Everyones got one

I don't think people who are saying that they don't have a favorite technique are trying to be cool or sound wise.

Some people simply don't pick or care for favorties.

For some it is a philosophy thing.

For me, I used to have favorite techniques until my sparring partners and opponents would catch on and develop effective defenses against certain techniques of mine. I have a good friend whom I used to spar with all the time and he would know exactly what technique I would throw and when I was going to throw it so his block was already there before my foot made contact. We trained together so much we could just read each other. From that point I didn't bother to pick out favortie techniques, focus on certain movements over others, or let myself get giggly over certain attacks.

That is not to say I don't tend to use certain attacks more than others. Some techinques just have a higher chance of working and I will use those more often. They are not favorites, it is just logic. It is the same thing when I work on self-defense techinques. I don't pick favorites, I pick those most likely to work and would be most useful in a conflict.
Personally I wouldn't say I have a particular favourite (although I do understand your point Sam, and some people maybe could do with lightening up a bit) but there are a number of techniques that give me the warm tinglies 'cos I get to take advantage of my strengths...
Guntings, Guntings, Guntings!!!!!Gotta admit- If I know were going to learn limb destruction I smile LOTS :supcool:
Just from a moms point of view- I really enjoy five swords. But my son is only an orange belt so my view may change as he gets further along.:)
I have to agree with those who said anything that works is a favorite technique. Not everything is going to work everytime. Some situations won't allow you to use your favorite technique.
"uhh excuse me could you instead of grabbing me around my throat grab me around the middle because I can more effectively get out of that than the other way... besides :rolleyes: it's my favorite technique"
"Aww gee sorry there umm yeah sure umm ... like this??"

If I can I'll try for what I've found to be effective for me is a fast four fisted strike to the face with the fourth hit going straight to the throat. This isn't always effective but it has worked on several occasions. But being that as it may this one :btg: usually works out if you're fast enough.
For the sheer fun of it? In TKD I love doing a nice 540 Spinning Heel Kick, Hook Kick, Backspin...whatever you want to call it. In judo I love dropping overconfident brown and black belts with a good Sasae Tsurikomi Ashi or De Ashi Barai. They see the yellow belt and assume I'm a beginner, instead of training consistently for almost the last three years. I remember one day in randori, I was going against a brown belt and we know each other and each other's skill level. For the last couple classes we'd been working on getting past the opponents arms when they try to hold you out. And this was one of those rare times when you see something and it clicks right away and works....either that or I got lucky...but I dropped him with the most beautiful harai goshi I'd ever thrown. Complete ju...perfect kuzushi...slipped right in and BAM!!! The guy was about my size and hit hard...

The worst part....not a single soul saw it...
Like the fish that got away..
Samantha said:
you guys really know how to suck the fun out of a topic.

Stop trying to be the all knowing martial arts masters of the universe -

At last somebody that understands.
All I meant with this post was what makes you smile... something that is fun to do and it doesn't matter if the technique wont take out a five year old.
I couldn't care less if you would never use it in a confrontation only that it brings a smile to your face when you perform it.
Personly even though the choke is my fav not once have I even attempted it in combat BUT that wasn't what I was asking for.
Surely I'm not the only person who trains for some semblence of enjoyment.
Samantha said:
I'll probably be dinged for this

HAHAHAHA! You're right. Now THAT was fun!
My new favorite technique..."The snipe"


btw. Never said it wasn't fun. It's ALL fun. :boing1:
My favorite technique is definitly Nikyo. I don't know--maybe I was really surprised when my sensei did it on me for the first time. I enjoy doing it and get the giggles everytime it's done on me. :idunno: :erg: :D

:partyon: Hey, this is my 100th post! :partyon:

Robyn :asian:
Congratulations on your MT black belt! :partyon:
Kenpokaratemom said:
Just from a moms point of view- I really enjoy five swords. But my son is only an orange belt so my view may change as he gets further along.:)
Welcome to MT kenpokaratemom. :wavey: Five Swords is an awesome technique! You have a good eye! Have you signed up for lessons yet? That's how many of us moms got started, by watching!

No worries Silatman I think everyone here understands where you are coming from. :) Some people just have different ways of getting that warm and fuzzy feeling about what they do in martial arts. I know there are lots of people in my school that have that one favorite technique, and we will say things like, "that's Joe's technique", or, "that's Bob's move!" Usually it's something that they like because it works off their strengths like Simoncurran mentioned!

MJ :asian:
Hey, I'm going into a tourney Saturday and I hurt my knee last weekend while training, so some of my kicking techniques are not going to be available....(I'm right legged...my right knee is hurting...right legged roundhouse kicks jar up my knee a bit)
I guess I'd have to say that I'm in the category of whatever works. Ultimately, its going to depend on the situation at the time, but it could be anything from a low kick to the knee or groin, to a palm or eye jab to the face, to an actual SD tech as some have mentioned.

I am still in the early stages of learning PSP (I am moving rather slowly unfortunately) but I love our Foot entries, something about the way they lead so easily into sweeps makes me grin.
Well first and foremost let me thank silatman for taking the time to send me infor on your system of Silat. I always enjoy learning. second let me apologize to everyone. Seems I posted a comment recieved several private post from memebers who indicated they were offended by my comment about not having a favorite technique. I realy do understand what Silatman is asking but I do stick by my post. Now Silatman let me say up front, though Ive never met you I have nothing but based on the content of your post, I have nothing but the utmost respect for you. The following is not meant to offend you. It is however meant to offend those person who have nothing better to do with their time than to send me private messages and complain to me about my beliefs.

OK, You want a favorite technique, here are 3 that those of you who sent me private mesages probably already use and if not please feel free to print this page and use it for future ref.

1) If you are attacked, Drop down to the ground on you hand and knees, please be careful to not damage your pretty pink pants and lovely pink shirts. Next begin crying and continue to do so for at least 30 mins with anyluck you willbe in a low lying area and if you cry enough you might just drown the attacker.

2) If you are attacked, Turn around very very quickly bend over and grab your ankles, You are presenting a part of your anatomy that has probably taken so much abuse that it wouldnt feel and pain from the attack anyway.

3) If you have a litle distance you can always throw objects at your opponet, Now ture m not sure how well pink cotton balls will work but hey its worth the effort.

Anymore private post? If you have something to ask or say please just stand up in the room and saywhat you have to say, Dont be scared. some of the post were quite venomious and not necessary at all, kinda like my post. dont be such candy butts, I respect your views and post andhoneslty cant figure out why someof you had a problme with my post and am even more troubled as to why you couldnt just post in public?

SIlat, I know two wrongs dont make a right and to you and only to you I apologize for this post, You are a good fellow. SORRY
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