions won there first away game against the bears in over 3 years! Whooo-hooo! :partyon:

It was hard to fit 46 candles in that cake.... :ultracool
Tulisan said:
heh heh...I got him a cake and we all sang happy B-day...right before the Lions won there first away game against the bears in over 3 years! Whooo-hooo! :partyon:

It was hard to fit 46 candles in that cake.... :ultracool
Whoa, 46 candles!!! Instant magic tan for the woman in the cake!!!! :partyon:
Palusut said:
Whoa, 46 candles!!! Instant magic tan for the woman in the cake!!!! :partyon:

Whoa, hold up, there was no one in the Cake :(

Besides, I am only 38, and before anyone says anythign about being old not being able to see anyone in a cake ;), my eyesight is 20/15 with no glasses required. :)

Thank you everyone
Marvin said:
Wow!! Have we know each other that long?
I'll take you out for a bithday beverage now that I am healed up.

Yes it has been two decades ;), and Birthday Beverages are always welcome :asian:
happy b-day rich and best wishes
from dougie and jay(your great white north bros).
when you in these parts again? :partyon:
jaybacca72 said:
happy b-day rich and best wishes
from dougie and jay(your great white north bros).
when you in these parts again? :partyon:

As I just changed programs at work, I no longer have a part going into CAMI.

So it would have to be 110% pleasure vist ;)

We might be able to negotiate something. Canadian Beer is good ;)
happy birthday Rich I know I missed it but I hope you had a great day

I just cant believe you missed the Girl in the Cake

later MIke

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