Flaming birds? Solar power?

what we really need is to blow up the nesting gulls ;) that'll get shut of them for ya ;)

you want to get rid of the gulls then you gotta get shut of "nesting sites" and stop putting all the "s$%t" into landfill sites which just give em free foodstuffs and then put them all in one place and then fry them using solar technology -- it's green, it's eco friendly and it'll get shut of the vermin in one go ;)

just sayin ;)
Man you need a chill pill.

If the town was deserted, it would be a brisk 5 minute walk from my work to the nearest shop. If the town was full, but of people who actually watch where they are walking, it would probably be about 7 minutes walk to the shop. In reality, if the sun is out, it can take 20 minutes, and that's if you're prepared to spring sections down the centre of main roads.

If it takes 20 minutes to get to the shop, and 20 to get back, then if you're on your lunch break, that's your break pretty much gone just trying to get past the hoards of people that just sort of amble along and then suddenly stop for no apparent reason, or walking 5 abreast down the pavement with no consideration whatsoever for someone who also wants to use the same pavement but in the opposite direction or at a pace slightly faster than that of a three legged arthritic tortoise. I think given that I take no more than mild amusement from seeing the odd tourist here and there getting harrassed for their chips when I'm losing my lunch break to them, I am already quite chilled.

I also work in a big City that is Brighton and Hove. Seagulls, if we did not dump so much **** then there would be no issues.

I don't dump any ****.

Tourists only go for advertisements, you don't want them, don't advertise.

I don't advertise.

You want Common Gulls, cool!!

I already said, I like seagulls.
If the town was deserted, it would be a brisk 5 minute walk from my work to the nearest shop. If the town was full, but of people who actually watch where they are walking, it would probably be about 7 minutes walk to the shop. In reality, if the sun is out, it can take 20 minutes, and that's if you're prepared to spring sections down the centre of main roads.

If it takes 20 minutes to get to the shop, and 20 to get back, then if you're on your lunch break, that's your break pretty much gone just trying to get past the hoards of people that just sort of amble along and then suddenly stop for no apparent reason, or walking 5 abreast down the pavement with no consideration whatsoever for someone who also wants to use the same pavement but in the opposite direction or at a pace slightly faster than that of a three legged arthritic tortoise. I think given that I take no more than mild amusement from seeing the odd tourist here and there getting harrassed for their chips when I'm losing my lunch break to them, I am already quite chilled.

I don't dump any ****.

I don't advertise.

I already said, I like seagulls.

Fair enough. I suppose being next door to a ASDA is being spoiled like I am at work.
thed nearest supermarket of any variety is a 30mile round trip LoL :) so i go shoppping once a month :) other than that there's the local sweet and smokes shop and a butchers :)

i can walk down to the fishmongers and get totally fresh fish instead of the pre packaged nonsense that's on the shop shelves :)

there was a petition not long back from our community asking whether the butcher could stock seagull as part of his bird meats - still haven't heard the outcome but it'll be a really bad day for gulls if we get our way ;)

i mean what more do you want ?????
thed nearest supermarket of any variety is a 30mile round trip LoL :) so i go shoppping once a month :) other than that there's the local sweet and smokes shop and a butchers :)

i can walk down to the fishmongers and get totally fresh fish instead of the pre packaged nonsense that's on the shop shelves :)

there was a petition not long back from our community asking whether the butcher could stock seagull as part of his bird meats - still haven't heard the outcome but it'll be a really bad day for gulls if we get our way ;)

i mean what more do you want ?????

As long as they taste like Chicken lol
there was a petition not long back from our community asking whether the butcher could stock seagull as part of his bird meats - still haven't heard the outcome but it'll be a really bad day for gulls if we get our way ;)

I hope you do get your way. It always amazes me that on one hand you get people whining about the inhumane way livestock is reared for slaughter, and then all the environmental implications of commercial meat production in terms of land use for animal feed etc, and people banging on about imminent food shortages etc. Then on the other hand we have people whining about species of wild birds an animals that have become a problem due to their numbers.

The phrase "2 birds with one stone" springs mind (pun sort of half intended). Control the pest species, relieve the strain on food production/environment/conscience.

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