finding your weak spots.


Black Belt
Dec 1, 2005
Reaction score
Northern Ireland
I read and article when i was in florida. It was some guy who was a 5th dan black belt in ninjutsu. He said in order to be a good martial artist you must find your weak spots and train them!

Is this true? And of it is, how do you find your weak spots?

Thanks for you replies,

Depends on what you mean. To a certain extent yes, but your strengths are just as important. Most top level guys have a few things that work for them, and those are the things they do over and over again. They will train the other stuff, and be familliar with it, but going in they have a game plan, and they stick to it.

To go with a traditional saying "Don't fear 1000 techniques practied once, fear one technique practiced 1000 times"
I always say: Go with your strengths, but work on your weaknesses. You never know when they'll come into play.
bobster_ice said:
Is this true?


And of it is, how do you find your weak spots?

One way is to work with a knowledgeable teacher who can point them out to you.

Yeah, I think that's true but I think it's also important to emphasize your strong points to minimize the impacts of your weak ones. Some of them, based on what they are, really can't be improved very much.

It is possible to figure out what your weak spots are but this is an area where a good instructor is invaluable.
true, if you don't know your weakness your actions of/or body will display the points
When your doing kata, be sure to do it at least once a week in front of a mirror, as soon as you do, you'll see every little problem first hand.
Sin said:
When your doing kata, be sure to do it at least once a week in front of a mirror, as soon as you do, you'll see every little problem first hand.

Good point! I've also used video to record myself and then watch it later. This can be done for sparring or kata. It'll give another angle to view things at, so to speak.

I tried to give you a rep point MJS for your support on my just wouldn't let me...So anyways...thanks for the support.
Everyone has a weak spot. It may take time befor they realise what and where it is but it's there. I found mine by getting hit with the same technique from the same angle over and over. Once i realised what and where it was I try not to put mslf in a posistion for this to happen. Can I correct it, only by body posistioning, it has to due with vision/ my eyes
Find your Sensei's Sensei. He is probably less likely to ignore bad habbits because he thinks your improving. Then do every technique in front of him. Hold every stance for three minutes, do every form for him, and every drill. Then explain every concept you have been taught. And finally do every form of free style you know with someone who is not a student of your sensei.
Then, if he says you're doing someting wrong, or it needs improvement. Well it needs improvment. And then drill it 10,000 times. Why? Do your kata 1,000 times and you begin to see the enemy, do your kata 10,000 times and the people around you begin to see your enemy.
Then after 5 years of hard training and doing what was wrong 10,000 times the right way, go back and do it again. and same thing, anything that is wrong do it 10,000 times.

Sweet Brighit Bless your Blade,
