Halloween costumes?


Master Black Belt
Jun 30, 2003
Reaction score
Northern California
I haven't seen this posted anywhere- so I apologize if it is a repeat.

Are any of you dressing up for Halloween this year? If so.......what are you or your children going as? What was your favorite costume you wore in the past?

I am not dressing up this year- taking my son around though and he will be a giraffe!! My favorite costume was the time I got to borrow all my husband's hockey stuff and dress as a hockey player- black eye and all!!

Happy Halloween everyone- be safe out there!

:asian: :karate:
I do not dress up.
Although I had a princess, spider man, and a pumpkin I walked around with. :)
I just dress normal and tell people I'm a serial killer, and that "they look just like everyone else." Then to really freak them out, I start talking to myself.
My favorite costume comes when I was little. Picure a 60's 70's era space mans. I mean my Mom had to spend hrs on sewing the gold lam'e offits together. Cutting milk carton to serve as helmets(of course than spray painted gold) Complete with dixie cups over each ear painter gold with pipe cleaners as antennae. Your Torso was covered in gold painted boxes and of course gadets glued on strategic points.

When I look at the photo I wonder how many hrs did she spend on these two costumes? How long did we wear them, how long will i remember them?
I'm going as an "Undecided Voter" - I clipped a cute ad with pictures of both Bush & Kerry & pinned it to my t-shirt, as well as taped a picture of the donkey (Democrats) on my left arm, & a picture of an elephant (Rep.) on my right arm; I thought it was very appropriate... ;)
I have decided that for halloween this year, I'm gonna change my avatar to "domo-kun". That's probably as close as I will get to dressing up this year.
Yes- Feisty- please describe the costume for us!!

And Baytor.........who on earth is "domo-kun"? Is he/she/it from a cartoon or something? Reminds me of a sock monkey gone bad!!

:asian: :karate:

I'll be wearing a slip, of course, with Freudian sayings written or pinned on it. I have to get some cigars to pass out to other people, too.

If anyone has Freudian sayings - or a good Freudian slip - that I can write on my costume, please post it!
Feisty Mouse said:

I'll be wearing a slip, of course, with Freudian sayings written or pinned on it. I have to get some cigars to pass out to other people, too.

If anyone has Freudian sayings - or a good Freudian slip - that I can write on my costume, please post it!
Cute costume, Feisty! Very original. :ultracool
Flatlander said:
Hey, great idea! Hallowe'en avatars.
I have mine Dan and it's skeery don't ya think? :uhohh: That's Mr. Green grappling :supcool: LOL
Flatlander said:
Hey, great idea! Hallowe'en avatars.

I've already got mine, as you may have noticed. :D

For my girlfriend's sorority's costume party tonight, I'm just going to wear a bathrobe and slippers. When people ask me about my costume, I'm going to pull a Mel Brooks and ask, "what costume?"

Don't know what I'm doing for a Halloween proper yet. If I wear a costume, it'll probably just be a noose around my neck (with the knot glued for safety) so I can tell people I'm "well-hung."
Feisty Mouse said:

I'll be wearing a slip, of course, with Freudian sayings written or pinned on it. I have to get some cigars to pass out to other people, too.

If anyone has Freudian sayings - or a good Freudian slip - that I can write on my costume, please post it!
Feisty here's a couple from the net....
What's the definition of a 'Freudian Slip'? It's when you do one thing, but mean to do your mother.

A woman walks into her psychiatrist's office and says, "Hey doc, you know how we have been talking about Freudian slips? Well, I had the most amazing one last night. I was eating dinner with my mother, and I meant to say, `please pass the salt,' but instead I said, `You &*$#ing b****, you ruined my life.'"

"These kick-tails have got a **** like a mule".

"I now declare you Man and Beast."
A woman walks into her psychiatrist's office and says, "Hey doc, you know how we have been talking about Freudian slips? Well, I had the most amazing one last night. I was eating dinner with my mother, and I meant to say, `please pass the salt,' but instead I said, `You &*$#ing b****, you ruined my life.'"
:rofl: :rofl:
Ill prolly do the same thing I did a couple years ago for Halloween:

The Terminator:


Since I have all the stuff, and did no planning this year.
Technopunk said:
Ill prolly do the same thing I did a couple years ago for Halloween:

The Terminator:


Since I have all the stuff, and did no planning this year.
Come with me if you want to live!

...is that really something you'd say? LOL