Fight Club article on USA Today site

My sensei has apparently run across some of these fights. He thinks there rediculus, and so am I. Fights should be for real, life or death. They shouldn't be something for the entertainment of stupid kids.
Such things are silly, and not to mention, dangerous.

If someone wants to go at it in a full contact brawl, then there are many ways of doing so, without having to break the law, and in a much safer manner.

There's always amateur boxing, as well as various MMA competitions. There are also traditional martial arts systems that do practice full contact fighting on a regular basis. One need not stoop to the level of participating in unlawful brawls to experience this.

One of the big differences between a sanctioned event and a "Fight Club-ish" brawl, is that there are usually trained medical personnel available at the first, and that the referees can stop such a bout, if it starts getting out of hand. Rules are in place to protect the combatants, since I really doubt that people want to kill each other and have the specter of someone else's death on their consciences.
Young retarted teenagers like this is the reason MMA is getting a bad name. I remember the whole MMA is just human cockfights ******** when the UFC first hit the scene. **** like this is the reason why a lot of states ban Amateur MMA events. People always compare it to the local drunken redneck "Toughman Contest". These kids need the **** kicked out of them. Period.
CuongNhuka said:
He thinks there rediculus, and so am I.

the highlighted portion should be "so do I". which means Kreth, STOP LAUGHING
ArmorOfGod said:

I agree that this does give the arts and MMA in general, a very bad reputation. If these people are interested in MMA, they should enroll in a school, where they'll be able to compete safely, as well as learn some proper technique. The MMA ring is much safer than any outdoor ring will ever be. Fighter safety is a top priority of legal MMA fights, compared to the serious injuries that these kids could possibly get.

i agree some kids these days just are downright stupid, i work with the sheriffs department as a deputy and my biggest time that i deal with these types of fights is the county fair, during the day dumb kids will sneak behind the tracks and hold these types of fights. If they realy fight it should be real, a matter between icu or the mourge, not for some hotdang enjoyment fun.
I watched some of these "fightclub" fights on Youtube and they were pretty silly. All of them were clueless and were just flailing their arms wildly. The major problem is that they have no supervision so the winning guy doesn't know when to stop. I saw lots of punches behind the head, it happens when one of them thinks/reacts instinctively that turning away from the punches would make it hurt less. I don't know why anybody would waste their time watching this crap on a regular basis though.

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