Enjoy that Banana today, for it won't be there Tomorrow.

Bob Hubbard

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Aug 4, 2001
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Looks like some super fungus is aiming to wipe out banana's world wide.

Bye Bye Bananas — the Return of Panama Disease

Posted by kdawson on Monday June 02, @05:43AM
from the where-you-gonna-get-your-potassium dept. Ant sends in a disturbing report in The Scientist on an imminent threat to worldwide banana production. "The banana we eat today is not the one your grandparents ate. That one — known as the Gros Michel — was, by all accounts, bigger, tastier, and hardier than the variety we know and love, which is called the Cavendish. The unavailability of the Gros Michel is easily explained: it is virtually extinct. Introduced to our hemisphere in the late 19th century, the Gros Michel was almost immediately hit by a blight that wiped it out by 1960. The Cavendish was adopted at the last minute by the big banana companies — Chiquita and Dole — because it was resistant to that blight, a fungus known as Panama disease... [Now] Panama disease — or Fusarium wilt of banana — is back, and the Cavendish does not appear to be safe from this new strain, which appeared two decades ago in Malaysia, spread slowly at first, but is now moving at a geometrically quicker pace. There is no cure, and nearly every banana scientist says that though Panama disease has yet to hit the banana crops of Latin America, which feed our hemisphere, the question is not if this will happen, but when. Even worse, the malady has the potential to spread to dozens of other banana varieties, including African bananas, the primary source of nutrition for millions..."
When I first heard of this I thought that maybe our banana industry might be able to be protected. But not now, with the news that the new strain of the fungus appeared in Malaysia 20 years ago. We have been importing bananas during that time.

A tropical storm couldn't quite wipe out the industry, but it looks like this will. It'll just take a little longer.
That's terrible. I looked up banana exports, where bananas and plantains (which can also be affected by the Panama Disease) are the staple food export of many third world and developing countries.

One of them is India, where they are already suffering a food crisis.

Here's another link to how the disease works.

On the conspiracy theory slant, I'm reading between the lines:

Several secret societies, including the Bildeburgs, Illuminati and Lambda Lambda Lambda reintroduced the disease in order to raise overall prices and sell higher futures of one of the world's most precious substances: bananas.
Supposedly, all of our (US) banana's are sterile clones, and are produced by grafts. Found that interesting.
North American grown bananas, I would guess, have had more genetic manipulation done to them than their "wild type" counterparts in other nations. It wouldn't be too surprising, considering that we already do this with other crops.

Corn, for example, is really a hybrid of several genetic strains, some selected for robustness, some selected for disease / insect resistance, etc.

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