For those


MTS Alumni
Mar 17, 2002
Reaction score
N.C. Ohio
whom I was going to chat with on MSN last night I had some technical problems with my computer.
My question is. After I installed my web cam thursday evening it was I think running fine. Friday I turned on the computer and my internet explorer won't work. It says there's some type of error and will be shut down. While installing the cam it asked to insert the "cab" disk. I have to cab disk and skipped that set up step. Still working fine on thursday mind you. Now after being on with HP support in india :idunno: for 2.5 hrs. we accomplished nothing. I uninstalled the cam and the computer still won't run off of the I.E. What am I supposed to do now?
Meanwhile I pulled out the "old" computer which is running on 233mhz with a whopping 32bit of ram. Hoooah!!!!! Piece of ****. Please any help would be appreciated.
A question to your question...did you restart your computer after installing the webcam? and it worked fine afterwards?

or did you shut it down at night and in the morning it wouldn't work?

also...what did the error say?
bignick said:
A question to your question...did you restart your computer after installing the webcam? and it worked fine afterwards?

or did you shut it down at night and in the morning it wouldn't work?

also...what did the error say?
1. after I installed it I adjusted the settings and then shut it down for the night. I would have thought when turning it on the very next day it would have been fine but apparently I was wrong.

2. The error said that there was an invalid page fault on the intenet explorer. When I hit the details button there were a bunch of 6 - 8 numerical codes in the drop down box. Way too many for me to remember.

I was thinking about just taking it to one of the local repair places but that'll sure to cost me 60 - 100 bucks. :rolleyes:
Thanks for the help.
My guess is that when you installed the webcam in changed some setting in internet explorer and it wants those files from the's one of those "settings won't take effect until you restart your computer" runs fine and then when you restart your computer it screws up...

finding the disc it wanted and re-install everything would be my bet
I'm assuming your system has windows XP on it. If it does not this should still work back to 98.

Take your reinstall disk or get an XP operating system disk somehow. When it does it's autorun thing it will come up and ask what you want to do. Choose add a component. In the list there should be Internet Explorer. It should copy over your existing IE.

Some problems arise sometimes with this technique. Sometimes you have to disable your restore points. Then do it. Sometimes you have to go into ..Control Panel....Add Remove Programs....Windows Components (Tab at the top. Might not be exact name....I'm doing this from memory and can't test it here at school because these computers at school will not allow for us to get into add remove programs) Next Uncheck Internet Explorer and restart your computer. Then try the above adding component from the XP disk.

Hope my ramblings

Let me know if this works. I have done it before.

Oh yeah when installing a web cam make sure you have the correct driver for it or you may run into this problem again. Go to the site of the camera manufacturer and find the latest driver for the operating system you have, download it to its own folder and then when you go to install the camera and it asks for a driver point it in that folders direction.
oh yeah....

if all else fails and your using XP you can just do a system restore and that should take care of it
Ok, thanks for the ideas. This old computer here is for the birds.
Chronuss said:
restoring or uninstalling work yet, bro?

I tried to restore to a previous date but that didn't work. Actually I tried 6 different dates and the all come back as failed due to this .cab file :idunno: . I've uninstalled that program through the control panel and any remaining part with my norton system works. I've had enough at the moment and I'm putting around with this old pc. :rolleyes:
Give me strength on this one. :uhyeah:
233mhz and 32 bit of ram don't get you very far. :jedi1:
so is it just IE that isn't working, since I'm guessing it'll start into Windows since you can get to Control Panel?
You of course could go with an alternative browser

Such as Mozilla, Mozilla FireFox, or Opera.

Did you try it from a disk like I suggested. Don't use the norton system works with anything microsoft because it a lot of the time doesn't work. Putting it back on Manually from the disk has worked for me in the past...and I am in the field of IT and have had this problem happen before to clients.
At the current moment I haven't done anything lately. I'm getting tired of hooking these computers up back and forth. Unfortunately my pc didn't come with any discs as they must have not put any in the box when they packaged it. I didn't know they came with discs until my dad baught a brand new one. I'm currently running 98SE with that computer. I wondered if I should just reinstall a brand new updated windows version to fix the problem or find someone who had a 98SE disc. My dad has a millenium (I think) at home. Then again I didn't know if I should purchase a 2000 personal edition or a 2003 or xp or etc...... :idunno:
my point is if it's just an Internet Explorer error and that a file needs to be replaced for can look in the folder and execute the setup again so it can reinstall.
jfarnsworth said:
I wondered if I should just reinstall a brand new updated windows version to fix the problem or find someone who had a 98SE disc. My dad has a millenium (I think) at home. Then again I didn't know if I should purchase a 2000 personal edition or a 2003 or xp or etc...... :idunno:

I would. Both 98SE and Millenium are full of problems. I wouldnt use anything less than 2000 pro. (Which Ive been running successfully for years now with no problems.) With the amount of time it sounds like you've dumped into this, you could have loaded a better OS and the problem would have went away by now.
Ok guys, I've had about all I can stand of computer problems. My old back up went down for quite a while today and I would like to ask what in god's name is a
Kernel32.DLL What does it mean and why won't either of my 2 computers work when this error occurs? Exasperated and out of ideas. :asian:
the kernel is the heart of the operating system...i don't know how technical you want to get....but this website had some good info...

i think you're beyond my help...i know a lot about computers...troubleshooting just isn't one of them...sorry...
What is Kernel32.dll?

Kernel32.dll is the 32-bit dynamic link library of the operating system kernel. Kernel32.dll handles memory management, input/output operations, and interrupts. When Windows boots up, Kernel32.dll is loaded into a protected memory space.

What are the "Invalid Page Fault" Errors?

An IPF can occur when an unexpected event has occurred in Windows, for example a program improperly attempted to use random access memory (RAM) or the virtual memory area is corrupted by a program, or a program is attempting to access data that is being modified by another program that is running. More information in: Q286180: Invalid Page Fault Errors Occur in Windows

What to do if you have Kernel32.dll IPF ("Invalid Page Fault") error?

This error occurs when an application tries to access kernel32.dll's protected memory space. It may be one particular program or application, or multiple files and applications. Also, this error may be caused by faulty hardware (bad memory modules, device drivers, etc.)
bignick said:
the kernel is the heart of the operating system...i don't know how technical you want to get....but this website had some good info...

i think you're beyond my help...i know a lot about computers...troubleshooting just isn't one of them...sorry...
I don't know enough about computers personally but this is way over my head. When my old pc went down yesterday I was like "oh great now what". I had problems with the modem my i.s.p. this kernel thing and for a lack of better term ready to throw both of them out in the street. I was messing around and found the system restore on this older one and of course it had no settings to restore back to then some pop ups came to say it fixed some errors and needed a reboot. When it came back on everything was ok on this one. However my pc with all of my stuff on it is still on the inactive list.
Sarah, thank you for giving me an idea of what it is now although I'm not sure what I can actually do about it but gives an idea nonetheless.

Another question.
I was looking at reinstalling a new windows program and thought long and hard about purchasing or finding someone with the windows xp disc. Now I've had a couple of people tell me that if I install xp then it will wipe out everything that's on my computer, is that true? I've also had a couple of others along the way say they hated xp. Also, if I decide to purchase xp do I have to go out and buy the full version or can I go out and get the xp update version? I seen both in the newspaper ads this morning where the full version is 260 and the update is 90. I don't want to over spend if I don't have to. Thanks for the help. :asian: