embarrasing moments

mook jong man

Senior Master
May 28, 2008
Reaction score
Matsudo , Japan
I remember one saturday i was teaching the childrens class there was a more senior instructor busy in the office. Anyway this tall chinese girl came in, sat down and watched. I went up and asked her if she would like to do a free trial lesson, she just laughed and said no she was okay. I found out later it was Suzanna Ho one of Sigung Tsui Seung Tins top students. She was over from Hong Kong on a visit. You would think that i would have got a clue from the typical vee shaped wing chun back you dont see many women with that. Needless to say i was the butt of jokes for a long time after. Anybody else got some stories.
Thats a bit harsh - doesn't matter what level you are, we can all train with the beginners. You shouldn't be embarrassed by that, and it was quite bad of her to laugh

A classic two years ago at SENI when Kamon had a stall, Alan Gibson walked up to take a look at us and one of our instructors handed him a flyer and asked him if he would like to join up
Our instructor didn't have a clue who he was until afterwards!
The person who took the system I study to britain had invited my class to train with him in london (quite a while ago). He likes to keep a chair in the front of the kwoon, and keep it empty all the time, a tradition I think, in case his master comes to visit unnanounced. So this is a pretty high ranking chair, not even the sifu himself sat in it...someone from my class during the visit crashed down onto it during a water break and was swiftly removed using the foot of one of the class seniors before the big guy saw. Must have been very embarrasing for him.
That's genius...

I've been present when people have asked Sifu Kevin Chan what sash he is or who is above in the federation (he is the founder of our organisation)

There was also a funny moment when we were on a holiday training camp
This weird guy came and sat next to Sifu and said 'So do you think that Bruce Lee is alive'. Sifu, without even looking at the guy just closed the book he was reading, got up and walked away...
I've got one!

I was teaching at a rec center on a heavily padded floor and that day had the students line up into basic stance. We were practicing rooting. And I went behind each student and tested the stability of their stance according to their skill level.
I pushed one of my higher ranking students low from behind and his stance totally gave way, throwing him foreward face first on the mat. As he went down his leg went upward and behind him straight into my groin!
There we were, two 6 ft. tall men balled up in a heap on the floor in pain, lol!
The students thought it was a riot!
The worst one (and its pretty grim) that I heard was a cocky BJJ guy who tried to submit a guy who was a lower belt than him in a free spar

The guy who was of a lower rank was quite good and ended up with a choke on the guy. The higher rank who was cocky wouldn't submit due to ego and ended up being choked out

What people don't realise is that the choke when applied can sometimes stop control of the bodily functions and the guy urinated and did a Number 2 all over the training matts

I don't he ever lived it down...
Sometimes when I throw a gan sau, I'll miss the incoming attack and thwack myself in the nuts. That's always humbling.
Sometimes when I throw a gan sau, I'll miss the incoming attack and thwack myself in the nuts.
Self offence!

One of the first times I chi saued with my sifu I was nervous as hell and broke wind while we were rolling.
Self offence!

One of the first times I chi saued with my sifu I was nervous as hell and broke wind while we were rolling.

Fart-sau. Very difficult to deflect! At our last seminar, it happened to me when I was working with my instructor. He just smiled and rotated so that the ventilator fan was at his back, borrowing my force...er stench and using it against me. He never even changed the rhythm of his poon saw. Now that's some skill!